Lennox THXD 090, THXD 045, THX 056, THXD 073, THX 090 Installation, Operating And Maintenance Instructions

@DNOVA THX_R410A-IOM-1506-E 1
1 General Description 2
1.1 Structure 2
1.2 Field of application 2
1.3 Cooling circuit 3
1.4 Installation warnings 4
2 Inspection / Transport / Positioning 5
2.1 Inspection on receipt 5
2.2 Lifting and Transport 5
2.3 Unpacking 5
2.4 Positioning 5
3 Installation 10 4 Evacuation and Charging Operations 10
4.1 Introduction 10
4.2 Vacuum and charging machine 10
4.3 Evacuating a circuit “contaminated” with refrigerant 11
4.4 Charging positions (single point ) 11
5 Electrical Connections 12
5.1 Generalities 12
6 Machine Functional Schemes 13 7 Starting Up 14
7.1 Preliminary checks 14
7.2 Starting up instructions (for THX/D packaged air---conditioning uni ts ) 14
8 Setting Operating Parameters 17
8.1 Generalities 17
8.2 Maximum pressure switch 17
8.3 Minimum pressure switch 17
9 Maintenance 18
9.1 Warnings 18
9.2 Generalities 18
9.3 General inspection 19
9.4 Inspecting the air filter (THX) 19
9.5 Inspecting the air filter (THXD) 20
9.6 Inspecting the damper/motor (THXD) 20
9.7 Inspecting the damper/motor (THX) 22
9.8 Fixing of cables 22
9.9 Inspection of the compressor section 23
9.10 Inspection the sight glass and the filter drier 23
9.11 Repairing the cooling circuit 24
9.12 Tightness test 24
9.13 Hard vacuum and drying of cooling circuit 24
9.14 Recharging with refrigerant R410A 25
9.15 Environmental protection 25
10 Troubleshooting 26 11 Dimensional drawing 27
@DNOVA THX_R410A-IOM-1506-E 2
THX/D “Lennox Wall-mounted T elecom units ” are a ir c onditioner s f or low- and medium -powered t eleph one exchanges. They are desi gned to be mounted on an outside wal l of the shelter.THX air conditioners are direct expansion package units with an air-cooled condenser system. They are distinguished by an innovative air circulation system which significantly enhances performance in all operating conditions.
1.1 Structure
All THX/D units have a gal vanised sheet st eel supporting base, c oated with epo xy polyester powder paint oven cured at 180°C, an d e nc losin g p ane ls made of aluminium and m agnes ium alloy 5005 (Peraluman) or, on request, painted galvanised sheet steel (RALxxxx). The unit features an exclusive design which, combined with a rational la yout of components and extrem ely compact dimensions, lends it an attrac tive appearance.
1.2 Field of application
THX/D units are to be use d within the operating limits st ated in this manual; failure to com ply with said limits will invalidate the warranties provided in the contract of sale (see Tab. 1)
Tab. 1 Operating limits
THX 290
Alimentazione elettrica
230Vac 10%
24Vdc 16% / 48Vdc 16%
400Vac 10% / 3Ph + N /
24Vdc 16% / 48Vdc 16%
Condizioni ambientali esterne min.
- 20 °C
Condizioni ambientali esterne max.
48,0 °C 46,5 °C 45,0 °C 47,0 °C 45,0 °C 46,0 °C 48,0 °C
48,0 °C 46,0 °C
Condizioni ambientali interne min. /
19 °C / 30 % U.R.
Condizioni ambientali interne max. /
35 °C / 50 % U.R.
Condizioni di immagazzinamento
-10 °C / 90 % U.R.
+55 °C / 90 % U.R.
@DNOVA THX_R410A-IOM-1506-E 3
1.3 Cooling circuit
The entire cooling circ uit is built in the Lennox factory using on ly components of the f inest quality brands and processes conforming to the specifications of Directive 97/23 for brazing and tes tin g.
Compressors: onl y scroll-t ype com pres sors of lead ing internati onal m anuf actur ers are used in th e THX
units. Today scroll compressors represent the best solution in terms of reliability, efficiency and MTBF.
Cooling components:
o Molecular mesh activated-alumina filter dryer o Flow indicator with humidity indicator. Indications are provided directly on the sight glass. o Thermostatic valve with external equalization and integrated MOP function. o High and low pressure switches o Schrader valves for checks and/or maintenance
Electric control board: The electric contr ol boar d is c on s tr uct ed an d wired i n ac c or danc e with D irec t ives
73/23/EEC and 89/33 6/EEC and related s tandards. The boar d may be acces sed through a door af ter the main switch has been put of f. All the remote controls use 24 V s ignals powered by an insulating transformer situated on the electric control boar d. NOTE: the mechanical safety dev ices such as the high pressure switch are of the kind that trigger directly; their efficiency will not be affected by any faults occurring in the microprocessor control circuit, in compliance with 97/23 PED.
Control microprocessor: the microprocessor built into the unit allows the different operating parameters
to be controlled from a set of pushbuttons situated on the electric control board;
o Switching on/off of compressor to maintain the temperature set point T inside the shelter o Alarm management
High / low pressure  Dirty filters alarm  Air flow alarm
o Alarm signalling o Display of operating parameters o RS232, RS485 serial output management (optional) o Phase sequence error [Not displayed by the mP, but prevents the compressor from starting up]
[see microprocessor control manual for further details, also in relation to particular customer specifications]
@DNOVA THX_R410A-IOM-1506-E 4
Fig. 1 Basic cooling cir cuit
Thermostatic valve
Filter dryer
Sight glass
Low pressure switch
High pressure switch
Condensing pressure
1.4 Installation warnings
General rules
When installing or servicing the unit, you must strictly follow the rules provided in this manual, comply with the directions on the units themselves and take all such precautions as are necessary.
The fluids under pressure in t he cooling circuit and the presence of electrical components may cause hazardous situations during installation and maintenance work.
All work on the unit must be carried out by qualified personnel only, trained to do
their job in accordance with current laws and regulations
Failure to com ply with the r ules provided in this m anual or an y modificatio n made to the unit withou t prior authorisation will result in the immediate invalidation of the warranty.
Warning: Before performing any kind of work on the unit, make sure it has been disconnected from the power supply.
P 1 2 3 5
6 7 8
4 M M
@DNOVA THX_R410A-IOM-1506-E 5
2 Inspection / Transport / Positioning
2.1 Inspection on receipt
On receiving the unit, check that it is perfectly intact: the unit left the factory in perfect conditions; immediately report a ny signs of damage to the carrier and note them on the Delivery Slip bef ore signing it.Lennox or its Agent m ust be promptly notif ied of the entit y of the damage. T he Customer m ust submit a written report describing every significant sign of damage.
2.2 Lifting and Transport
While the unit is being unloaded and positioned, utmost care must be taken to avoid abrupt or violent manoeuvres. The unit must be handled carefully and gently; avoid using machine components as anchorages or holds and al wa ys keep it in an upr igh t positi on. The unit should be lifted using t he pallet i t is packed on; a transpallet or similar conveyance means should be used
Warning: In all lifting operations make sure that the unit is securely anchored in order to prevent accidental falls or overturning.
2.3 Unpacking
The packing mus t be carefully removed to a void the risk of damaging the uni t. Different pack ing materials are used: wood, cardboard, nylon etc. It is recommended to keep them separately and deliver them to suitable waste disposal or recycling facilities in order to minimise their environmental impact.
2.4 Positioning
Bear in mind the following aspects when choosing the best site for installing the unit and the relative connections:
positioning and dimensions of the coupling flanges;
location of power supply;
solidity of the supporting wall;
It is recommended to f irst p repare h oles in the w all for pas sing thr ough t he po wer c ables, for the air intak e and outlet flanges and for the screw anchors that will secure the unit on the wall.
The dimensions of the air outlet/intake flanges and t he positions of the holes for the screw anchors and power cables are shown Fig. 2:
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Fig. 2 Wall mounted unit
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@DNOVA THX_R410A-IOM-1506-E 8
3 Installation
The THX/D pac kage air-conditioning uni t is suitable for all en vironments except aggr essive ones. Do not place any obstacles near the units and make sure that the air flow is not im peded by obstacles and/or situations causing back suction (see Fig.3).
Fig. 3 Service Area
A (mm)
B (mm)
C (mm)
D (mm)
Min. 400
Min. 200
Min. 400
Min. 2000
The following steps should be carried out to ensure proper installation (see Fig. 4):
@DNOVA THX_R410A-IOM-1506-E 9
Apply a vibration-damping rubber lining between the unit and wall
Position the unit on the wall, fitting the a ir outl et and in tak e flanges correc tl y into p lace; us e M8 s cre ws
secured by suitable anchors to fasten the unit.
carefully seal the entire perimeter of the unit on t he exterior wall of the shelter a nd the air intake and outlet flanges on the inside.
In order to obtain stable indoor conditions, make sure that the shelter interior is insulated from the outside; any openings should be sealed closed
Position the air outlets (with a double row of vertical and horizontal fins) and intakes (with a single row of horizontal fins) inside the shelter and fix them in place with self-tapping screws. Refer to the installation drawings provided for the exact indications.
Fig. 4 Shelter installation
The recommended sizes for the power cables and emergency line are indicated in the at tached electrical
Unità HTW Uni t à HTWD
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