Lenmar Enterprises PRO744 User Manual

Model PRO744
Rechargeable Nickel Metal-Hydride Charger and Batteries
Owner’s Manual
Thank you for purchasing the NoMEM PRO Battery System. Please read this manual carefully. It contains important operating instructions for your NoMEM PRO Rechargeable Battery System. This PRO744 charger will quickly and efficiently charge all AA or AAA Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) or Nickel Metal-Hydride (NiMH) batteries.
Batteries are not charged as shipped. Must be charged prior to first use.
Charge only NiCd or NiMH type batteries on this charger.
Do Not mix NiCd and NiMH batteries together when charging or using. Keep all NiMH batteries and NiCd batteries
Use only NoMEM PRO or other proper NiMH compatible charger to recharge NoMEM PRO batteries.
Batteries may leak or explode causing personal injury if inserted improperly, disposed of in fire, mixed with other
battery types, or short circuited.
AA and AAA Size (Automatic Quick Charge)
1. This charger will charge 2 or 4 batteries at one time. Slide the switch above the battery compartment to the “2” or “4” position according to the number of batteries you wish to charge. When charging 2 batteries only, use the left side of the battery compartment, leaving the 2 spaces on the right side empty. When charging 4 batteries, slide the switch to the “4” position and insert all 4 batteries to be charged (see figure 1).
2. The battery compartment is adjustable to fit either AA or AAA size batteries. If you are charging AAA size batteries, make sure the handle at the top of the battery compartment has been moved all the way down until it has clicked into place. If you are charging AA size, make sure the handle is lifted all the way up into the notch located at the top of the battery compartment. After adjusting the compartment to fit the size batteries you wish to charge, insert either 2 or 4 AA or AAA batteries into the charger. Do not mix AA and AAA batteries when charging.
3. Select the AC adapter or DC/Auto Cord adapter, depending on whether you are using the charger at home or in the car. Be aware that when using the DC/Auto cord, many cars do not supply power to the cigarette lighter while the key is in the off position. Plug the selected power adapter into the power source available, and plug the connector, at the end of the adapter cord, into the power input jack on the top of the charger unit. The red “Charge” indicator LED will glow Red to show charging is taking place.
4. After the proper charge time, the red “Charge” LED will go off and the Green “Ready” LED will come on to indicate that the charge is complete and batteries are ready for use. Once the green “Ready” LED is on, the charger switches to “trickle” mode to keep the batteries at full.
5. Once charge is complete, remove batteries and unplug charger as soon as it is practical. Do not leave batteries in charger for extended periods of time (more than 1-2 days) OR when the charger is not plugged in. Unplug the charger when not in use.
6. Begin again at Step-1 to charge the next set of batteries.
Bad Cell Detection:
When charge process is started, the charger detects the health status of each of the cells in the battery compartment. If any battery is unsuitable for charging, i.e. short circuit or reversed polarity, the red “Charge “ LED will flash. The damaged cell(s) should be properly disposed of.
Size / Type
AA / NiCd 800mAh 75 minutes
AA / NiMH 1300mAh 120 minutes AA / NiMH 1800mAh 180 minutes
220mAh 50 minutes 500mAh 90 minutes 800mAh 150 minutes
CChhaarrggee TTiimmee **
**CChhaarrggee ttiimmee wwiillll vvaarryy wwiitthh tthhee ccaappaacciittyy,, ccoonnddiittiioonn,, aanndd
aammoouunntt ooff cchhaarrggee lleefftt iinn tthhee bbaatttteerryy ttoo bbee cchhaarrggeedd..
Power Supply: 110V AC adapter or 12VDC car cigarette lighter adapter
Charge rate: AA size – 700mA / AAA size – 350mA , automatically
-deltaV, max. time, overcharge protection, bad cell / reverse polarity / shorted cell detection.
Do not overcharge the batteries. AC adapter is for indoor use only. This NoMEM PRO charger is intended for use with Nickel Metal-Hydride and Nickel Cadmium batteries only. Attempting to charge any other type of battery may cause personal injury and damage to the charger. Never charge NiMH and NiCd batteries at the same time.
NoMEM PRO chargers are warranted to be free of manufacturing defects for 2 years from the original date of purchase. If, during the warranty period, any part fails to function properly under normal use because of manufacturing defects or workmanship, it will be repaired at no charge for parts and labor or, at our option, the product will be replaced. The following is excluded: damages from delay or loss of use of equipment, or damaged batteries, malfunctions resulting from misuse, tampering, unauthorized repairs, modifications, or accident. To obtain warranty service, package the unit and its accessories carefully using ample padding material to prevent damage in transit and ship it prepaid and insured to::
When sending in product for service, your package should include evidence of date and place of purchase. Enclose $7.50 for shipping and handling for addresses in the U.S. For outside the U.S. and Canada, freight will vary depending upon ship to address.
TThhee ffoolllloowwiinngg ssttaatteemmeenntt iiss rreeqquuiirreedd iinn tthhee ssttaattee ooff CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa ppuurrssuuaanntt ttoo tthhee sseettttlleemmeenntt ooff aann aaccttiioonn bbrroouugghhtt bbyy tthhee MMaatteeeell EEnnvviirroonnmmeennttaall JJuussttiiccee FFoouunnddaattiioonn aaggaaiinnsstt mmuullttiippllee eelleeccttrroonniiccss aanndd aapppplliiaannccee mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss..
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: HHaannddlliinngg tthhee ccoorrdd oonn tthhiiss pprroodduucctt wwiillll eexxppoossee yyoouu ttoo lleeaadd,, aa cchheemmiiccaall kknnoowwnn ttoo tthhee ssttaattee ooff CCaalliiffoorrnniiaa ttoo ccaauussee bbiirrtthh ddeeffeeccttss oorr ootthheerr rreepprroodduuccttiivvee hhaarrmm.. WWaasshh hhaannddss aafftteerr hhaannddlliinngg..
FFoorr ffuurrtthheerr iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn ccoonnttaacctt
Lenmar Enterprises, Inc. Phone: 805/384-9600 E-mail: sales@lenmar.com Visit Our Web Site at: www.lenmar.com