Lennox pCO1 User Manual

Manuel d’installation, mise en service et maintenance
INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E 1
1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE APPLICATION ...................................................3
1.1 Program main functions............................................................................................................... 3
1.2 LCD user interface......................................................................................................................3
1.3 LAN network connections ............................................................................................................ 3
2 REGULATION LOGIC .................................................................................................4
2.1 Temperature control.................................................................................................................... 4
2.1.1 Close control units with direct expansion coil........................................................................... 4
2.1.2 Other temperature functions.................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 Close control units with two water coils.................................................................................... 5
2.1.4 Close control units with single water coil..................................................................................6
2.2 Humidity control..........................................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Close control units with direct expansion coil...........................................................................7
2.2.2 Other humidity functions.......................................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Close control units with water coils.......................................................................................... 8
2.3 Recovery coil..............................................................................................................................8
2.3.1 Recovery without cooling devices............................................................................................9
2.3.2 Recovery with cooling devices on close contr. units with direct expan. coil...............................9
2.3.3 Recovery with cooling devices on close control units with water coils.................................... 10
2.4 Outlet limit................................................................................................................................. 11
2.5 Condenser fans......................................................................................................................... 12
2.5.1 Single or separate coils......................................................................................................... 12
2.5.2 Condensing pressure probes ................................................................................................ 12
2.5.3 Prevent function.................................................................................................................... 13
2.5.4 Speed-up function................................................................................................................. 13
2.5.5 Pressure – temperature conversion....................................................................................... 13
2.6 Temperature set point compensation......................................................................................... 13
2.7 Compressors............................................................................................................................. 14
2.7.1 Rotation................................................................................................................................ 14
2.7.2 Timing................................................................................................................................... 14
2.7.3 Compressor alarms............................................................................................................... 14
2.8 Heaters ..................................................................................................................................... 15
2.8.1 Heater alarms .......................................................................................................................15
2.9 Modulating valves ..................................................................................................................... 15
2.9.1 Three-position valves............................................................................................................15
2.9.2 0-10Volt VALVES..................................................................................................................16
2.10 Outlet fan..................................................................................................................................16
3 THE USER INTERFACE ...........................................................................................17
3.1 Keyboard description................................................................................................................. 17
3.1.1 Switch ON/OFF of the unit..................................................................................................... 17
3.1.2 Screen loop........................................................................................................................... 17
3.2 Remote user interface............................................................................................................... 18
3.2.1 Without local display.............................................................................................................18
3.2.2 With local display..................................................................................................................18
4 BOARD CONFIGURATION AND CONNECTION .....................................................19
4.1 Address configuration................................................................................................................ 19
2 INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E
4.1.1 Address configuration of the microprocessor (pCO1)..........................................................................19
4.1.2 Address configuration of the PGD ......................................................................................... 19
4.1.3 Address configuration of the E2V electronic expansion valve’s driver (EVD).......................... 19
4.2 Boards connection....................................................................................................................20
4.2.1 Stand alone unit.................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Units connected in LAN (max. 8 units)................................................................................... 20
4.2.3 LAN status............................................................................................................................ 21
4.3 Software update........................................................................................................................ 21
4.3.1 Program download from hardware key.................................................................................. 21
4.3.2 Program download from computer.........................................................................................22
4.3.3 Restore the default parameters.............................................................................................22
4.3.4 Language selection...............................................................................................................23
5 ALARMS.................................................................................................................... 23
5.1 Table of alarms ......................................................................................................................... 23
5.2 Alarm data logging .................................................................................................................... 24
5.3 Main log ....................................................................................................................................24
6 SCREENS.................................................................................................................26
6.1 List of the screens..................................................................................................................... 26
7 LIST OF PARAMETERS AND DEFAULT VALUES...................................................28
8 ARCHITECTURE OF THE CONTROL SYSTEM ......................................................34
8.1 Microprocessor layout ............................................................................................................... 34
8.2 Configuration list ....................................................................................................................... 35
8.3 Accessories...............................................................................................................................35
8.3.1 Electronic expansion valve.................................................................................................... 35
8.3.2 Accessories ..........................................................................................................................36
8.3.3 Built-in humidifier..................................................................................................................37
9 SUPERVISION..........................................................................................................37
9.1 Supervisor and bms .................................................................................................................. 37
9.2 Gsm protocol............................................................................................................................. 39
9.3 Examples of installation............................................................................................................. 40
9.4 Shared external display............................................................................................................. 40
9.5 Automatic start and stand-by units............................................................................................. 41
9.5.1 Critical situations...................................................................................................................41
9.5.2 Forcing..................................................................................................................................41
9.5.3 Fixed-hour rotation................................................................................................................ 42
9.5.4 Fixed-day rotation .................................................................................................................42
9.5.5 Rotation based on working hours.......................................................................................... 42
9.6 Master control........................................................................................................................... 42
9.7 Technical data........................................................................................................................... 43
INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E 3
This program manages “DX” direct expansion or “CW” water coil air-conditioning units and the main features of the application program are described below.
1.1 Program main functions
The program main functions are:
• control of temperature and humidity inside civil or technological environments
• management of 1 to 2 hermetic compressors
• management of 1 to 2 heaters (binary logic available)
• 0-10Volt and three-position modulating heating valves
• 0-10Volt and three-position modulating cooling valves
• built-in humidifier with immersed electrodes
• on-off or modulated condensing fans, pressure-controlled
• outlet temperature control
• alarms management, alarm data logging, devices timing, warnings
• complete management of devices timing
• connection with local and BMS supervisory networks (Carel, Modbus, LonWorks, …)
1.2 LCD user interface
The LCD user interface displays the following data:
• measurement of connected probes and calibration, if required
• unit start and stop
• alarms detection
• programming of configuration and operative parameters with access protected by password
• controlled devices working hours and time bands with access protected by password
• programming of clock and time bands with access protected by password
• language selection among the available options (English, Italian, German, French)
1.3 LAN network connections
The connection with LAN network allows the program to manage the following functions as well:
• automatic time or event rotation among up to 8 units
• control of temperature and humidity of max. 8 units, taking the probes of unit no. 1 as a reference
• use of only one LCD display fo r controlling up to 8 units
4 INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E
2.1 Temperature control
The heating and cooling devices are managed based on the temperature value measured by the ambient (or room temperature) probe. The measured temperature is compared to the set temperature (set point); the devices are enabled based on the difference between the two values. The proportional band identifies the air-conditioning unit working range and can take different values in heating and cooling mode. The dead zone identifies the devices non-action zone round the set point. The following diagrams show the action of the heating and cooling devices. The percentage values indicate the modulating valves opening range. The warm and cold valves start and end opening parameters correspond to 0% and 100% respectively (default values) and are different for the two valves; if need be, the values may be modified to delay opening start and bring complete opening forward.
2.1.1 Close control units with direct expansion coil
Temperature set HEATING COOLING
100% 0% 0% 100%
19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5 3°C 0.5°C 0.5°C 3°C Ambient
temp. (°C) Warm proportional band Dead z. Dead z. Cold proportional band
19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5 Ambient
temp. (°C) COMP.2/
HEATER 1 HEATER 2 COMP.1 C1 capacity control
19.5 21.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 25.0 26.5
Ambie nt
temp. (°C)
HEATER 3 HEATER 2 HEAT ER 1 COMP.1 C1 c.c. COMP.2 C2 c.c.
19.5 20.5 21.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 24.2 25.0 25.7 26.5 Ambient
temp. (°C)
0-10 Volt WARM WATER VALVE 100%
19.5 22.5 23.0 Ambient
temp. (°C)
Opening start point (0%) Opening end point (100%)
100% 0%
19.5 22.5 23.0 Ambient
temp. (°C) Three-position valve running time
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2.1.2 Other temperature functions
The high and low temperature alarms cause alarm screen signalling and have modifiable delay time. The dehumidification stop differential establishes the minimum temperature below which dehumidification is interrupted. Dehumidification can start again if temperature returns above the value established by the humidification start offset; differential and offset are modifiable.
ON OFF Temperature set Dehumidification stop
13.0 18.0 20.0 22.0 23.0 26.0 33.0 Ambient 3°C 3°C temp. (°C) Warm band Cold band 4°C Dehumid. start offset 5°C Dehumid. stop different.
10°C 10°C Low temperature alarm High temperature alarm
2.1.3 Close control units with two water coils
These close control units are equipped with a warm water coil and a cold water coil. In addition, heating can also be executed by heaters. The following diagram s hows the cooling devices action, whereas the heating devices action is dealt with in the paragraph describing the direct expansion units.
Temperature set
100% 0% 0% 100%
19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5 3°C 0.5°C 0.5°C 3°C Ambient
temp. (°C) Warm proportional band Dead z. Dead z. Cold proportional band
0-10 Volt WARM WATER VALVE 100%
23.0 23.5 26.5 Ambient
temp. (°C)
Opening start point (0%) Opening end point (100%)
23.0 23.5 26.5 Am bient
temp. (°C) Three-position valve running time
6 INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E
2.1.4 Close control units with single water coil
In these close control units, the coil provides for both heating and coo ling, depending on the type o f water circulating inside it. In practice, the unit works as it was equipped with two different coils. The co il o peration
depends from a Summer / Winter digital contact that “reports” whether the circulating water is warm or cold to the board; if the “type of water” circulating inside the coil complies with the ambient request, the valve is
modulated to regulate temperature. In addition, heating can also be executed by heaters or a warm coil. For any information about coil and heaters operation, refer to the previous paragraphs.
2.2 Humidity control
The humidification and dehumidification devices are managed based on the humidity value measured by the ambient (or room temperature) probe. The m easured humidity is compared to the set humidity (set point); the devices are enabled based on the difference between the two values. The proportional band identifies the ai r-conditioning unit working ra nge and can take different values in humidification and dehumidification mode. The 0.2% fixed dead zone identifies the devices non-action zone round the set point. Dehumidification enables the available cooling devices and a contact for an external dehumidifier or for reducing the outlet fan speed. Dehumidification can be executed as follows:
On-Off contact for an external dehumidifier or for reducing the outlet fan speed  compressors enabling (active capacity controls included, if any)  100% enabling of the 0-10Volt or three-position modulating cooling valve
The dehumidification On-Off free contact is always managed, whereas the cooling devices depend on unit configuration and User selection. The 0-10Volt modulating output of the dehumidification outlet fan is automatically reduced by 50% (modifiable); with On-Off fan, use the digital contact for reducing speed. The following diagrams show the humidification and dehumidification devices action. The percentage values indicate the modulating valves opening range.
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2.2.1 Close control units with direct expansion coil
Humidity set
100% 0% 100%
48.0 50.0 52.0 Ambie nt
2.0% 2.0% humidity (%) Humidification proportional band Dehumidification proportional band
ON-OFF CONTACT + Capacity control, if any
48.0 50.0 52.0 Ambie nt humidity (%)
0-10Volt MODULAT. OUTPUT 100%
COMP. 1 + COMP. 2 +
0% c.c., if any c.c., if any
48.0 50.0 51.0 52.0 Ambie nt humidity (%) 100% INTEGRATED HUMIDIFIER
48.0 49.8 50.0 Ambie nt humidity (%)
2.2.2 Other humidity functions
Humidity set
100% 100%
48.0 50.0 52.0 Ambie nt
2.0% 2.0% humidity (%) Humidification proportional band Dehumidification proportional band
100% 0-10V COLD WATER VALVE 0%
50.0 52.0 Ambient
humidity (%)
50.0 52.0
humidity (%)
The high and low humidity alarms cause alarm screen signalling and have modifiable delay time.
8 INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E
2.2.3 Close control units with water coils
In these close control units, the cold water coils provide for dehumidification. For any information about their operation, refer to the previous paragraph. The following diagrams show the dehumidification devices action. The percentage values indicate the modulating valves opening range. Please note that the dehumidification cold water coils are enabled at 100%, not in modulating mode, in case of both threeposition and 0-10Volt valves.
Humidity set
40.0 48.0 50.0 52.0 60.0 Ambient
2.0% 2.0% humidity (%) Humid. band Dehumid. band
10.0% 10.0% Low humidity alarm High humidity alarm
2.3 Recovery coil
Recovery is an optional function: an additional cold coil using water coming from an external source (i.e., evaporation tower) is enabled if the te mperature of water running inside it is quite low. This allows saving on the system management costs. The coil is enabled by On-Off contact or 0-10Volt modulating signal. The following diagram shows the recovery coil enabling conditions: environment cooling request and recovery water temperature lower than recovery set – recovery differential.
Temperature set COOLING REQUEST
23.0 23.5 26.5 Ambient
0.5°C 3°C temp.(°C) Dead z. Cold prop. band Recovery set
10.0 12.0 Recovery 2°C temp.(°C)
Recovery differential
OFF ON OFF Recovery
coil state
INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E 9
2.3.1 Recovery without cooling devices
As shown in the previous diagram, the recovery coil only is enabled, whereas the conventional cooling devices are not switched on; as it can be noted in the following diagram, the recovery coil takes up the entire cold proportional band.
Temperature set
100% 0% 0% 100%
19.5 22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5 3°C 0.5°C 0.5°C 3°C Ambient
temp. (°C) Warm proportional band Dead z. Dead z. Cold proportional band
23.0 23.5 26.5 Ambient
temp. (°C)
23.0 23.5 26.5 Ambient
temp. (°C)
2.3.2 Recovery with cooling devices on close contr. units with direct expan. coil
With recovery coil enabled, the conventional cooling devices a re s witched on only if ambient temperature increases above a certain value; adding the effects of recovery coil and devices together, temperature decreases, but before reaching the set point, the cooling devices are switched off again. In this case, the cooling devices favour Recovery but do not substitute for it. The following diagram shows how the cooling devices steps are offset compared to normal position to ensure energy saving.
10 INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E
Te mpe rature set
0% 0% 100%
22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5
0.5°C 0.5°C 3°C Ambient
Dead z. Dead z. Cold proportional band temp. (°C)
OFF 0-10Volt
23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
RECOVERY COIL ON On-Off COMPR. 1 COMPR. 2/ OFF 0-10Volt C1 can control
23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 25.6 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
On-Off C.1 C.1 C.2 C.2 OFF 0-10Volt c.c. c.c.
23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 25.1 25.6 26.1 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
2.3.3 Recovery with cooling devices on close control units with water coils
The following diagram shows how the cold coil steps are offset compared to normal position to ensure energy saving.
Tempe rature set
0% 0% 100%
22.5 23.0 23.5 26.5
0.5°C 0.5°C 3°C A mbient
Dead z. Dead z. Cold proportional band temp. (°C)
OFF 0-10Volt
23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
OFF 0-10Volt
23.0 23.5 24.6 24.9 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E 11
2.4 Outlet limit
This function prevents too cold air from circulating in the environment, thus safeguarding health of any exposed person. A temperature probe must be positioned on the air-conditioning unit outlet and parameters
“Outlet set point” and “Outlet differential” shall be set. Such parameters identify a limiting zone, as shown in
the following diagram:
10.0 15.0
5.0°C Ambient
Outlet differential temp. (°C) Temperature set
23.0 23.5 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
C1 can control
23.0 23.5 25.0 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
COMP.1 C.1 c.c. COMP.2 C.1 c.c.
23.0 23.5 24.2 25.0 25.7 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
23.0 23.5 26.5
Ambient temp. (°C)
23.0 23.5 26.5
Ambie nt temp. (°C)
As shown in the diagram, if outlet temperature ranges between outlet set point and outlet differential, the cooling devices are limited only partially; the more temperature decreases the more limitation increases. As regards dehumidification limitation, the modulation zone is by-passed since dehumidification always needs the cooling devices maximum capacity. In practice, the devices are switched off only if outlet temperature is lower than differential; the devices are then switched o n a gain if outlet temperature rea ches the outlet set point, as shown in the following diagram:
10.0 15.0
5.0°C Outlet
Outlet differential temp. (°C)
12 INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E
2.5 Condenser fans
Condensing pressure control is available on DX type units, in which fans are managed based on condensing coil pressure and compressors state. Fans are enabled by 0-10V m odulating or digital outputs. Control is based on the condensation set point and differential, as shown in the following diagram:
14.0 16.0 18.0 20.0 23.5 24.5
2.0 bar 2.0 bar 1.0 bar Condensation
Condensation differential Prevent differential HP differential pressure (bar)
Compressor state
Condensing fans state
The following diagram shows fans operation with modulating outputs:
13.0 0% 14.0 16.0
2.0 bar Condensation
Opening start point (100%) pressure (bar)
Opening end point (0%)
The maximum and minimum speeds of 0-10V outputs can be set; in case the set minimum speed is higher than 0V, the fan is operated at minimum speed 1.0 bar below the condensation set point before switching off, as indicated in the diagram above.
2.5.1 Single or separate coils
In ca s e of single coil, only one output (on-off or modulating) is enabled. In case of units with at least one condensing probe and enabled on-off outputs, two on-off outputs may be enabled in sequence, dividing the differential by two. In case of separated coils, two different outputs (on-off or modulating) are enabled, one per circuit.
2.5.2 Condensing pressure probes
Foreword: besides the values read by the probes, fans enabling always considers the compressors state. In case of single probe and separated coils, fans enabling is based on the probe value for both circuits. In case of two probes and single coil, fans enabling is based on the highest probes value. In case of two probes and separated coils, fans enabling is based on the probe value of the relevant circuit.
INNOV@-pCO1-IOM-0907-E 13
In ca se no probe is present, fans are enabled simultaneously with the compressors; in case of single coil, fans are enabled when at least o ne compressor is on; in case of separated coils, each compressor controls the fans of its own circuit.
2.5.3 Prevent function
High pressure alarm prevention with compressors stopped. Norm ally, the condensing fans turn on only if compressors are enabled, but in this case they are forced so as to decrease pressure and try to prevent the high pressure alarm, which would cause unit shutdown. Pressure increase wi th compressors stopped may be due to radiance on the coil. In case of 0-10V modulating fans, modulation is by-passed.
2.5.4 Speed-up function
To overcome inertia at high-power m odulating fans peak, they may be started at maximum speed for some seconds, then speed decreases to the required value and modulation starts.
2.5.5 Pressure – temperature conversion
Both pressure and temperature probes can be selected. In case of pressure probes, branch I/O screens display the temperature value corresponding to the pressure of each probe, based on the coolant type (to be selected in the Manufacturer branch).
2.6 Temperature set point compensation
The te mperature set point can be “compensated” automatically for comfort reasons; for example, think about
a commercial concern in which people frequently enter and go out: if internal temperature is 10°C lower than the external one, the thermal rush may annoy people and could be prejudicial to their health. The maximum difference between internal and external temperatures should not exceed 6°C in order to obtain optimum comfort. In this case, the compensation function increases the set point by 4°C, consequently increasing the ambient temperature; this function prevents the difference between internal and external temperature from exceeding 6°C. Compensation requires a temperature probe to be installed at the exterior. The function is managed based on the values of compensation set point, differential and offset parameters, as shown in the following diagram:
Compensation set
2°C Compensation
25.0 28.0
3°C Ex ternal Compensation proportional band temp. (°C)
Temperat ure
set-point (°C)
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