LELY WELGER RP 202, RP 302, RP 220, RP 320 Operating Manual

1742.99.03.04 03.00
RP 202 / RP 302 RP 220 / RP 320
Operating Manual
from year of manufacture 2000
RP 220
1. Model Overview .............................................. 1
2. Your Safety ..................................................... 2
3. Component Overview................................... 12
4. Putting Into Operation ................................... 13
5. Twine wrapping* ........................................... 22
6. Net Wrapping* .............................................. 27
7. Cutting Device* ............................................. 30
8. Field Use .......................................................36
9. Wrapping.......................................................42
10.Overload protection ......................................50
11 "BALERCONTROL"* .....................................53
12. Maintenance / Settings.................................65
13. Technical Data .............................................. 78
The machine number is entered onto the data plate shown opposite and is located on the right hand side of the baler. Warranty claims and enquiries cannot be processed without this number. Please enter this number here below immediately after delivery:
Ident - Nr.
max. Ges. Gewicht/Gross Weight
max. Achslast/Axle Load
Baujahr/Year of Manufacture
max. Stützlast/Imposed Load
Höchstgeschw./max. Speed
Lely Welger Maschinenfabrik GmbH • Gebrüder - Welger-Str. 3 D - 38304 Wolfenbüttel • Made in Germany
Read the operating manual and safety instructions before putting the baler into operation. We have inserted a warning sign in this operating manual at points concerning your safety. Please also pass on all safety instructions to other users. The warning and instruction plates on the baler provide important information for safe operation. Paying attention to them is for your own safety!
* Please note that the features marked with a [*] in this operating manual are fitted only to some
models as standard or are only available for particular models as additional features. These features may also not be supplied to all export countries.
Reproduction prohibited - all rights reserved. Design and construction subject to alterations. The illustrations shown are non-binding for model, form and equipment. 2000 by Lely Welger Maschinenfabrik GmbH, Wolfenbüttel. Made in Germany.
Lely Welger Maschinenfabrik GmbH
Postfach 1965 • 38289 Wolfenbüttel / Germany
Telephone: +49 (5331) 404-0 • Fax: +49 (5331) 404-312 • e-mail: servex.lely-welger@t-online.de
Handover Declaration
Please fill in this form when the machine is handed over and return it to the distributor. No warranty applications can be
processed until this form is received.
(1) Handover Date
(2) Type:
Machine No.: (see data plate: #)
Equipment fitted:
Pick-up unit 1.50 m Pick-up unit 2.00 m Pick-up unit 2.25 m
(3) Customer's address
Post code: City:
(4) The baler entered in (2) was purchased/used by me. When the baler was handed over, I was given
the operating instructions No. 1742.99.03.04
including the EU Conformity Declaration. The safety, operating and maintenance regulations contained therein were explained to me. All safety features for the correct functioning and handling were demonstrated to me.
.............................. .............................................................
Date Customers signature
(5) Address of sales partner/importer
Company stamp/signature
Company stamp/signature if different to
(6) The machine was handed over to the customer in accordance with the manufacturer's guidelines.
.............................. .............................................................
Date Customer service specialist's signature
Cutting unit  Twine wrapping  Net wrapping
WELGER RP 202 • RP 220 • RP 302 • RP 320 1
1. Model Overview
This Operating Manual describes the models RP 202, RP 220, RP 302 and RP 320
z = Standard equipment | = Special equipment
1,50 m
2,00 m (Feeder)
2,00 m (annular-tubed rotor)
2,25 m
12 blade
23 blade
spring-loaded a. hydr. actuated
Twine wrapping
Net wrapping
•• •
Pick up unit width
Table 1
2 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
2. Your Safety
All the protective devices such as the safety covers, rubber aprons or safety brackets are provided for your safety! Never operate the baler with defective safety devices or if the safety devices have been removed!
Always keep components which are relevant to safety in a suitable condition. All guards must be fitted and closed before putting the baler into operation!
Never carry out adjustments, repairs or maintenance and service work on the baler while it is running.
Always first stop the power take off (pto) shaft, detach the universal drive shaft from the pto shaft stub and
disconnect the electrical connection between the tractor and the baler prior to working on any of the balers moving parts.
Never try to remove hay, straw or other harvested crop from the baler while it is running. Always first stop the pto shaft, and switch off the tractor engine.
While work is in progress, only the driver should be on the tractor. Passengers are not allowed on the baler!
Do not climb on the drawbar or other parts of the baler when it is in operation. Also, keep your distance from the pick-up unit. Do not reach into the working area of the transport units.
Before threading in the binding material, switch off the baler drive and tractor engine and remove the ignition key
All protective guards must be fitted to the baler and must be in sound condition. Before opening the guards, stop the pto shaft and the tractor engine, remove the ignition key and wait until the baler has stopped.
Before detaching the baler from the tractor, secure it with the aid of the chocks to prevent it from rolling away. Carry the chocks with the baler when the baler is transported or used.
Upon opening the tailgate, maintain at least 2 metres safety distance from the high voltage cables.
All maintenance and repair work beyond that described in the descriptions in these operating instructions
must always be carried out by authorised persons. Wear parts of the brake system must always be replaced on both sides.
Secure the baler from tipping backwards before detaching the complete pick up unit.
Warning! The baler is inherently dangerous even if all the points listed above are followed exactly. Therefore always take care when working with the baler to avoid endangering yourself or other people!
2.1. Noise level of tractors and machines
EU Guideline 86-188 - EEC concerning noise at the workplace instructs employers and employees to measure and control the noise level at the workplace. The noise level during normal field work is subject to various fluctuations which depend on the noise level of the tractor, and also on the conditions under which the baler is being used.
The noise level generated by WELGER balers, measured at the driver's head height with the tractor window open, is less than 70 dB(A) under normal working conditions. The combined noise level generated by the baler and tractor primarily depends on the level of tractor noise (radios are an additional source of noise). We recommend that the tractor be driven with the cabin windows closed.
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 3
2.2. Fire prevention
Crop materials are very combustible.
Always keep the baler free of crop remnants and oil
Should overheating of the baler components occur, determine the cause and resolve accordingly.
Always keep the electrical circuits of the tractor and baler, as well as the tractors exhaust system in perfect working order.
The supplied cabling may not be used for purposes other than for factory installed or approved electrical equipment. Overloading the electrical cables leads to excessive heating.
Smoking is forbidden in the vicinity of the baler.
Always keep a suitable fire extinguisher within easy reach.
2.3. Tailgate safeguard
If maintenance or installation/assembly work is performed with the tailgate open, it is essential to secure the tailgate to prevent it from falling.
Use the cut-off valve on the right side of the baler for this purpose. The shut-off valve may only be actuated from the right side of the machine.
Return the valve to its original position after completing maintenance and installation/assembly work (fig. 2).
fig. 1
fig. 2
fig. 3
4 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
2.4. Hydraulic system
Max. operating pressure of the hydraulic system
210 bar
When carrying out assembly work on the hydraulic system, particularly when using accumulators (fig. 4):
Depressurise the hydraulic system (control valve set to “Lower”)
Mechanically secure hydraulically operated components (pick-up device, cutting unit) to prevent uncontrolled movements.
According to DIN 20066, the period of use of a hose line, including any storage period, should not exceed six years.
2.5. Protective guards
In order to comply with European safety regulations EN 704, the manufacturer of machines is required since 01.01.95 to supply fixed partitioned protective guards that are self locking but require the use of a tool to be opened.
In order to open the protective guards on WELGER balers, turn the hexagon head of the lock anti-clockwise with a 13 mm spanner and pull the guard off the baler.
Observe the following order:
When opening:..................................first the upper cover (fig. 5).
When closing: ..................................... first the side cover (fig. 6).
To close, push the guard cover against the baler until the lock is heard engaging.
The baler is never permitted to be operated with the
protective guards open!
fig. 4
fig. 5
fig. 6
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 5
2.6. Warning symbols
2.6.1. Explanation of the symbols
Danger areas which cannot be made safe by design measures are identified by yellow warning symbols. Since these are signs without texts in most cases, their precise meaning is described below.
The warning symbols must always be kept in a recognizable state. If there are no warning symbols on your baler or if they are damaged, replace them (see also Spare parts list, Section F).
Warning symbol Description/Spare part No.
Read and adhere to the operating manual and safety notes before starting up for the first time.
Spare part No.: 0388.11.00.00
Close protective guards before putting baler into operation!
Spare part No.: 0389.92.00.00
Never reach into the baler pick-up area as long as the tractor engine is running with the pto shaft connected.
Spare part No.: 0389.94.00.00
Always switch off the engine and remove the ignition key before starting any maintenance and repair work.
Spare part No.: 0388.25.00.00
6 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
Switch off the engine and pull out the plug from the power supply before starting any repair, maintenance and cleaning work.
Spare part No.: 0388.13.00.00
Stay clear of tailgate swinging area while in operation.
Spare part No.: 0389.93.00.00
Do not ride on platform or ladder.
Spare part No.: 0391.06.00.00
Handle the cutting unit blades only if you are wearing gloves and using suitable tools.
Spare part No.: 0387.33.00.00
The accumulator is under gas pressure or oil pressure. Depressurise the hydraulic system before removal and repairs.
Spare part No.: 0387.37.00.00
Activate the tailgate safeguard before entering the roll chamber.
Spare part No.: 0387.34.00.00
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 7
2.6.2. Where to locate the warning signs
fig. 7
8 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
2.7. Symbols for the operation of the baler
The most important operating instructions are shown as symbols for the purpose of clarity. The exact descriptions are given below.
Symbol Description/Spare part No.
The two lifting eyes in the upper part of the baler are identified by this symbol. No other fixing points may be used for hooking up a crane.
Spare part No.: 0389.48.00.00
Locking lever for the cutter blades
To unlock the cutter blades, the lever must be swivelled down by approx. 90°.
Spare part No.: 0387.31.00.00 and 0387.32.00.00
Tailgate safeguard
If the lever is transverse with respect to the flow direction, the tailgate is secure against lowering.
Spare part No.: 0387.35.00.00
max. 210 bar
Maximum permissible hydraulic pressure
The machine may only be connected to a hydraulic system which supplies a maximum oil pressure of 210 bar.
Spare part No.: 0387.36.00.00
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 9
2.8. Proper Use
The baler has been built exclusively for producing bales
compressed from agricultural straw material lying on the ground (proper use). Usage beyond this does not constitute proper use. The manufacturer is not liable for damage resulting from improper use; the user alone bears the risk.
Proper use also includes compliance with the operating,
maintenance and servicing conditions specified by the manufacturer.
The baler may only be used, maintained and repaired by
persons who are familiar with working with such machines and who have been informed of the dangers.
The attachment of auxiliary equipment to the baler, other than
at the factory pre-set positions, is prohibited. Only auxiliary units approved by the manufacturer may be used.
The relevant accident prevention regulations, regional safety
standards and other generally recognized safety regulations are to be observed.
Unauthorized alterations and the installation of non-approved
parts and equipment on the baler exclude the manufacturer from any liability or damage resulting from this.
Alteration of any of the safety relevant components invalidates
both the conformity declaration and the CE-symbol.
2.9. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
The baler is equipped with electronic constituents and component parts whose function can be influenced by electromagnetic radiation from other appliances. Such influences can generate hazards for persons if the following safety precautions are not taken into account.
In the case of a supplementary installation of electrical and electronic appliances and/or constituents in the baler with a connection to the onboard system, the user has to verify whether the installation causes disturbances to the electronics of the vehicle or of other constituents.
In particular, it has to be taken into account that any additionally installed electrical and electronic components comply with the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC in the respective current version and that they are CE labeled.
10 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
2.10. Precautions for driving on the road
Before driving on the road ...
the baling chamber must be completely emptied (in
accordance with Road Traffic Vehicle Registration Regulations (RTVRR);
the baler must be cleared of any harvested crop attached to
the universal drive shaft must always be fitted to the tractor
pto shaft;
the tubes of the bale ejector* must be pushed in. the lighting equipment of the attached machinery must be
connected to the tractor and its function checked (also in daylight);
the support wheels of the pick-up unit must be detached
(working width 2.25 m) and placed in the park position.
Information shall be requested from the manufacturer before the baler is operated using attached machinery (e.g. bale wrapping device).
The wheel chocks, which are part of the safety equipment (two in number), are to be carried on the baler at all times.
The permissible maximum speeds for individual components (e.g. the drawbar or the axle) do not affect the maximum permitted speed limit for the entire baler (see Technical Data). Model-dependent maximum speeds limits have been exclusively specified in this operating manual. Current relevant national regulations, which may differ from manufacturers instructions, are always required to be observed.
Pneumatic braking system*: Do not start driving with an attached baler until both coupling
heads (yellow and red) are connected to the tractor and the pressure gauge in the tractor cabin indicates the required operating pressure.
Hydraulic braking system *: Do not start driving with the attached baler until the appropriate
hydraulic hose is connected to the tractor.
Germany (StVZO): Agricultural equipment with a permissible total weight more than
3000 kg are required to have an operating permit. (Technical changes, e.g. fitting a trailer hook, result in the operating permit becoming void).
Before making intended changes to the attached working unit, it is essential to clarify whether the change is permissible without further requirements and can be entered in the vehicle’s documents following approval by an officially recognised expert.
Furthermore, the national regulations from the country of use are to be observed.
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 11
2.10.1.Details on the rating plate
Item Meaning
1 ID number – individual machine number. Always quote in the event of queries
2 Permissible total weight for operation on public roads. The machines actual weight can be less.
3 Permissible axle load for operation on public roads
4 Machines year of construction
5 No applicable
6 Trade designation of the machine
7 Details of the systematic structure of the general operating permit (ABE)
8 Max. imposed load on the drawbar eye. The open-type hitch on the tractor must be approved for this
imposed load.
9 Permissible type-related maximum speed of the machine. National regulations can specify a lower
10 Internal control number
Ident - Nr.
max. Ges. Gewicht/Gross Weight
max. Achslast/Axle Load
Baujahr/Year of Manufacture
max. Stützlast/Imposed Load
Höchstgeschw./max. Speed
Lely Welger Maschinenfabrik GmbH Gebrüder-Welger-Str . 3
D - 38304 Wolfenbüttel Made in Germany
fig. 8
12 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
3. Component Overview
12 V
23 7 6 9
145 108
fig. 9
No. Component No. Component
1 Pick up unit 7 Net wrapping*
2 BALERCONTROL III - Control panel* 8 Bale ejector*
3 BALERCONTROL E - Control panel* 9 Tailgate
4 Cutting device* 10 Lock
5 Floor flap* 11 Chain wheels for roller drive
6 Twine wrapping*
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 13
4. Putting Into Operation
When handling parts of the machine in the area of the drawbar, make sure that the machine is safeguarded from rolling away. Do not crank up the support foot until the baler is securely coupled to the tractor.
Do not disconnect the baler until:
The surface is level and supports the road wheels and the
support foot
The baler chamber is empty and the tailgate is closed
The machines road wheels are blocked by chocks
The hydraulic hoses are depressurised
There is no load applied to the drawbar eye
Do not step between the tractor and baler until the vehicles are safeguarded from rolling away by means of the parking brake and/or the wheel chocks!
Children must be kept away from the baler at all times!
4.1. Attaching the baler
Correct baler attachment and drive shaft set up to the tractor is important to ensure trouble-free operation of the baler.
After attaching the baler, screw in the support foot with the hand crank until there is sufficient clearance from the ground.
14 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
4.1.1. Drawbar configuration
(all dimensions in [mm])
A - 3
B - 8
A - 4
B - 7
A - 2
B - 6
A - 1
B - 5
C - 5
RP 202
7 6 5
fig. 10
A - 1
B - 5
A - 2
B - 6
A - 3
B - 7
A - 4
B - 8
RP 302
C - 5
7 6 5
fig. 11
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 15
RP 220 RP 320
fig. 12
4.1.2. Adjusting the trailer hitch
Any adjustment in the height set-up, and therefore a displacement in the drawbar eye position, shall only be carried out by the manufacturer or an approved specialist workshop.
Position the baler on even ground.
Screw out the support foot until the baler is standing level.
Use the flange plate on the stand as a reference.
Measure the height of the tractor towing hitch;
Measure the height of the baler drawbar eye.
With reference to Figure 10 to Figure 12 align the drawbar
with the hole configuration that gives the closest fit to the desired dimension. The locking nuts must be replaced by new ones each time they are undone.
After aligning the trailor hitch, the drawbar eye needs to be
brought into a horizontal position. Do this by undoing the fastening screws of the drawbar eye and correct the alignment of the drawbar eye with the help of the threaded pin.
fig. 13
fig. 14
16 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
Important: Depending on the equipment configuration, a rigid
or rotatable drawbar eye can be fitted. (observe local regulations!) The drawbar eye [3] can be rotated about its longitudinal axis, but has to be locked for a open-type hitch attachment
For open-type hitch (high hitch) attachment, prevent drawbar eye [3] from turning by fitting parts 4, 5 and 6.
For tow hitch (low hitch) attachment, do not prevent drawbar eye [3] from moving, i.e., parts 4 - 6 not be fitted. Parts 4 – 6 are included loose with the delivery of balers having rotating drawbar eyes.
The horizontal protective blacket underneath the drawbar must be set for a minimum ground clearance of 50 cm.
Note: All fastening screws and nuts must be done up tightly:
Component see Tension
Bracket, (RP 202 / RP 302)
Fig 13 270 Nm
Bracket, strengthened Fig. 14 450 Nm
Drawbar eye Fig. 15 and Fig 16,
Pos. 1
350 Nm
Table 2: Tension moment
fig. 15
4 5 6
fig. 16
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 17
4.1.3. Configuration of the tow hitch
If the baler is attached to the tractor tow hitch, compliance with the following dimensions is necessary: (Table 3).
ing category
Catch opening dimensions Catch
outer radius
Position Vertical
support load
ISO 730-1 d b r1) c
l F
min. max. min. ±10 kg
33 60 70 220 400 1200
33 70 80 250 500 1500
Various configurations for the tow hitch are permissible if the external radius r is complied with. (see Figure 13)
The upper part of the tow hitch can be dismantled to comply with dimension c.
Dimensions are in millimeters
Table 3: Dimensions, location and support load of the tow hitch
fig. 17
Tow hitches other than as shown in Figure 17 and Table
. are not permitted!Danger of breakage!
18 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
4.2. Universal drive shaft
4.2.1. Connecting the cam-type cut-out clutch*
Depending on the model, the universal drive shaft is fitted with an automatic overload safety cut out (cam-type cut-out clutch).
Clean and grease the splines of the connecting shaft before
Undo and pull out the clamping cone [1]
Open the maintenance hole in the protective cone. Push the
clutch unit onto the connecting shaft until the locator hole [2] points to the maintenance hole.
Position the locator hole for the clamping cone above the
snap ring groove [3] of the connecting shaft.
Turn the clamping cone within the locator hole and gently
move the hub backwards and forwards lengthways to seat it securely (approx. 70 Nm).
Check that the clutch hub is properly located and securely
fixed by pushing and pulling on it. During this process, the proper location of the clutch should be checked at regular intervals.
4.2.2. Removing the cam-type cut-out clutch*
Undo the clamping cone and pull it out of the clutch hub. If that cannot be done by hand, the clamping cone can also be driven out from the other side with the help of a pin punch.
fig. 18
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 19
4.2.3. Adjusting the universal drive shaft
Pay attention to the maximum operating length L
minimum operating length L
Aim for the greatest possible
a) Shortest operating length, i.e., fully covered
b) During normal operation, the overlap of the tube section
should be at least 2/3 of the overlap L
c) The universal drive shaft can be operated with length L
for short periods, i.e., with a tube section overlap of 1/3 LU.
If necessary, adjust the length. To do this, hold the drive shaft tubes next to each other in the shortest operating position and mark them. Saw off the inner and outer tubes by equal amounts so that a sliding travel of 40 mm is retained in the shortest operating position.
Prevent the protective tube of the universal drive shaft from rotating by fastening the retaining chain.
Check the universal drive shaft each time before start-up to ensure that the locks are properly engaged.
Important: When turning around sharp bends, ensure that the angle at the wide-angle joint (at the tractor) does not exceed the maximum value quoted by the manufacturer of the universal drive shaft.
Pay attention to the operating instructions from the universal drive shaft manufacturer as well as to country-specific approved product labels for the protection of universal drive shafts.
Warning: Only universal drive shafts approved by the manufacturer may be used. A wedge-type freewheel device that is an integral part of the universal drive shaft protects the machine drive against follow-on weights.
When the machine is disconnected, always deposit the universal drive shaft on the universal drive shaft support (Fig. 23). In the case of attachment below, swivel the support upwards as appropriate.
The protective tube and cone of the universal drive shaft and the pto protection device must be fitted and must be in sound working order. Before starting the pto shaft, ensure that the selected rpm of the tractor is in accordance with the permissible rpm and direction of rotation of the machine (540 min-1).
Only start the pto shaft at idling speed!
2/3 LU
1/3 LU
fig. 21
40 mm
fig. 22
fig. 23
20 WELGER RP 202 • RP 220 • RP 302 • RP 320
4.3. Hydraulic hoses
Symbol on hydraulic hose Baler Function Tractor
RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
Open and close tailgate single-acting yellow
RP 202 RP 220 w/o CD RP 302 RP 320 w/o CD
Raise and lower pick up single-acting red
RP 220 RP 320
Activate floor flap and
double- green
(only FARMER) cutting knife acting
RP 220 w. CD
Hydraulic switch with the functions
floor flap*
RP 320 w. CD
pick up unit
cutting device*
CD = Cutting Device*
Note: In order to find the correct oil coupling sleeves quickly when hooking up the baler on later occasions, it is advisable to transfer the color identification used for the hydraulic hoses to the couplings at the tractor end.
WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320 21
Clean the coupling parts of the hydraulic pipes with a clean cloth and plug in to the sockets at the tractor.
Check hoses and pipelines regularly for damage, deterioration and safe functioning. Defective parts are to be replaced immediately by original WELGER replacement parts. Hoses and hose lines are subject to natural deterioration even under normal operating loads. As a result, the useful service life is limited.
According to the "Safety Regulations for Hydraulic Hoses", a service life of six years should not be exceeded!
4.4. Electrical system
4.4.1. Lighting
To connect the lighting system, insert the 7-pin plug into the corresponding socket on the tractor. Before travelling on the road check that the lighting system functions correctly (also in daylight).
4.4.2. "Balercontrol" Electronic Controller
The control panel is provided with a plate which should be fastened within easy reach of the tractor driver.
The control panel of the Balercontrol control system is also provided with a magnetic plate on the rear and can be attached to a metallic surface within easy reach of the driver.
Once the plug is inserted in the socket, power is supplied to the unit and a short sequence of beeps is heard.
Note: When connecting the “Balercontrol electronic controller, a power socket conforming to DIN 9680 must be fitted on the tractor. (Supplied with the baler.) The fuse rating must be 16 A.
The socket with connecting cable and fuse can be supplied under WELGER part No. 0972.19.27.00 as a retrofit part for an additional tractor.
Balercontrol E
RP 202 RP 302 RP 220 FARMER RP 320 FARMER
12 V
fig. 24
Balercontrol III
fig. 25
22 WELGER RP 202 RP 220 RP 302 RP 320
5. Twine wrapping*
5.1. Threading the baling twine
Insert and thread new twine spools only when the baler is switched off. Remove the ignition key
Use good quality baler twine. Refer to technical data at the end of this operating manual. The use of plastic twine is recommended. Place the spools upright into the twine box. If the spools are inserted the wrong way up, the twine tends to form loops and leads to breakage.
Twine A
(Shown as a continuous line
in fig. 26 to fig. 28) Guide the start of the twine from the inside of spool A1 (inner diameter) upwards to the guide eye and then out of the twine box. Tie the end of the twine (outer diameter) of spool A1 to the start of the twine of spool A2.
Twine B
(Shown as a dashed line - - - - - - in fig. 26 to fig. 28) Guide the start of the twine of spool B1 similarly upwards through the guide eye and then out of the twine box.
1. Guide the twines A and B through the twine brake (1).
2. Only in the case of Balercontrol “E”: Wrap both twines
around the deflection rollers (2).
3. Thread in both twines upwards to the pair of eyes (3) on the
binding bar.
4. Only in the case of RP 302 / RP 320 with Balercontrol “E”:
Use the additional guide eyes between the deflection rollers (2) and the pair of eyes (3).
5. The twines shall not touch each other.
6. For continuation go to fig. 28.
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