Lennox SLO183BF101/114V42, SLO183BF135/150V60, SLO183BR101/114V42, SLO183BR135/150V60 Installation Instructions Manual

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E 2012 Lennox Industries Inc.
Dallas, Texas, USA
Flue Model
This unit must be serviced annually by a licensed professional technician, or equivalent.
Improper installation, adjustment, alteration, ser­vice, or maintenance can cause injury or property damage. Refer to this manual. For assistance or additional information, consult a licensed profes­sional installer, or equivalent, or service agency.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable va­pors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other ap­pliance.
When venting this appliance, keep vent terminal free of snow, ice and debris.
As with any mechanical equipment, personal injury can result from contact with sharp sheet metal edges. Be careful when you handle this equipment.
506905−01 04/2012
Table of Contents
General 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Shipping & Packing List 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SLO183BV Unit Dimensions 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SLO183BV Start−Up & Performance Check List 2. .
SLO183BV Unit Parts Arrangement 3. . . . . . . . . . . . .
SLO183BV AFG Burner Parts Arrangement 3. . . . .
Requirements 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Combustion and Ventilation Air 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Locate & Level Unit 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nozzle Adjustments 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Indoor Coil Placement 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Venting 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Flue Connections 10. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Supply & Return Air Plenums 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oil Supply Line Sizing 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Oil Supply Line and Filter Connections 13. . . . . . . . .
Leak Check 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Electrical Wiring 13. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Blower Control (A54) 17. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Start−Up & Adjustment 19. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Service 21. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GeniSyst Primary Control 22. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Heating Sequence 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting 24. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
These instructions are intended as a general guide and do not supersede local codes in any way. Only licensed pro­fessional technicians, or equivalent, can install and service the Dave Lennox Signature
Collection SLO183BV oil fur­naces. In Canada, refer to CSA B139 for recommended installation procedures. Consult authorities who have juris­diction before installation.
Never burn garbage or paper in the heating system. Never leave papers near or around the unit.
Shipping & Packing List
1 − Assembled oil furnace
1 − Barometric draft control
1 − Oil nozzle (used with SLO183BV−114 and −150 only)
Check the components for shipping damage. If you find any damage, immediately contact the last carrier.
Litho U.S.A.
Page 2
SLO183BV Unit Dimensions − Inches (mm)
(Both Sides)
(Right Side Only)
SLO183BF101/114V42 &
(On Heat Exchanger)
5−1/4 (133)
Either Side)
Model No.
A B C D E x F (Supply) E x G (Return)
in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm in. mm
SLO183BF101/114V42 19-1/2 495 37 940 52−1/2 1334 27 686 18 x 21 457 x 533 18 x 16 457 x 406
SLO183BR101/114V42 19-1/2 495 37 940 52−1/2 1334 27 686 18 x 21 457 x 533 18 x 16 457 x 406
SLO183BF135/150V60 22-1/2 572 37 940 52−1/2 1334 27 686 21 x 21 533 x 533 21 x 16 533 x 406
SLO183BR135/150V60 22-1/2 572 37 940 52−1/2 1334 27 686 21 x 21 533 x 533 21 x 16 533 x 406
SLO183BV Start−Up & Performance Check List
Filter Clean & Secure?
Supply Voltage
Electrical Connections Tight?
Job Name
Job Location Installer Unit Model No.
Oil Pump Pressure [recommended minimum 140 psi]
Job No.
Serial No.
Draft Reading (recommended .03−.04 inches w.c.)
Flue Connections Tight?
Calibrated? Heat Anticipator Properly Set? Level?
Blower Motor Amps
Blower Motor H.P.
Piping Connections Tight?
Vent Clear?
Temperature RiseExternal Static Pressure
Net Stack Temp
Burner Model No.
Serial Number
All Valves Open?
% CO
% O
ppm CO
Stack Draft Overfire Draft
Ambient Temp
Smoke Test
Page 3
SLO183BV Unit Parts Arrangement
Figure 1
Limit Switch
ST9103A Control −− A15
BeckettR AFG Burner
(Variable Speed Motor
on Other Side)
Observation Port
Clean−Out Port
Flue Opening
Heat Exchanger
Blower Control
(Not Visible −−
Located on
blower housing)
Clean−Out Port
SLO183BV AFG Burner Parts Arrangement
(with Reset Button)
(Inside housing)
Figure 2
Page 4
Product contains fiberglass wool.
Disturbing the insulation in this product during installation, maintenance, or repair will expose you to fiberglass wool dust. Breathing this may cause lung cancer. (Fiberglass wool is known to the State of California to cause cancer.)
Fiberglass wool may also cause respiratory, skin, and eye irritation.
To reduce exposure to this substance or for further information, consult material safety data sheets available from address shown below, or contact your supervisor.
Lennox Industries Inc.
P.O. Box 799900 Dallas, TX 75379−9900
Installation of Lennox oil−fired furnaces must conform with the National Fire Protection Association Standard for the Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, NFPA No. 31, the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA No.70 (in the U.S.A.), CSA Standard CAN/CSA−B139 (in Canada), Installation Code for Oil Burning Equipment, the Canadian Electrical Code Part1, CSA 22.1 (Canada), the recommen­dations of the National Environmental Systems Contrac­tors Association and any state or provincial laws or local or­dinances. Authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted before installation. Such applicable regulations or requirements take precedence over general instructions in this manual.
Chimneys and chimney connectors must be of the type and construction outlined in section 160 of NFPA No. 31.
Air for combustion and ventilation must conform to stan­dards outlined in section 140 of NFPA No. 31 or, in Canada, CSA Standard B139. When installing SLO183B units in confined spaces such as utility rooms, two combustion air openings are required. Dimensions of combustion air openings are shown in table 1. One opening shall be below burner level and the other opening shall be no more than 6" (152 mm) from the room’s ceiling.
The combustion air opening should provide a minimum free area one-half square inch per 1,000 Btu per hour input. This combustion air should be brought into the area containing the furnace below the level of the furnace burner.
An opening to the outside for combustion air is strongly recommended, especially in new homes. Refer to table 1 or the unit plate for specific combus­tion air opening dimensions.
Table 1
Combustion Air Opening Dimensions
Model No.
Combustion Air Opening
Dimensions (2 required)
SLO183BF101/114V SLO183BR101/114V
10" X 20" (254 mm X 508 mm)
11" X 22" (279 mm X 559 mm)
This unit is approved for use on combustible flooring and for clearances to combustible material as listed on unit rating plate and in table 2. Unit service and accessibility clearances take precedence over fire protection clearances.
Table 2
Installation Clearances
All Unit Sizes
inches (mm)
top of plenum and duct 2 (51)
plenum sides 3 (76)
sides* 6 (152)
rear 24 (610)
front 4 (102)
flue pipe measured vertical**
(measured from above)
9 (229)
NOTE−Service access clearance must be maintained.
*Clearance to allow inspection of furnace and flue connector shall be provided. 24" (610 mm) at rear and on one side of furnace should be allowed for cleaning and service of the blower. **Minimum clearance shown for flue pipe may be reduced by using special protection as provided by local building codes and the National Fire Protection Association Standards and CSA 189.
NOTE − When service clearances are greater than fire protection clearances, service clearances take prece­dence.
Obtain a temperature rise within the range listed in table 8 in the Start-Up section of this manual.
When installed, furnace must be electrically grounded in accordance with local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the current National Electric Code, ANSI/NFPA No. 70, or Canadian Electric Code (CEC) if an external electrical source is utilized.
Field wiring connection with unit must meet or exceed specifications of type T wire and withstand a 63_F (17_C) temperature rise.
Notice to Home Owner
This furnace is equipped with safety devices that protect you and your property. If one or more of these devices is activated, furnace operation will stop. If your home is left unattended for an extended period of time, equipment op­eration must be checked periodically. If this is not possible, the water supply to the house should be shut off and the pipes should be drained. This will prevent problems associ­ated with a NO HEAT condition (frozen pipes, etc.)
Page 5
Combustion and Ventilation Air
Homes built with energy conservation in mind use tight construction practices. These houses are sealed so well that it becomes necessary to provide a means of bringing in air from outside for combustion. Also, exhaust fans, ap­pliance vents, chimneys and fireplaces force additional air that could be used for combustion out of the house. Unless outside air is brought into the home for combustion, nega­tive pressure (pressure outside is greater than inside pres­sure) will build to the point that a down draft can occur in the furnace vent pipe or chimney. Combustion gases enter the living space creating a potentially dangerous situation. Ne­gative pressure may also interfere with proper combustion, causing sooting within the heat exchanger.
The importance of the previous paragraph cannot be over­stated. Users may inadvertently block fresh air intakes after installation.
In the absence of local codes concerning air for combus­tion and ventilation, the following section outlines guide­lines and recommends procedures for operating oil fur­naces in a manner that ensures efficient and safe operation. Special consideration must be given to combus­tion air needs as well as requirements for exhaust vents and oil piping.
Combustion Air Requirements
Insufficient combustion air can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness or asphyxiation. It will also cause excess water in the heat exchanger resulting in rust­ing and premature heat exchanger failure. It can also cause property damage.
All oil-fired appliances require air to be used for the com­bustion process. If sufficient amounts of combustion air are not available, the furnace or other appliance will operate in an inefficient and unsafe manner. Enough air must be pro­vided to meet the needs of all fuel-burning appliances, as well as appliances such as exhaust fans which force air out of the home. When fireplaces, exhaust fans, or clothes dry­ers are used at the same time as the furnace, much more air is required to ensure proper combustion and to prevent a down-draft situation. Insufficient amounts of air also cause incomplete combustion which can result in sooting. Requirements for providing air for combustion and ventila­tion depend largely on whether the furnace is installed in an unconfined or confined space.
Unconfined Space
An unconfined space is an area such as a basement or large equipment room with a volume greater than 50 cubic feet (1.4 cubic meters) per 1,000 Btu (293 W) per hour of the combined input rating of all appliances installed in that space. This space also includes adjacent rooms which are
not separated by a door. Though an area may appear to be unconfined, it might be necessary to bring in outdoor air for combustion if the structure does not provide enough air by infiltration. If the furnace is located in a building of tight construction with weather stripping and caulking around the windows and doors, follow the procedures outlined for using air from the outside for combustion and ventilation.
Confined Space
A confined space is an area with volume less than 50 cubic feet (1.4 cubic meters) per 1,000 Btu (293 W) per hour of the combined input rating of all appliances installed in that space. This definition includes furnace closets or small equipment rooms.
When the furnace is installed so that supply ducts carry air circulated by the furnace to areas outside the space con­taining the furnace, the return air must be handled by ducts which are sealed to the furnace casing and which terminate outside the space containing the furnace. This is especially important when the furnace is mounted on a platform in a confined space such as a closet or small equipment room. Even a small leak around the base of the unit at the platform or at the return air duct connection can cause a potentially dangerous negative pressure condition. Air for combustion and ventilation can be brought into the confined space ei­ther from inside the building or from outside.
Air from an Adjacent Space
If the confined space housing the furnace adjoins space categorized as unconfined, air can be brought in by provid­ing two permanent openings between the two spaces. Each opening must have a minimum free area of 1 square inch
(6.4 square centimeters) per 1,000 Btu (293 W) per
hour of the total input rating of all fuel-fired equipment in the confined space. Each opening must be at least 100 square inches (614.5 square centimeters). One opening shall be within 12" (305 mm) of the top of the enclosure and one opening within 12" (305 mm) of the bottom (See figure 3).
Equipment In Confined Space
All Air From Inside
Chimney or
Oil Ven
(To Adjacent Room)
Figure 3
NOTE−Each opening shall have a free area of at least 1 square inch (6.4 square centimeters) per 1,000 Btu (293 W) per hour of the total input rating of all equipment in the enclosure, but not less than 100 square inches
(614.5 square centimeters).
Page 6
Air from Outside
If air from outside is brought in for combustion and ventila­tion, the confined space shall be provided with two perma­nent openings. One opening shall be within 12" (305 mm) of the top of the enclosure and one within 12" (305 mm) of the bottom. These openings must communicate directly or by ducts with the outdoors or spaces (crawl or attic) that freely communicate with the outdoors or indirectly through vertical ducts. Each opening shall have a minimum free area of 1 square inch (6.4 square centimeters) per 4,000 Btu (1172 W) per hour of total input rating of all equipment in the enclosure. (See figure 4.) When communicating with the outdoors through horizontal ducts, each opening shall have a minimum free area of 1 square inch (6.4 square centimeters) per 2,000 Btu (586 W) per total input rating of all equipment in the enclosure (See figure 5).
(For unheated
crawl space)
Equipment In Confined Space
All Air From Outside
(Inlet Air from Crawl Space and Outlet Air to
Ventilated Attic)
NOTE−The inlet and outlet air openings shall each have a free area of at least one square inch (6.4 square centimeters) per 4,000 Btu (1172 W) per hour of the total input rating of all equipment in the enclosure.
Ventilation Louvers (Each End Of Attic)
Chimney or
Oil Vent
Figure 4
When ducts are used, they shall be of the same cross−sec­tional area as the free area of the openings to which they connect. The minimum dimension of rectangular air ducts shall be no less than 3" (76 mm). In calculating free area, the blocking effect of louvers, grilles, or screens must be considered. If the design and free area of protective cover­ing is not known for calculating the size opening required, it may be assumed that wood louvers will have 20 to 25 per­cent free area and metal louvers and grilles will have 60 to 75 percent free area. Louvers and grilles must be fixed in the open position or interlocked with the equipment so that they are opened automatically during equipment operation.
Equipment In Confined Space
All Air From Outside
Outlet Air
Inlet Air
Or Oil
Figure 5
NOTE−Each air duct opening shall have a free area of at least one square inch (6.4 square centimeters) per 2,000 Btu (586 W) per hour of the total input rating of all equipment in the enclosure. If the equip­ment room is located against an outside wall and the air openings communicate directly with the outdoors, each opening shall have a free area of at least one square inch (6.4 square centimeters) per 4,000 Btu (1172 W) per hour of the total input rating of all other equip­ment in the enclosure.
Combustion air openings in the front of the furnace must be kept free of obstructions. Any obstruction will cause improper burner operation and may result in a fire hazard or injury.
The barometric draft control shall be in the same at­mospheric pressure zone as the combustion air inlet to the furnace. Deviation from this practice will cause improper burner operation and may result in a fire hazard or injury.
Locate & Level the Unit
The compact design of this furnace makes it ideal for a basement or utility room installation. Choose a central location for the furnace so that supply air ducts approxi­mately the same length. This will allow each room to re­ceive the proper amount of heat. The furnace should be placed within 10 feet of the chimney, so that the flue con­nection to the chimney will be of minimum length and have a minimum number of elbows.
1 − Set the unit in desired location keeping in mind the
clearances listed in table 2. Also keep in mind oil sup­ply connections, electrical supply, flue connections and sufficient clearance for installing and servicing unit.
Page 7
2 − Level the unit from side−to−side and from front−to−rear.
If the furnace is not level, place fireproof wedges or shims between the low side of the furnace and the floor. Make sure the weight of the furnace is distributed evenly on all four corners. Strain on sides of cabinet may occur if furnace weight is not evenly distributed. This strain can cause cracking and popping noises.
Neither the nozzle setting nor the air adjustments are facto­ry set. The furnace is fire−tested and the limit control is checked to make sure it functions properly; no factory set­tings are made. During installation, the furnace must be ad­justed to ensure proper operation. The installing dealer/ contractor must have and use proper test equipment in order to correctly adjust the oil furnace. Proper testing equipment is required to ensure correct operation of the unit. The use of test equipment is more critical than ever due to tighter tolerances needed to keep the furnace oper­ating efficiently. Among the required test equipment for an oil furnace, the proper combustion test kit should contain the following:
D Draft gauge D CO
or O2 Analyzer
D Smoke tester D Pressure gauge D High temperature thermometer D Oil vacuum gauge D Beckett T−501 or Z−2000 nozzle gauge D Knowledge of proper test equipment operation
Improper nozzle and/or air adjustment of this unit may result in sooting problems. Refer to the follow­ing section for correct adjustment procedures.
Nozzle Adjustment
Proper adjustment of the nozzle assembly is critical. Before the flue pipe and oil lines are installed, the nozzle assembly must be checked for proper depth and alignment. You must remove the entire burner assembly (not just the nozzle) from the furnace to check the nozzle depth and alignment. The smaller sized firing nozzle has been factory−installed. This should be verified by the installer. A larger nozzle has been provided in the bag assembly for use with SLO183BV114 and 150 units. Inspect the spark transformer leads also to en­sure they are still attached to the electrodes.
The burner assembly is attached to the vestibule panel by three nuts. Slots are provided in the mounting flange for re­moving the burner assembly from the vestibule. Loosen the nuts and turn the whole burner assembly clockwise (figure
6) to remove the entire burner assembly from the furnace. There is adequate wire to remove the burner without discon-
necting wires. Once removed, turn the burner around in the vest panel area.
Figure 6
SLO183BV Series Burner Removal
First, loosen three nuts which
attach burner to vest panel.
Next, rotate burner clockwise on slots then pull toward you.
To correctly check and adjust the nozzle depth and align­ment, use the Beckett T−501 or Z−2000 gauge.
To check the oil nozzle depth, insert the small end of the gauge into the end of the cone and measure from the flat of the end cone to the face of the nozzle. When nozzle depth is correct, the tip of the nozzle should just touch the end of the gauge. Refer to the illustration sheet provided with the gauge. Note that the scale side of the gauge is not used for this purpose. If necessary, loosen the escutcheon plate se­curing screw and slide the entire nozzle assembly forward or backward within the air tube (figure 7). Re−secure es­cutcheon plate screw when adjustment is completed.
To check nozzle alignment, again insert the small end of gauge into the end cone and measure the nozzle and electrode alignment against the center lines marked on the gauge (again refer to enclosed illustration sheet). If the nozzle is not centered, but found to be too far left or right, a new nozzle assembly will need to be ordered. Do not attempt to adjust by bending the 90 degree elbow in the oil line.
Take care to properly re−install burner assembly when nozzle adjustment has been completed.
Figure 7
Beckett Oil Burner Nozzle Adjustment
Burner must be removed from
furnace for this procedure.
T−501 Gauge
Escutcheon Plate
To Adjust Nozzle
1−Loosen escutcheon plate screw.
2−Slide entire nozzle/electrode assembly back and forth inside air tube until nozzle just touches gauge.
Page 8
Indoor Coil Placement
In cooling / heat pump applications, Lennox recommends that the indoor coil be installed at least 4 inches above the top of the furnace cabinet to allow proper airflow. If coil cabinet does not provide proper clearance, use field−fabricated transition.
Combustion air openings in front of the furnace must be kept free of obstructions. Any obstruction will cause improper burner operation and may result in a fire hazard.
The barometric draft control shall be in the same at­mospheric pressure zone as the combustion air inlet to the furnace. Deviation from this practice will cause improper burner operation and may result in a fire hazard.
Do not store combustible materials near the furnace or supply air ducts. The material (such as paint, mo­tor oil, gasoline, paint thinner, etc.) may ignite by spontaneous combustion creating a fire hazard.
This furnace is certified for use with type L" vent. B" vent must not be used with oil furnaces.
Prior to installation of unit, make a thorough inspection of the chimney to determine whether repairs are necessary. Make sure the chimney is properly constructed and sized accord­ing to the requirements of the National Fire Protection Asso­ciation. The smallest dimensions of the chimney should be at least equal to the diameter of the furnace vent connector.
Make sure the chimney will produce a steady draft sufficient to remove all the products of combustion from the furnace. A draft of at least .04" w.c. (9.9 Pa) is required during burner operation.
1 − Local building codes may have more stringent installa-
tion requirements and should be consulted before installation of unit.
2 − The vent connector should be as short as possible to
do the job.
3 − The vent connector should not be smaller than the out-
let diameter of the vent outlet of the furnace.
4 − Pipe should be at least 24 gauge galvanized.
5 − Single wall vent pipe should not run outside or through
any unconditioned space.
6 − Chimney should extend 3 feet (0.9 m) above highest
point where the vent passes through the roof, and 2 feet (0.6 m) higher than any portion of a building within a horizontal distance of 10 feet (3 m).
7 − The vent must not pass through a floor or ceiling.
Clearances to single wall vent pipe should be no less than 6" (152 mm); more if local codes require it.
8 − The vent may pass through a wall where provisions
have been made for a thimble as specified in the Stan­dards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. See fig­ure 8.
Wall Thimble
Figure 8
Vent Pipe
Page 9
Front Flue / Masonry Chimney
Rear Flue / Masonry Chimney
Control* (in either location)
Clean Out
Figure 9
*Barometric draft control may be installed in either vertical or horizontal section of flue pipe no less than 12" and no more than 18" from furnace flue outlet.
Barometric Draft
(in either location)
Clean Out
Masonry Chimney
9 − The vent pipe should slope upward toward the chim-
ney on horizontal run at least 1/4 inch (6 mm) to the foot (0.3 m) and should be supported by something other than the furnace, such as isolation hangers. See figure 9.
10 − Extend the vent pipe into the chimney so that it is flush
with the inside of the chimney liner. Seal the joint be­tween the pipe and the liner.
11 − The furnace shall be connected to either a factory−built
chimney or vent which complies with a recognized standard, or to a masonry or concrete chimney which has been lined with a material acceptable to the au­thority having jurisdiction.
12 − When two or more appliances vent into a common
vent, the area of the common vent should not be less than the area of the largest vent or vent connection plus 50% of the area of the additional vent or vent con­nection. Chimney must be able to sufficiently vent all appliances operating at the same time.
Front Flue / Factory−Built Chimney
Rear Flue / Factory−Built Chimney
Figure 10
Barometric Draft
(in either location)
Barometric Draft
(in either location)
*Barometric draft control may be installed in either vertical or horizontal section of flue pipe no less than 12" and no more than 18" from furnace flue outlet.
13 − The vent pipe shall not be connected to a chimney
vent serving a solid fuel appliance or any mechanical draft system.
14 − All unused chimney openings should be closed.
15 − All vent pipe run through unconditioned areas or out-
side shall be constructed of factory built chimney sec­tions. See figure 10.
16 − Where condensation of vent gas is apparent, the vent
should be repaired or replaced. Accumulation of con­densation in the vent is unacceptable.
17 − Vent connectors serving this appliance shall not be
connected into any portion of mechanical draft sys­tems operating under positive pressure.
18 − Keep the area around the vent terminal free of snow,
ice and debris.
+ 21 hidden pages