LELY DISCOVERY 90 S Operator's Manual

Mobile Barn Cleaner
Operator Manual
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
EN - English Original
Lely, Astronaut, Astri, Atlantis, Attis, AWS, C4C, Calm, Caltive, Commodus, Compedes, Cosmix, Discovery, F4C, Fertiliner, Gravitor, Grazeway, Hibiscus, Hubble, Juno, L4C, Lely Center, Lelywash, Lotus, Luna, Nautilus, Orbiter, Quaress, Qwes, SAE, Shuttle, Splendimo, Storm, T4C, Tigo, Vector, Viseo, Voyager, Walkway and Welger are registered trademarks of the Lely Group. The right of exclusive use belongs to the companies of the Lely Group. All rights reserved. The information given in this publication is provided for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer for sale. Certain products may not be available in individual countries and products supplied may differ from those illustrated. No part of this publication may be copied or published by means of printing, photocopying, microfilm or any other process whatsoever without prior permission in writing by Lely Holding S.à r.l. Although the contents of this publication have been compiled with the greatest possible care, Lely cannot accept liability for any damage that might arise from errors or omissions in this publication.
The English language manual is the original manual. Translations into other languages use the English language manual as the source document. Lely accepts no liability for discrepancies between the original English language manual and versions in other languages. If there is a conflict over the content and accuracy of any translated manual, the English language manual is the authority document.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
Copyright © 2015 Lely Industries N.V. All rights reserved
Lely Industries N.V. Cornelis van der Lelylaan 1 3147 PB Maassluis the Netherlands Phone: +31 (0)88 1228221 Fax: +31 (0)88 1228222 Website: www.lely.com
Trademarks, Copyright and Disclaimer 1
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
2 Trademarks, Copyright and Disclaimer
Excluded from this warranty are any cost or expenses due to:
Abnormal use of the equipment which is not according to the specifications stated in the Operator Manual or handled during the Operators Service and Maintenance Certification program.
The result of any intervention by technicians other than Lely service technicians or technicians who have Lely’s approval to perform certain duties.
Incidents such as freezing, ice, fire, flood, inundation or any other form of
• excessive water, lightning.
Defect of the electrical system or grounding.
Hacking activities, viruses or the like.
Damage to the electrical system as a result of vermin or the like.
Warranty does not apply to consequential damage which does not involve the machine itself.
All systems are tested. However in the event of a malfunction Lely cannot be held responsible for consequential damage.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
Warranty Restriction 1
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
2 Warranty Restriction
No: Issue Date
4 15/03 All iOS functionality added
3 14/06 All Bluetooth operation added
2 12/11 All Full revision of the manual
1 10/02 All Full revision of the manual
06/07 Initial issue
Chapter(s) Remarks
Hardware changes are incorporated
Pause button added
Operator manual separated
- Hardware changes are incorporated
- Software changes are incorporated
- Manual complies to the new documentation standard
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
List of Included Amendments 1
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
2 List of Included Amendments
Manual Contents
This manual contains the information necessary to operate the Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S.
Study and understand this information thoroughly before you operate the Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S. Failure to do so could result in personal injury or damage to equipment. Please consult your local Lely service provider if you do not understand the information in this manual, or if you need additional information.
All information in this manual has been compiled with care. Lely shall not be liable for errors or faults in this manual. The recommendations are meant to serve as guidelines. All instructions, pictures and specifications in this manual are based on the latest information that was available at the time of publication. Your Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S may comprise improvements, features or options that are not covered in this manual.
The table below shows the type numbers of Discovery for which this manual is applicable and the software version the procedures are based on.
Model designation
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
Standard Torque Loading of Parts
Model Type number
Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S 5.4002.0020.1
Software version
The description, operation and procedures in this manual are based on the software version:
ADS 3840 PCB: DISSv04.08.XX or higher
ADS 3641 PCB: 1.2.41 or higher
Lely Control app Android: 1.2.23 or higher
Lely Control app iOS: 1.0.0 or higher
All the nuts, bolts and screws used on the Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S are torque tightened to standard torque loadings applicable to the construction materials used.
If a part has a non-standard torque loading, it is specified in the applicable part of the manual.
Preface 1
Maintenance Authorization
The Type and Serial Number Plate is attached to the upper side of the frame of the Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S, under the red cover. Always include the type and serial numbers of Discovery when you contact your local Lely service provider or order spare parts.
Type and Serial Number Plate
We suggest you complete the table below with the type and serial numbers of your Discovery. This makes sure you can easily find the information.
Type number 5.4002.0020.1
Serial number
Only technicians certified by Lely Industries are authorized to do corrective maintenance on the Discovery except for the maintenance done by the operator as indicated in the Operator Manual. If people who are not certified by Lely Industries do maintenance on the Discovery, the warranty on the Discovery becomes invalid.
Before a technician does maintenance on an Discovery, the owner must examine the service pass of the technician and make sure the technician is currently certified to do maintenance on the Discovery.
When a technician completes maintenance on an Discovery the information must be written in the logbook for the Discovery. The logbook must always be kept near the Discovery. The information in the logbook must include:
The maintenance done
The name of the technician
The certification number of the technician
The date of the maintenance.
Technician Training
All the technicians certified by Lely Industries have completed an approved training program, and passed written and practical examinations during and at the end of the training program. The examinations are done under supervision of a product specialist and include troubleshooting and corrective maintenance of the Discovery.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
2 Preface
There are four certification levels:
Installation Technician (certification valid for two years)
Maintenance Technician (certification valid for two years)
Service Engineer (certification valid for two years)
Product Specialist (certification valid for one year).
During training, a trainee is permitted to work for up to a maximum of six months on an Discovery in the presence of a certified technician.
When the training program is completed successfully, Lely issue a certificate and a service pass to the technician. The service pass contains the following information:
The name of the technician
A photograph of the technician
The certification number of the technician
The date of expiry of the certification.
Contact Number Local Service Provider
We suggest you write the telephone number and email address of your local service provider contact in the table below. This makes sure you can easily find the information.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
Telephone number
email address
Preface 3
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4 Preface
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1-
2. Safety...................................................................................................................................................2-1
2.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 2-1
2.2 Signal Icons..............................................................................................................................2-1
2.3 Safety Instructions....................................................................................................................2-1
2.3.1 General Safety......................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3.2 Electrical Safety....................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.3.3 Operating Safety...................................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.4 Maintenance Safety................................................................................................................. 2-3
2.4 Safety Decals........................................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4.1 Safety Decal Messages........................................................................................................... 2-4
2.4.2 Maintenance of Safety Decals................................................................................................. 2-4
2.4.3 Installation of Safety Decals.....................................................................................................2-5
3. Specifications..................................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1 Barn Cleaner............................................................................................................................ 3-1
3.1.1 Dimensions and Weight........................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Battery......................................................................................................................................3-1
3.1.3 Operation................................................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.4 Cleaning Capacity....................................................................................................................3-1
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
3.1.5 Miscellaneous.......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Charging Station...................................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.1 Dimensions and Weight........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Battery Charger........................................................................................................................3-2
3.3 Requirements Smartphone...................................................................................................... 3-2
4. Description and Operation................................................................................................................ 4-1
4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Component Description............................................................................................................4-2
4.2.1 Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S Vehicle.......................................................................... 4-2
4.2.2 Charging Station...................................................................................................................... 4-6
4.3 User Interface...........................................................................................................................4-7
4.3.1 Work.........................................................................................................................................4-7
4.3.2 Routes....................................................................................................................................4-10
4.3.3 Settings.................................................................................................................................. 4-21
4.3.4 Alarms....................................................................................................................................4-21
4.3.5 Service................................................................................................................................... 4-22
4.4 Operation............................................................................................................................... 4-22
4.4.1 Routes, Actions, Manual Routes and Time Paths................................................................. 4-22
Table of Contents v
4.4.2 Control System...................................................................................................................... 4-23
5. Operating Instructions.......................................................................................................................5-1
Install or Update the Lely Control app on Your Smart Phone.................................................. 5-1
5.2 Rename the Discovery on the Smartphone............................................................................. 5-1
5.3 Set the farmer password.......................................................................................................... 5-1
5.4 Remove or Install the Covers...................................................................................................5-1
5.5 Switch ON or OFF the Discovery............................................................................................. 5-3
5.6 Operate Device Specific Software with a Smartphone............................................................ 5-3
5.7 Start the Software on Your Smartphone.................................................................................. 5-3
5.8 Manually Drive the Discovery...................................................................................................5-4
5.9 Drive the Discovery to the Charging Station............................................................................ 5-5
5.10 Prepare for Programming.........................................................................................................5-6
5.10.1 Requirements for a Good Route.............................................................................................. 5-6
5.10.2 Example Routes, Barn with Milking Robot...............................................................................5-7
5.10.3 Example Route, Barn with Milking Parlour.............................................................................5-12
5.10.4 To Pass a Crosswalk............................................................................................................. 5-12
5.10.5 To make a Turn......................................................................................................................5-13
5.10.6 To Approach the Charging Station from the Opposite Direction............................................5-14
5.10.7 To Follow a Bend in a Wall.................................................................................................... 5-15
5.11 Program the Discovery...........................................................................................................5-16
5.11.1 Program a New Route........................................................................................................... 5-16
5.11.2 Copy a Route......................................................................................................................... 5-22
5.11.3 Modify a Route.......................................................................................................................5-22
5.11.4 Reset a modified Route to the previous Version....................................................................5-23
5.11.5 Delete a Route....................................................................................................................... 5-24
5.11.6 Set or Delete a Manual Route................................................................................................5-24
5.11.7 Set a Time Path..................................................................................................................... 5-24
5.11.8 Make a Backup...................................................................................................................... 5-25
5.11.9 Copy a Backup file from the Smartphone to a PC................................................................. 5-26
5.11.10 Copy a Backup file from a PC to the Smartphone................................................................. 5-26
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
5.12 Start or Stop the Time Path....................................................................................................5-27
5.13 Start, Stop or Pause a Manual Route.................................................................................... 5-27
5.14 Block a Route.........................................................................................................................5-29
5.15 Set the Speed for a Route......................................................................................................5-29
5.16 Set the Speed for a Particular Action..................................................................................... 5-29
6. Maintenance........................................................................................................................................6-1
6.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Preventive Maintenance Schedule...........................................................................................6-1
6.3 Maintenance Procedures......................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3.1 Clean the Charging Strips and the Charging Electrodes......................................................... 6-2
vi Table of Contents
6.3.2 Clean the Ultrasonic Sensor.................................................................................................... 6-3
6.3.3 Clean the Sensing Wheel........................................................................................................ 6-3
6.3.5 Clean the Covers..................................................................................................................... 6-6
6.3.6 Tighten a Chain - short procedure........................................................................................... 6-6
6.3.7 Replace the Manure Scraper................................................................................................... 6-7
6.3.8 Replace the Sliding Disc.......................................................................................................... 6-9
Clean the Manure Scraper.......................................................................................................6-4
7. Test and Adjustment..........................................................................................................................7-1
7.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Settings.................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.1 Set the Real-Time Clock.......................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2.2 Set the Display Language........................................................................................................7-1
7.2.3 Set the Motor Power................................................................................................................ 7-2
7.2.4 Modify the Beep Frequency for a Route.................................................................................. 7-2
7.2.5 Modify the Beep Length........................................................................................................... 7-2
7.3 Tests........................................................................................................................................ 7-2
7.3.1 Analyse the Reliability of a Route............................................................................................ 7-2
7.3.2 Test a Route............................................................................................................................ 7-3
7.3.3 Make sure the Battery is Loaded............................................................................................. 7-4
7.3.4 Make sure the Battery is Charging...........................................................................................7-4
7.3.5 Make sure the Bluetooth Connection is Reliable..................................................................... 7-5
7.3.6 Test the Ultrasonic Sensor.......................................................................................................7-5
8. Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 8-1
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
8.2 Alarms and Reports................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2.1 Recover alarms........................................................................................................................8-1
8.2.2 Read Non-Critical Alarm Messages.........................................................................................8-1
8.2.3 Read a Report..........................................................................................................................8-2
8.2.4 Alarm List................................................................................................................................. 8-2
8.2.5 Report List..............................................................................................................................8-10
8.2.6 Information Report List...........................................................................................................8-12
8.3 Troubleshooting Tables..........................................................................................................8-13
8.3.1 Troubleshooting Table Discovery Vehicle..............................................................................8-13
8.3.2 Troubleshooting Table Discovery Charging Station...............................................................8-15
8.4 Recovery Procedures.............................................................................................................8-15
8.4.1 Reset the Control System...................................................................................................... 8-15
8.4.2 Calibrate the Gyroscope........................................................................................................ 8-15
8.4.3 Charge the Discovery............................................................................................................ 8-16
9. Diagrams............................................................................................................................................. 9-1
Glossary of Terms
Table of Contents vii
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
viii Table of Contents


The Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S is a battery-driven vehicle that cleans the floor of a barn. A manure scraper on the bottom of the Discovery pushes the manure through the openings of the slatted floor.
The farmer (operator) uses the Lely Control app on the smartphone to program the route for the Discovery. Routes can be programmed flexibly. The farmer has the option to do more intensive cleaning of some areas of the barn during certain hours of the day.
The information in this manual is for operators. The operator uses the information to program and operate the Discovery. The operator also uses the information to do maintenance.
The operator must read the operating instructions for daily operation and for the setup of routes and time paths. He must read the test and adjustment section for the setup and for testing the Discovery and routes. He must also read the maintenance and troubleshooting sections for preventive and basic corrective maintenance instructions.
The operator should refer to the description and the operation section for background information. The operator must also read and understand the safety instructions in section 'Safety'.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
Introduction 1-1
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
1-2 Introduction

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Signal Icons


The Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S is an automated machine. Therefore it is of the utmost importance to obey all safety instructions.
The safety alert symbol identifies important safety messages on your Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S and in the manual. When you see this symbol, be alert to the possibility of personal injury or death. Follow the instruction of the safety message.
Safety Alert Symbol
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control

2.3 Safety Instructions

Note the use of the signal words DANGER, WARNING and CAUTION with the safety messages. The signal word for each message uses the following guidelines:
Danger: indicates an imminently hazardous situation that, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
Warning: indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury, and includes hazards that are exposed when guards are removed.
Caution: indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury or product or property damage.
Note: this shows extra information that may help the reader.
YOU are responsible for the SAFE operation and maintenance of your barn cleaner. YOU must make sure that you and anyone else who is going to operate, maintain or work in the vicinity of the barn cleaner knows all the related SAFETY information in this manual.
YOU are the key to safety. Good safety practices protect you and the people around you. Make these practices a working part of your safety program. Make sure EVERYONE who operates, maintains or works near the
Safety 2-1

2.3.1 General Safety

Discovery obeys the safety precautions. Do not risk injury or death by ignoring good safety practices.
Discovery owners must train operators before they operate the barn cleaner. This training must be repeated at least annually
The operator must read, understand and obey all safety and operating instructions in the manual
A person who has not read and understood all safety and operating
• instructions is not permitted to operate the barn cleaner
Do not modify the equipment in any way. Unauthorized modification may impair the function and/or safety and could affect the life of the equipment, and persons
Only use approved spare parts, and make sure they are only installed by authorized technicians.
Read and understand the manual and all safety signs before you connect power supplies to operate, maintain or adjust the Discovery
Only trained persons are permitted to operate the Discovery
A first-aid kit must be available near the Discovery. Store in a highly visible place
A carbon dioxide or foam fire extinguisher must be available near the Discovery. Store in a highly visible place
Install all protective covers and guards before you operate the Discovery
Wear the correct protective clothing and equipment
Disconnect and isolate the electrical power supply and wait for all moving parts to stop before you clean or do maintenance on the Discovery
Know the emergency medical center number for your area
Contact your nearest Lely service provider if you have any questions
Review safety related items with all operators frequently (annually).
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control

2.3.2 Electrical Safety

Only an authorized electrician must install the electrical power supply for the charging station of the Discovery.
Make sure the electrical grounding of the electrical system and all parts of the charging station of the Discovery meet the local rules and regulations.
Replace any damaged electrical lines, conduits, switches and components immediately .
Switch the power OFF with the OFF button on the ADS 3840 PCB before you start to work on the system (page 53).
Pull the plug from the socket before you start to work on the charging station.
2-2 Safety

2.3.3 Operating Safety

Remote Operation of the smartphone or tablet by remote desktop software (such as, but not limited by, Teamviewer) is strictly forbidden to avoid dangerous situations.
Read and understand this manual and all safety signs before you connect power supplies to operate, maintain or adjust the Discovery
Only trained persons are permitted to operate the Discovery
Make sure all covers are installed before you operate the Discovery
Keep hands, feet, hair and clothing away from all moving parts
Keep away from all areas with high voltage
Keep unauthorized persons, especially small children away from the Discovery at all times
Always be alert for unexpected movement of the cow. Cows can transmit large forces to parts of the machine
Contact your nearest Lely service provider if you have any questions
Review safety related items with all operators frequently (annually).
Make sure the slope of the floor is 6 degrees maximum (10,5 cm per 100 cm).
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control

2.3.4 Maintenance Safety

Figure 1. Maximum slope
Read and understand this manual and all safety signs before you connect power supplies to operate, maintain or adjust the Discovery
Only trained persons are permitted to do corrective maintenance on the Discovery
Disconnect and isolate the electrical power supply to the charging station before you do maintenance on it
Switch OFF all timed actions before you do maintenance on the Discovery or clean it
Safety 2-3
Keep tools and metal parts away from the battery
Do NOT use water to clean the body of the Discovery
Use water and a brush to clean the manure scraper or the ultrasonic sensor of the Discovery; refer to the maintenance instructions (page 6
Install all covers after you finished the maintenance.

2.4 Safety Decals

2.4.1 Safety Decal Messages

General safety messages appear in this safety messages section. Specific safety messages are in applicable parts of this manual when potential hazards may occur if the instructions or procedures are not followed.
Rotating Parts - Entanglement Hazard Symbol
Danger of being entangled by rotating parts. Keep hands, loose clothing, and long hair away from moving parts during operation of the Discovery.
The 'Danger of being entangled by rotating parts' decal is located at the inner side of the motor plate of the Discovery.

2.4.2 Maintenance of Safety Decals

Safety decals on the Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S display important and useful information that will help you safely operate and maintain the Discovery.
Obey the instructions below to make sure all the decals stay in the correct position and condition.
Keep the safety decals clean and legible at all times. Clean the safety decals with soap and water. Do not use mineral spirits, abrasive cleaners or other similar agents that may damage the safety decals
Replace safety decals that are missing or are illegible
Safety decals can be purchased from your local Lely service provider.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
2-4 Safety

2.4.3 Installation of Safety Decals

1. Make sure the installation surface is clean and dry.
2. Make sure the temperature of the mounting surface is not less than 5
°C (41 °F).
3. Identify the correct position for the decal before you remove the
backing paper.
Remove a small part of the backing paper.
5. Put the decal in the correct position on the mounting surface and
carefully press the small part of exposed adhesive surface of the decal onto the mounting surface.
6. Slowly remove the backing paper and attach the rest of the decal to
the mounting surface.
7. Puncture small air pockets in the decal with a pin and use the backing
paper to smooth the decal.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
Safety 2-5
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
2-6 Safety


3.1 Barn Cleaner

3.1.1 Dimensions and Weight

Refer to the Diagrams chapter for the complete dimensions of the Discovery.
Length: 1285 mm (50.59 in)
Width: 860 mm (33.86 in)
Height: 575 mm (22.64 in)
Weight: 303 kg (668 lbs)
Sensing ring height: 125 mm (4.92 in)

3.1.2 Battery

Number of batteries: 1
Nominal voltage: 12 V
Capacity: 55 Ah
Charging time: 6 hours maximum
Spare capacity: 120 min

3.1.3 Operation

5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control

3.1.4 Cleaning Capacity

3.1.5 Miscellaneous

Number of different programmable routes: max 16
Number of actions per route: max 125
Number of time-route combinations per time path: max 48
Maximum duration of a time path: 24 hour
Travel speed: 10.8 to 18 m/min (display: 180 - 300 mm/sec)
Max. cleaning capacity: 918 m²/h at 18 m/min
Suited for all level slatted floors
Drive: 2 electric motors
Average power consumption: 0.05 kWh
Number of wheels: 2
Detection of the driving direction: gyroscope
Distance measurement to wall: ultrasonic sensor
Traveled distance: measured via encoders on the motors.
Specifications 3-1
3.2 Charging Station

3.2.1 Dimensions and Weight

Charging station

Width: 380 mm (15.0 in)
Depth: 220 mm (8.7 in)
Height: 1650 - 2050 mm (65.0 - 80.7 in)
Weight (excluding floor column): 40 kg (88 lbs)
Floor column (optional)
Width: 370 mm (14.6 in)
Depth: 100 mm (3.9 in)
Height: 2100 mm (82.7 in)
Weight: 44 kg (97 lbs)

3.2.2 Battery Charger

Type: Impulse "L"
Input voltage: 230 VAC (50 Hz) or 110 VAC (60 Hz)
Nominal output voltage: 12 VDC
Max. charge current: 20 A
Max. power: 295 W
Weight: 1.7 kg (3.7 lbs)
Length, excluding battery terminals: 196 mm (7.7 in)
Width: 150 mm (5.9 in)
Height: 68 mm (2.7 in).
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control

3.3 Requirements Smartphone

Use of a tablet is technically possible if it meets the specifications. However, the user interface might not be displayed optimally since it is designed for smartphones.
Screen resolution 480 x 800 (or higher).
Android 2.3.x or higher.
Bluetooth version 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 4.0 dual mode (4.0 single mode is not
• supported).
Compliance with 1999/5/EC european directive for Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment.
For software updates a WiFi or 3G network must be available.
Processor: 1 GHz (or higher).
Android smartphone must have at least 10 MB free storage.
3-2 Specifications
iPhone 4 or higher.
iOS 6 or higher.*
For software updates a WiFi of 3G network must be available.
iPhone must have at least 10 MB free storage.
* iOS 8 is recommended.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
Specifications 3-3
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
3-4 Specifications

4.1 Introduction

This chapter describes the parts of the Discovery. It also explains how the parts work together to clean the barn floor.
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
Figure 2. Main components
1. Indicator LEDs (not visible) - 2. Charging station - 3. Discovery vehicle - 4. Sensing
wheel - 5. Manure scraper - 6. Charging strips - 7. Charging electrodes

Description and Operation 4-1

Figure 3. Main components Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S Vehicle
1. Upper cover - 2. Lower cover - 3. Manure scraper - 4. Concrete frame - 5. Acoustic
warning device - 6. Bluetooth antenna - 7. Pause button - 8. PCB box

4.2 Component Description

4.2.1 Discovery Mobile Barn Cleaner 90 S Vehicle

The Discovery has the following mechanisms and systems:
Cleaning mechanism
Driving mechanism
Power system
Control system. Covers
The Discovery has a red upper cover with a fastener on the back side. At the front side of the vehicle a rotatable bracket holds the cover. Underneath the red upper cover, the lower cover gives extra protection to the main parts (page 42) of the Discovery. Cleaning Mechanism
A manure scraper installed underneath the Discovery pushes the manure through the openings of the slatted floor (page 42).
5.4002.8501.0 A Lely Control
4-2 Description and Operation
+ 96 hidden pages