Thank you for buying Lejonklou Sagatun!
Using the front buttons
-VOL decreases the volume by one step. If you press and
hold, the volume climbs down with a one second pause at
each decade (volume 50, 40, 30, 20 etc.)
+VOL increases the volume by one step. If you press and
hold, the volume climbs up with a one second pause at each
decade. If Sagatun is asleep (indicator off), the first press on
a VOL button will wake it up, but not change the volume.
SRC/MUTE changes the input from 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 1 etc.
If you press and hold, Sagatun will mute the volume.
The mute state is ended by either pressing a VOL button or
pressing and holding SRC/MUTE again.
Using the remote control
Sagatun can be controlled by any remote that follows the
Philips RC5 standard. The following buttons are used:
-VOL and +VOL work exactly like the front buttons.
-PROG/SOURCE and +PROG/SOURCE change the
input up or down. The inputs are also directly selectable by
the following buttons:
Phono IN1
Tuner IN3
MUTE on your remote has dual functions:
A quick press temporarily lowers the volume by 12 dB.
Pressing and holding MUTE until the indicator goes dark
mutes the volume completely. Both the -12 dB and mute
state end when MUTE or a VOL button is pressed.
Child Lock
Pressing both VOL buttons on the front disables the front
buttons. Sagatun will then accept only remote or Control
Link commands. To remove Child Lock, press and hold
both VOL buttons for more than 3 seconds.
Rebooting Sagatun
When Sagatun is rebooted, the user settings can be changed.
This is how you reboot: Press and hold the front button
SRC/MUTE. Then press and hold both front VOL
buttons. Keep all three buttons pressed for 3 seconds.
User settings
When Sagatun is rebooted, the indicator shows a start up
During these six red blinks,
pressing a front button will activate a user setting. A short
white blink will confirm that your choice is registered.
-VOL: The standard setting is that any type of RC5 remote
is accepted, including remotes for TV sets. The supplied
remote is a TV model. If you get unwanted interaction with
other units or remotes, press the button -VOL during the
start up sequence. This limits Sagatun to only accepting
remotes for HiFi units.
+VOL: The standard setting is that volume stops at level 78.
This is a safe limit for Lejonklou Tundra amplifiers with
most sources. Pressing +VOL during the start up sequence
removes this limit and Sagatun can go to volume 100.
SRC/MUTE: Pressing this button sets input 4 to Unity
Gain. This means that the volume setting is always 80 for
this input and neither MUTE nor VOL commands work.
The volume setting of other inputs is saved when selecting
input 4 and restored when leaving input 4.