Shown with optional gold door and brickaded interior
MODELS L30 BF-2 (B-Vent)
P/N 775030M, IR, 06/01
If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing
property damage, person injury or loss of life.
Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance.
Do not touch any electrical switch.
Do not use any phone in your building
Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the
fire department.
Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or gas supplier.
This appliance is only for use with the type(s) of gas indicated on the rating plate. This appliance is
Report No.
not convertible for use with other gases, unless a certified kit is used.
CAUTION: Read this manual thoroughly before starting installation. For your safety, follow the installation, operation and maintenance instructions exactly without deviation. Failure to follow these instructions may result
in a possible fire hazard and may void the warranty. If this appliance is not properly installed, a house fire may
result. Contact local building or fire officials about restrictions and installation inspection in your area.
1. WARNING: Improper assembly, installation, adjustment, alteration, service or maintenance can
cause injury and / or property damage. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agenc y or the gas supplier.
Except when complying with local codes, any
deviation from the installation and / or operating
instructions contained in this manual will void
the appliance warranty and may be hazardous.
2. Due to high temperatures, this appliance should
be located out of traffic and away from furniture,
draperies and not in windy or drafty areas.
3. The appliance must NOT be connected to a
chimney flue serving a separate solid-fuel burning appliance.
4. C AUTION: HOT WHILE IN OPER ATION. An appliance hot enough to warm your home can severely burn anyone touching it. Keep children,
clothing and furniture away. Contact may cause
skin burns. Do not let children touch the appliance. Train them to stay a saf e distance f rom the
5. Do not place clothing or other flammable material
on or near the gas appliance. The minimum
clearances must be mainta ined for all combustible surfaces and materials including; furniture,
carpet, drapes, clothing, wood, papers, etc.
6. Do no t connect 110-12 VAC ( residential line v oltage) to the gas control valve or control wiring
system of the unit.
7. Any safety screen or guard removed for servicing must be replaced prior to operating the appliance.
8. WARNING: Use only the glass door certified with
this appliance. Exercise caution to protect glass
from impact. Do not operate the appliance with
broken glass or use substitute materials.
9. DO NOT USE t his appliance if any part h as been
under water. Immediately call a qualified service
technician to inspect the appliance and replace
any part of the control system and gas control
which has been under water.
10. Do not burn wood or other material in this heater.
11. WARNING: The appliance area must be kept clear
and free from combustible materials, gasoline
and other flammable vapors and liquids.
12. Do no t use a blo wer in sert, h eat ex chang er ins ert
or other accessory not approved for use with this
13. This appliance is not for use with air filters.
14. The appliance should be inspected and maintained at least annually by a professional service
person. More frequent cleaning may be required
due to excessive lint from carpeting, bedding material, etc. It is imperative that contro l compartments, burners and circulating air passageways
of the appliance be kept clean.
15. This appliance is only for use with the type of
gas indicated on the rating label (located inside
control panel). This appliance is not convertible
for use with other fuel unless a certified kit is
16. C AUTION: Under no circumstances should these
appliances be vented to other rooms or buildings. These appliances must only be vented to
the outside. Vent terminations shall not be recessed into a wall or siding (V ent must terminate
17. This appliance i s equipped with a safety co ntrol
system (spill switch) designed to protect again st
improper venting of combustion products or vent
18. Never seal the opening at the rear of the stove.
19. Prov isions must be made to ensu re an adequate
supply of combustion and draft hood dilution air
to the room where the appliance is installed.
20. It is impe rativ e that t he flow passage s of the ven t
termination cap remain unrestricted.
21. WARNING: These appliances must be properly
connected to a venting system. Operation of
these gas appliances when not connected to a
properly installed and maintained venting system
can result in carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning
and possible death.
22. WARNING: Do not modify the venting system,
appliance, or controls in any way. Be advised,
any modification can be dangerous.
23. IM PORTANT: Do not exceed the maximum horizontal runs allowed. In stall at ion in a rea s e xp osed
to strong winds may cause sooting.
Important Warnings ................................................ 2
Testing / Listing, Using this Manual ........................ 3
Planning Your Installation .....................................4-6
When you purchased your new gas fired heater, you
joined the ranks of thousands of concerned individuals whose answ er to their home heating need s
reflects their conce rn for aesthetics, effici ency and
our environment. We extend our continued support
to help you achieve the maximum benefit and enjoyment available from your new gas fired heater.
It is our goal at Lennox Hearth Products to provide
you, our valued customer, with an appliance that
will ensure you years of trouble free warmth and
Replacement Parts / Optional Accessories............ 20
Ownership Record and Service Log ......................23
This appliance is tested and certified as safe for residential use by an internation ally recognized testing and
certification ag ency. The safety t ests are conduc ted in
accordance with Americ an National Standards Institute
(ANSI) requirements . The L30 BF-2 appliance is test ed,
certified, and listed by the CSA, AGA, CGA to ANSI
Z21.88 - 1998 Vented G as Fireplace Heat ers and CS A
2.33 - 1998 Vented Gas Fireplace Heaters.
Approved Venting: This appliance may be vented with
any listed class B c himney components installed in accordance with manufacturer s instr ucti ons . See pag e 7.
This appliance is packaged with an accessory package,
which contains the following:
One - Installation and operation instructions manual.
One - Warranty.
One - Log set and embers.
One - LP conversion kit.
One - 9’ electrical power cord.
Thank you for selecting a Lennox Hearth Products
gas fired heater as the answer to your home heating
All of us at Lennox Hearth Products
Please read and carefully follow all of the instructions
found in this m anual. Pleas e pay special attention t o the
safety instructions provided in this manual. Following
the Homeowner’s Care and Operation Instructions included here will assure that you have many years of
dependable and enjoyable service from your appliance.
The installation of these appliances must conf orm with
local codes or, in the absence of local codes, with the
National Fuel Gas Code, (for USA) NFPA 54 / ANSI
Z223.1-latest edition.
Air Circulation Blower: The blower electrical power
cord must be electrically grounded per local codes or
per electrical codes:
In USA, NEC, ANSI / NFPA 70-1987.
In Canada, CSA C22.1
Electrical Grounding Instructions. This appliance is equipped with a three-prong
(grounding) plug for your protection against
shock hazard and should be plugged directly into a properly grounded three-prong
receptacle. Do not cut or remove the
grounding prong from this plug.
WARNING: To avoid electrical shock, always ensure
that the power cord is u nplugged (i.e., there is no electrical power to the circulation blower) before handling
the circulation blower or performing any work on the
GAS PRESSURE (WC = Water Column)
Minimum inlet gas supply pressure for the purpose
of input adjustment:
Natural Gas - 4.5” WC min. – 7.0” WC max.
Propane (LP) - 11” WC min - 13.0” WC max.
Gas Inlet Pressure T ap - Located on bottom left of gas
Gas Outlet (m anifold) press ure tap - Located on b ottom
right of gas valve.
Gas Control Valve
High Altitude: Gas inputs shown are for elevat ions up
to 4500 feet. For ele vations above 4500 feet, co ntact
your gas supplier or qualified service technician regarding the necessary deration of appliance (deration:
replacing burner orifice with a smaller one to reduce
input). Ratings must be reduc ed at the rat e of 4 per cent
for each 1,000 feet abo ve sea level. Ref er to (for USA)
NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1-latest edition for orifice resizing.
The following tools and equipment are recommended
for completing the partial assembly required when the
appliance is installed:
• 7/16”, 3/4” open end wrenchs.
• 1/4”, 3/8” nut drivers.
• Pipe wrench.
• Phillips head screw driver.
• Flat head screwdriver.
• Pipe sealant compound.
• Leak test fluid“U” tube manometer or pressure gauge (0 -
16” (inches water column) H2O scale.
Pressure Testing: See Pressure Testing on page 8.
Correct installation is c r itical a nd imperative for reduc ing
fire hazards and perilous con ditions that c an ar ise when
gas appliances func tion im pr operly. T he app liance m ust
be installed per manufacturers’ instructions.
Gas appliance equipment and installations must conform to appropriate local codes and applicable state
and federal requirements. Familiarity with these requirements before installation is essential. Important
considerations to discuss with local building officials
1. Applicable codes (i.e. Uniform Mechanical Code,
State or Regional Gas Codes, National Fuel Gas
2. Local amendments?
3. Recognized testing lab: CSA / AGA.
4. Is a permit required - cost?
5. In some states or municipalities, a lice nsed gas fitter or plumber m ay be required to install this appliance. Check with your local buildi ng official for requirements in your area (i.e. Is a license required
for installation of gas supply line)?
6. Maximum amount of gas pipe without a pressure
test - type of test required?
7. Are below grade penetrations of the gas line allowed?
8. Is concealed gas piping allowed?
9. Specific requirements of concealed fittings?
10. Is rigid pipe to appliance required?
11. Allowed piping materials?
12. Shut-off valve required within 4 feet of the firebox?
13. May the shut-off valve be concealed?
14. Rooms where the installation is not allowed?
In the absence of local codes, installation should
conform to the National Fuel Gas Code, also known
at ANSI Z223.1-NFPA 54.
These appliances can be installed in most residential room
configurations , parallel to a rear or adjac ent wall, or in an
alcove that allo ws for the m inim um c learanc es to com bus tible surfaces. Yo ur local buildi ng inspector s hould review
your plans prior to installation.
When installing this appliance, provide adequate clearances around air openings and adequate clearances for
purposes of servicing and proper operation.
As determ ined through t he safety cert ification of this un it,
a minimum clearance to combustible materials must be
maintained around specific areas of the gas appliance.
(See Figures 1, 2 and 3)
The clearances listed here are minimum distances and
only apply in the configuratio n shown. Do not use clearances from one installation configur ation with cleara nces
from another to obtain closer clearances.
Top of appliance (min.)36”(inches)
This includes any projections such as shel ves, w indow si lls,
mantels, etc. above the appliance.
Back Wall2" (inches)
Side Wall12" (inches)
Corner (45° angle)4" (inches)
stove corners to wall
Ceiling Minimum65" (inches) from floor
Alcove Min. Height65" (inches) from floor
Alcove Min. Width54" (inches)
Alcove Max. Depth24" (inches) from unit face.
The stove can not be placed deeper into an alcove than 24” from
the stove face to alcove opening.
Floor 0 inches
Rear Wall or Alcove
Fig. 1
When installed d irectly on carpeting, • tile or other combustible material other than wood flooring, the appliance
shall be installed on a m etal or wo od pan el ex tendin g the
full width and depth of the appliance (♦ see note below).
• Ceram ic tile is non-combus tible and does not requir e
a wood or metal panel under the appliance.
♦ Models with a pedestal base where base dim ensions
exceed width and depth of stove body, qual ify as the
floor protection
Fig. 2
Rear Wall or Alcove
Fig. 3
INSTALLATION See Pipe Manufacturers clearances for Pipe Clearances Venting Requirements
Model: L30 BF-2 (B-Vent) Venting Requirements
Approved for vertical termination only.
Venting Configuration Requirements:
A minimum of 5 feet vertical pipe is required to vent the
appliance. Lengthy horizontal pipe runs require sufficient
length of vertical pipe to deliver adequate draft. Use the
table above as a guide in planning your installation. The
use of multiple 45° or 90° elbows should be compensated by providing a ddi tio nal vertical pipe run .
This appliance has a 4” B-Vent flue collar and may be
installed with listed B-Vent piping and components.
Refer to the pipe manufacturer’s installation instructions
for specific requirements for their product. Maintain
proper cle arances to com bustible m aterials as spec ified
by the pipe manufacturer. W henever vent pipe is run
horizontally, maintain a minimum 1/4” ri se per foot. Exterior B-Vent exhaust systems should be enclosed in a
chase to avoid rapid cooling of exhaust gases in the
vent. Suc h cooling c ould produce c ondensati on of flue
gases or ex haust gas spi llage. The use of a chase is
highly recommended in colder climates.
The vent termination clearances above the high side of an
angled roof is follows:
Ref. NFPA 54 / ANSI Z223.1, 7.6
Roof Pitch Feet Meters
Flat to 6/121.00.3
6/12 to 7/121.250.38
7/12 to 8/121.50.46
8/12 to 9/122.00.61
9/12 to 10/122.50.76
10/12 to 11/123.250.99
11/12 to 12/124.01.22
12/12 to 14/125.01.52
14/12 to 16/126.01.83
16/12 to 18/127.02.13
18/12 to 20/127.52.29
21/12 to 21/128.02.44
Maximum Horizontal Pipe Run s for Given Vertical Pipe
Run (in feet)
Vertical run
in feet
run in feet
Note: Maximum allowable horizontal pipe run is 20
If using pipe other than black iron pipe see NFPA 54-National
Fire Protection Association / ANSI Z223.1-American National
Standards Institute; and local code for specific requirements
for the type of pipe used. Alternative gas piping systems such
as CSST may be used subject to local code and proper sizing.
This appliance is equipped with a flexible gas line and
fitting for a gas supply line connection. Connection can
be made using either the 3/8” NPT male fitting or, by removing the fitting, t o the flex line 3/8” female f lare. The
flex line can be routed to the gas supply through either
the pedestal bottom or through the rear pedestal cover
depending upon the orientat ion of the supply line. Som e
areas may have certain restrictions against the use of
flexible gas lin es. Chec k local co des. T he gas a pplia nce
control valve has a 3 /8” NPT fem ale type inlet for the gas
supply line, if hard plumbing is requir ed.
If the gas supply will b e routed to the appl iance from the
rear, the flexible g as line f or hook up is rea dil y acc ess ible.
If the gas supply will b e routed to the appliance through
the flooring, remove th e rear panel. Redirect the flex ible
gas line through the large hole in the c enter of the pedestal base for gas supply connection.
A gas supply line must be run to the appliance by a qualified professional. The plumbing of the gas line must
comply with National Standards; NFPA 54-National Fire
Protection Associatio n / ANSI Z223.1-American N ational
Standards Institute; and loca l cod e.
Gas piping must not run in or throu gh air ducts, clothes
chutes, chimneys or gas vents, dum b waiters or elevator
Piping should be sloped 1 / 4” per 15 feet (6mm per
4.6m) upward toward th e meter from the appliance. The
piping must be supported at proper intervals every 8 to
10 ft. (2.4m to 3.1m) using suitable hangers or straps.
The gas supply line must be purged of air before it is
connected to the appliance.
An accessible, approv ed shut-off valve m ust be installed
upstream of any conn ector so that the app liance may be
isolated to allow service, removal, and replacement
(within six feet of the applianc e per NFPA 54, or twelve
inches in some c odes). A shut-off valve is provided with
this appliance.
IMPORTANT: In case emergency shut-off is required,
shut off main manual gas valve and disconnect main
power to appliance. These devices should be properly
labeled by the installer.
• The appliance main gas valve must be disconnected from the gas
supply piping system during any pressure testing of that system at
test pressures in excess of *1/2 psi (3.5 kPa).
• The appliance must be isolated from the gas supply piping
system by closing its individual manual shut-off valve during
any pressure testing of the gas supply piping system at test
pressures equal to or less than *1/2 psi (3.5 kPa).
Make the connection t o the gas supply line us ing the
correct fitting required to the shut-off valve.
Install a drip leg where condensates might accumulate. Sediment traps, lik e drips an d col lection t ees, ar e
required to be installed. Traps collect moisture and
intercept and hold foreign objects which might block
orifices and valves. A drip leg should be installed in
vertical pipe runs to the appliance.
Supply Line Size Requirements
The proper gas line diameter must be used to run
from the supply regulator (at the gas company meter )
to the appliance. Never use galvanized or plastic
pipe. Refer to the table below for suggested si zing of
the gas supply line.
Suggested Sizing of
Schedule 40 Pipe Supply Line
Schedule 40 Pipe
Length (Feet)
Schedule 40 Pipe
Inside Diameter (Inches)
Natural GasLP. Gas
Use an approved pipe s ealant compound for NPT fittings. After all pipe connections are made, apply
normal gas line pressure: 7.0” W.C. for natural gas;
11.0” W.C. for LP gas (propa ne) and use an ap proved
leak detection solut ion to test f or the tightn ess of each
pipe connection joint.
IMPORTANT: All connections must be checked for leaks with
a leak detector or soa py wat er solu tio n. Nev er chec k f or gas
leakage with an open flame!
* Note: ½ psi = 14” WC (inches water column).
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