Phase II – MED Charge:
The MED LED is on continuously and other LED’s are
flashing in sequence (see diag.-3). At this point the battery is typically about 50% charged.
Some very small capacity batteries (650mAh) and worn out batteries can be as low as 10%
Phase III – HI Charge:
The MED and HI LED’s are on and the MAX LED is flashing
(see diag.-4). At this point the battery is typically, about 70% charged.
Charge Complete – MAX Charge:
All three LED’s are on at the same time (see diag.-
5). Charging has completed and the battery is fully charged. It is recommended to remove
the battery at this time.
Error Condition – Charge Terminated:
If the battery is removed before a complete
charge has been reached, the charger will continue indicating the last complete
charging phase for up to 1 minute. After that time, an ‘Error’ indication will appear on
the LED’s, shown by the MED and MAX LED’s coming on together while the HI LED is
off (see diag.-6).
The Error Condition will also be indicated if the charger senses any problem with the
battery being charged. To reset the error condition, unplug the charger from the power
adapter for a few seconds, then reconnect it to the power adapter. If the Error occurs again,
there may be a defect in the battery th at will prevent safely cha rging.
Estimated Battery Charge Times:
Battery Capacity
Time to MAX Charge
750 mAh 30 minutes
1200 mAh 39 minutes
1500 mAh 50 minutes
1850 mAh 65 minutes
2400 mAh 80 minutes
3700 mAh 110 minutes
5550 mAh 195 minutes
* Actual charge times may vary depending on the battery, internal protection circuits, cell
capacity and condition.
Trouble Shooting Tips:
Batteries should be replaced when runtime becomes short.
If the LED status indicator does not light up when the charger is plugge d into either supplied power
adapter, recheck the connections and make sure that the AC socket or cigarette lighter has power.
If the battery is attached, and the status indicator is showing “Stand By” (indicated by the
light flashing and all other lights off), the b attery may not be making proper contact to the ad apter
plate. Unplug the unit and check that the battery is attached correctly. Also, make sure the adapter
plate is the proper one and that it is securely attached to the charger base.
Use a clean dry cloth when necessary to keep the metal contacts of both charger and battery clean.
For use with 7.2 – 7.4V Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries ONLY! Use with other type batteries voids
warranty, may cause damage to the charger/ battery and possibly cause injury to the user.
For best battery life, we suggest recharging Li- I on batteries after use and b efore storage.
Do not leave battery connected to camcorder or camera when not in use.
Do not leave the battery connected to the charger for prolonged periods. Remove the battery after
charge is complete.
Unplug the charger when not in use.
Do not use, place or store the charger where it may come into contact with water or moisture.
Always replace frayed or damaged wire and broken plugs immediately.
Use this charger with the power adapters included in the package only.
It is not necessary or recommended to discharge a Li-Ion prior to charge.
No user serviceable parts, opening chassis will void warranty.
Note: Batteries will self discharge when not in use whether t hey are installed in a
camcorder, digital camera or not. Batteries can be kept fresh if you recharge them every 23 months.
• AC Adapter: 110 – 240VAC, 50 / 60Hz
• Power Input: 12-18 VDC @ 1.7A
• Charge Method: Patented Neotherm Charging Technology
• Charge Rate: Variable, Continuously Adjusted via
Limited 3 Year Warranty
This limited warranty starts from the date of original purchase and expires 3 years
thereafter. If, during this period, any part, because of manufacturing defects or
workmanship fails to function properly under normal use will be repaired at no charge for
parts and labor or, at our option, the product will be replaced. The following is excluded:
damages from delay or loss of use of equipment, or damaged batteries, malfunctions
resulting from misuse, tampering, unauthorized repairs, modifications, or accident.
Package the unit and its accessories carefully using ample padding material to prevent
damage in transit and ship it prepaid and insured to:
When sending in product for service, your package should include evidence of date and
place of purchase. Enclose $10.00 for shipping and handling for addresses in the U.S. and
$15.00 in Canada. For outside the U.S. and Canada, freight will vary depending upon ship
to address.
For additional questions, comments or to explore other Lenmar battery solutions, visit
our web site at: or call us at 818/879-2700
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