Lennox MPA036S4M-*P, MLA018S4M-*P, MLA030S4M-*P, MPB030S4M-*P, MPA048S4M-*P Installation Instructions Manual

2017 Lennox Industries Inc.
Dallas, Texas, USA
Table of Contents
General ...........................................................................1
Included Parts.................................................................2
Compatible Indoor Units .................................................2
Model Number Identication ...........................................2
Typical Multi-Zone System Components ........................3
Outdoor Unit Dimensions ...............................................4
Outdoor Unit Clearances ................................................4
Torque Requirements for Caps and Fasteners...............5
Outdoor Unit Installation .................................................5
Placement Considerations ..........................................5
Direct Sunlight, Rain, Snow and Ice Protection ..........5
Prevailing Winds .........................................................6
Buried Refrigerant Pipe Protection .............................7
Outdoor Unit Condensate Piping ................................7
Securing the Outdoor Unit ..........................................7
Refrigerant Piping Connections ......................................8
Indoor Unit Installation ....................................................9
Connecting Multiple Capacity Indoor Units .................9
Indoor / Outdoor Unit Match-Ups ..............................11
Leak Test and Evacuation ............................................16
Leak Test ..................................................................16
Triple Evacuation Procedure .....................................16
Wiring Connections ......................................................16
Outdoor Unit .............................................................17
Indoor Units...............................................................17
Unit Start-Up .................................................................24
Refrigerant Charge .......................................................24
This product contains a chemical known to the State of California to cause cancer, birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
507549-05 3/2017 Supersedes 10/2016
Installation and service must be performed by a li censed professional HVAC installer (or equivalent) or a service agency.
The clean Air Act of 1990 bans the intentional venting of refrigerant (CFCs, HCFCs, and HFCs) as of July, 1992. Approved methods of recovery, recycling or reclaiming must be followed. Fines and/or incarceration may be levied for non-compliance.
As with any mechanical equipment, contact with sharp sheet metal edges can result in personal injury. Take care while handling this equipment and wear gloves and protective clothing.
Refer to the Product Specications bulletin (EHB) for more
product information. These instructions are intended as a general guide and
do not supersede local or national codes in any way. Authorities having jurisdiction should be consulted before installation.
The MWMA, MWMB, M22A, M33A, M33B, MMDA, MCFA and MCFB indoor units are matched with a two to ve port
multi-zone outdoor heat pump unit to create a mini-split system that uses HFC-410A refrigerant.
Included Parts
Check the components for shipping damage. If you nd any damage, immediately contact the last carrier.
Package contains the following:
1 - Assembled Indoor Unit (The assembled indoor unit will include accessories specic to the unit, see each indoor unit’s
section within this manual for accessories included with that unit.)
1 - Assembled Outdoor Unit and the following items:
Parts Figure Qty Parts Figure Qty Parts Figure Qty
Drain connector 1
Installation and
owner’s manual
1 ea. Seal Ring 1
Line Set Adapters
MPA018S4M-*P MPB018S4M-*P MLA018S4M-*P
2 adapt. – 3/8” to 1/2”
MPA030S4M-*P MPB030S4M-*P MLA030S4M-*P
3 adapt. – 3/8” to 1/2”
MPA036S4M-*P MPB036S4M-*P MLA036S4M-*P
3 adapt. – 3/8” to 1/2” 1 adapt. – 1/2” to 3/8”
MPA048S4M-*P MPB048S4M-*P
3 adapt. – 3/8” to 1/2” 2 adapt. – 1/2” to 3/8”
Compatible Indoor Units
Indoor Unit Voltage Indoor Unit Voltage
The 24,000 Btu indoor unit is only allowed to be connected to MPA048S4M, MPB048S4M and MLA036S4M multi-zone outdoor units.
Only second generation (-2P) indoor units will work with MLA multi-zone outdoor units.
Model Number Identication
Series Type
M = Mini-Split
Unit Type
L = Low Ambient Heat Pump
P = Heat Pump
Major Design Sequence
A = 1st Generation
B = 2nd Generation
Nominal Cooling Capacity
018 = 1.5 ton
030 = 2.5 tons
036 = 3 tons
048 = 4 tons
M P A 018 S 4 M - 1 P
P = 208/230V-1 phase-60hz
Minor Design Sequence
1 = 1st Revision
Refrigerant Circuits
M = Multiple Circuits
Refrigerant Type
4 = HFC-410A
Cooling Efciency
S = Standard Efciency
Typical Multi-Zone System Components
MPA018S4M Shown
Outdoor Unit Appearance May Vary by Capacity
Utility Bundle One per indoor unit
Return Air
Supply Air
Indoor unit wiring connections
(under access plate)
IMPORTANT - The refrigerant metering device for this system is located in the outdoor unit. This makes it necessary to insulate the refrigerant lines individually to
prevent sweating.
UV-rated tape (field-provided)
Access cover for power and control wiring connections
Condensate drain line (field-provided, one per indoor unit)
Liquid line shut off valve Gas line shut off valve
Port B
Liquid line shut off valve Gas line shut off valve
Port A
Condensate drain line
(wrapped in foam insulation)
Refrigerant Line Set, Condensate Line
And Indoor / Outdoor Cable
Line set (wrapped in foam insulation)
See Outdoor Unit wiring diagram for individual system wiring.
Access cover for service valves
Liquid line shut off valve Gas line shut off valve
Port C
Liquid line shut off valve Gas line shut off valve
Port E
Liquid line shut off valve Gas line shut off valve
Port D
Up to 5 ports depending on outdoor unit model
MWMA009 Shown
Up to 5 ports depending on outdoor unit model
Indoor unit type may vary
208/230V Outdoor Unit
Terminal Block
MPA048S4M shown
Liquid and vapor line service
and shut off valves
MPORTANT - Condensate drain line must always be located at the bottom of the bundle.)
Figure 1. Typical System Shown
Outdoor Unit Dimensions
Unit of
inches 35-3/4 22 27-3/8 12-3/4 13-1/8
mm 911 559 695 324 333
inches 37-1/4 25-1/4 31-7/8 15-1/2 16
mm 946 641 810 394 406
inches 36-7/8 32-7/8 54-1/2 15-3/8 16
mm 937 835 1385 391 408
inches 36 21-1/4 27-5/8 13-1/4 13-3/4
mm 914 540 702 335 350
inches 40-3/4 26-1/2 31-7/8 15-1/8 15-7/8
mm 1035 673 810 386 403
inches 41-3/4 25 52-1/2 16-3/8 15-7/8
mm 1060 634 1333 415 404
inches 40-5/8 26-1/2 31-7/8 16-5/8 15-7/8
mm 1032 673 810 422 403
inches 41-1/8 25 52-1/2 15-3/8 15-7/8
mm 1045 635 1334 391 403
Figure 2. Outdoor Unit Dimensions - Inches (mm)
Outdoor Unit Clearances
Minimum rear clearance can be 6 inches (152 mm) when mounted on brackets
and with no obstructions on the other three sides.
Figure 3. Outdoor Unit Clearances - Inches (mm)
24 (610)
Air Outlet
Air Inlet
Torque Requirements for Caps and Fasteners
When servicing or repairing HVAC components, ensure the fasteners are appropriately tightened. “Table 1. Torque
Requirements” provides torque values for fasteners.
Only use Allen wrenches of sufcient hardness (50Rc -
Rockwell scale minimum). Fully insert the wrench into the valve stem recess.
Service valve stems are factory-torqued from 9 ft.-lbs.
(12 N*m) for small valves, to 25 ft.-lbs. (34 N*m) for large
valves) to prevent refrigerant loss during shipping and handling. Using an Allen wrench rated at less than 50Rc risks rounding or breaking off the wrench, or stripping the valve stem recess.
See the Lennox Service and Application Notes C-08-1 for further details and information.
Table 1. Torque Requirements
Service valve cap 8 ft.-lb. 11
Sheet metal screws 16 in.-lb. 2
Machine screws #10 27 in.-lb. 3
Compressor bolts 7 ft.-lb. 10
Gauge port seal cap 8 ft.-lb. 11
Recommended Torque
U.S. Newton-Meter- N
Outdoor Unit Installation
Placement Considerations
In order to avoid injury, take proper precaution when lifting heavy objects.
Consider the following when positioning the unit:
• In coastal areas or other places with salty atmosphere of sulfate gas, corrosion may shorten the life of the unit. In coastal areas, the coil should be cleaned with potable water several times per year to avoid corrosive buildup (salt)
• Some localities are adopting sound ordinances based
on the unit’s sound level registered from the adjacent
property, not from the property where the unit is in­stalled. Install the unit as far as possible from the prop­erty line
• When possible, do not install the unit directly outside a window. Glass has a very high level of sound trans­mission
• Install unit level
Building Structure
Ground Level
Figure 4. Install Unit Level
• Choose a place solid enough to bear the weight and vibration of the unit, where the operation noise will not
be amplied
• Choose a location where the hot air discharged from the unit or the operation noise will not be a nuisance to neighbors
• Avoid installing the outdoor unit near a bedroom or other places where noise may cause a problem
There must be sufcient space to carry the unit into and out of the site
There must be unobstructed air ow around the air in­let and the air outlet
The unit must not be installed in areas where a am­mable gas leak may occur
Install the outdoor unit a minimum of 3 feet (1m) away from any antenna, power cord (line), radio, telephone,
security system, or intercom. Electrical interference
and radio frequencies from any of these sources may affect operation
• Since water drains from the outdoor unit during vari­ous stages of operation, do not place anything which may be damaged by moisture under the unit
Direct Sunlight, Rain, Snow and Ice Protection
• If the outdoor unit is subjected to prolonged exposure
to direct sunlight with temperatures over 100°F (38°C)
a canopy is recommended as illustrated in “Figure 5. Outdoor Unit on Pedestal (Stand) and Protective Can-
opy” on page 6 or “Figure 10. Dog House-Style Shelter” on page 7
The construction of a canopy or shade is necessary because of an ambient limit control set to 122°F (50°C) to protect the electronics. If the outdoor unit is placed in direct sunlight it is possible that the limit may activate and shut down the unit.
• Place unit away from overhanging roof lines which would allow water or ice to drop on, or in front of, coil or into unit. Construct a canopy as illustrated in “Figure 5. Outdoor Unit on Pedestal (Stand) and Protective Can-
opy” on page 6
• The unit base should be elevated above the depth of
Protective canopy
Air Inlet
Air Outlet
Air Outlet
Air Inlet
12 in
305 mm
79 in
2007 mm
average snows as illustrated in “Figure 6. Outdoor Unit
on Brackets above Snow Line” on page 6
• In heavy snow areas, do not place the unit where drift­ing will occur as illustrated in “Figure 7. Outdoor Unit
Air Flow Obstructed by Snow” on page 6
• Carefully consider how to manage defrost water dis­posal to prevent ice from blocking walkways or creat­ing a safety hazard near the outdoor unit as illustrated
in “Figure 8. Avoid Defrost Water Ice Hazard” on page
Protective canopy
24 in
610 mm
12 in
305 mm
Air Inlet
Air Outlet
Figure 7. Outdoor Unit Air Flow Obstructed by
Side View
Front View
Pedestal (stand)
Figure 5. Outdoor Unit on Pedestal (Stand) and
Protective Canopy
Figure 6. Outdoor Unit on Brackets above Snow
Figure 8. Avoid Defrost Water Ice Hazard
Prevailing Winds
Normally wind bafes are not required for a outdoor unit.
However, in order to maximize reliability and performance, the following best practices should be followed.
If unit coil cannot be installed away from prevailing winter winds, some method of protecting the coil is recommended.
However, minimum clearances as reference in “Figure 3. Outdoor Unit Clearances - Inches (mm)” on page 4
must be observed at all times. Common application examples are:
• When prevailing winds are from the air inlet side, then
position the wind barrier a minimum of 12 inches (305 mm) from the unit as illustrated in “Figure 9. Wind Bar­rier”
• When prevailing wind is into the discharge side, then position the wind barrier a minimum 79 inches (2007 mm) from the front of the unit as illustrated in “Figure
9. Wind Barrier”
• Outdoor unit can be installed in a dog house style shel-
ter as illustrated in”Figure 10. Dog House-Style Shel­ter”
• Outdoor unit can be installed in a alcove or under a roof overhang as illustrated in “Figure 11. Unit installed
in Alcove”
Prevailing Winter Winds from Air Inlet Side
Wind Barrier
Inlet Air
Discharge Air
Wind Barrier
Prevailing Winter Winds From Air Discharge Side
12” (305mm) Min. Distance
79” (2007mm) Min. Distance
Figure 9. Wind Barrier
Buried Refrigerant Pipe Protection
• All refrigerant lines must be insulated regardless of if
it is buried
• In addition to insulating each line of piping, buried lines must rest inside a sealed, watertight conduit
• The conduit must be designed so it cannot collect and retain water
Outdoor Unit Condensate Piping
Condensate formed during the heating and defrost
processes must be drained from heat pump units. Drain
holes are provided in the base of the units to ensure proper drainage. Heat pumps must be raised when installed on a concrete pad or the ground to allow drainage to occur. If the heat pump unit is installed on wall mounting bracket, insert the provided drain connector into one of the 1
inch (25 mm) drain holes and attached a eld-provided insulated drain hose to the connector. Use eld-provided
rubber plugs to cover any unused drain holes.
24 in
12 in
305 mm
610 mm
NOTE - Minimum clearances shown.
24 in
610 mm
Figure 10. Dog House-Style Shelter
24 in
610 mm
12 in
305 mm
NOTE - Minimum clearances shown.
12 in
305 mm
610 mm
24 in
12 in
305 mm
Drain Connector
Condensate Drain (location varies per model)
Figure 12. Condensate Drain
Securing the Outdoor Unit
Slab or Roof Mounting
Install the unit a minimum of 4 inches (102 mm) above the roof or ground surface to avoid ice build-up around the unit. Place the unit above a load bearing wall or area of the roof that can adequately support the unit. Consult local codes for rooftop applications.
Roof Damage!
This system contains both refrigerant and oil. Some
rubber roong material may absorb oil. This will cause
the rubber to swell when it comes into contact with oil. The rubber will then bubble and could cause leaks. Protect the roof surface to avoid exposure to refrigerant and oil during service and installation. Failure to follow this notice could result in damage to roof surface.
Figure 11. Unit installed in Alcove
Securing Outdoor Unit to Slab, Frame, or Rails
If the outdoor unit is installed on a eld-provided slab or
frame, use lag bolts or equivalent to secure the outdoor unit to the slab or frame.
Four Field-provided Anchor Bolts
Figure 13. Securing Outdoor Unit to Slab
Four Field-Provided
Anchor Bolts
Figure 14. Securing Outdoor Unit to Rails
Securing Outdoor Unit To Hanging Brackets
If the outdoor unit is installed on eld-provided wall
mounting brackets, use lag bolts or equivalent to secure the outdoor unit to the bracket. Minimum rear clearance can be reduced to 6 inches (152 mm) when mounted on brackets and with no obstructions on the other three sides. Allow for condensate disposal when placing units above one another.
6 in
152 mm
Air Inlet
Air Outlet
Figure 15. Securing Outdoor Unit to Brackets
Both lines must be individually insulated.
1. The seal on the unit refrigerant piping connections should remain in place until the last possible moment. This will prevent dust or water from getting into the refrigerant piping before it is connected.
2. CAREFULLY adjust refrigerant piping connections to suit the application.
3. Slowly loosen one of the are nuts to release the
factory nitrogen charge from the indoor units only.
4. Remove the are nuts from the connections on the unit and discard the seal from each of the piping connections.
5. Slide the are nuts onto the ends of the eld-provided
refrigerant piping before using a suitable aring tool to are the end of the copper pipe.
6. Apply recommended HFC-410A refrigerant lubricant
to the outside of the ared refrigerant lines.
The compressor in this unit contains PVE oil (Polyvinylether). PVE oil is formulated for hydrouorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants, such as HFC-
410A, which this system contains. While it may have some miscibility properties with mineral-based oil and
POE oil (Polyolester), it is not recommended to mix PVE
oil with any other type of refrigerant oil.
7. Align the threaded connections with the
ared refrigerant lines. Tighten the are nuts lightly at rst to obtain a smooth match as
illustrated in “Figure 16. Making Connections
(Male to Female Connection)” on page 9.
8. Once snug, continue another half-turn on each nut which should create a leak-free joint. A torque wrench
may be used to tighten are nuts using “Table 3. Flare Nut Torque Recommendations” on page 9
recommendations. Do not over-tighten a ared joint.
Flared connections should always be accessible and must be insulated to prevent condensation.
9. After refrigerant piping has been installed and checked
for leaks, apply insulation over all ared connections.
Table 2. Refrigerant Piping and Indoor Unit
Connection Sizes
9000 1/4 3/8
12000 1/4 1/2
18000 1/4 1/2
24000 3/8
Liquid Line
Gas Line
Refrigerant Piping Connections
Field piping consists of two copper lines connecting the outdoor unit to the indoor unit. “Table 1. Torque
Requirements” lists the connection sizes. The connections are made using the provided brass are nuts at the end of
the refrigerant piping connections.
+ 16 hidden pages