Leisure Craft KL-Active Service manual

Soldering point.
M ale connector.
Fem ale connector.
M/F faston connector.
Test point.
Supply voltage.
Analog supply ground.
C hassis ground.
Earth ground.
Flag joined w ith one or m ore flags
GENERALMUSIC S.p.A. Sales Division: 47842 S.Giovanni in Marignano (RN) ITALY - Via delle Rose, 12 - tel. 0541/959511 - fax 0541/957404 GENERALMUSIC on the NET: http://www.generalmusic.com
CODE: 270223
w ith the sam e signal nam e inscribed.
O bserve precautions w hen handling electrostatic sensitive devices.
Service m ust be carried out by qualified personnel only.A ny tam pering carried out by unqualified personnel during the guarantee p e rio d w ill forfeit the right to guarantee. For a correct operation of the instrum ent, after having sw itched off, be careful to w ait at least 3 seconds before sw itching on again. To im prove the device's specifications, the schem atic diagram s m ay be subject to change w ithout prior notice. All com ponents m arked by this sym bol have special safety characteristics, w hen replacing any of these com ponents use only m anufacturer's specified parts. The (µ) m icro sym bol of capacitance value is substituted by U . The (Ω) om ega sym bol o f resistan ce value is su bstitute d by E . The electrolytic capacitors are 25Vdc rated voltage unless otherw ise specified. All resistors are 1/8W unless otherw ise specified. All sw itches show n in the "O FF " position. A ll D C voltages m easured to ground w ith a voltm eter 20K O hm /V .
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B lo c k D ia g ra m - In p u ts , O u tp u s t & C o n tro ls B o a rd s
Technical Specifications - S pare P art List
6 0 0 W P o w e r A m p lifie r A s s e m b ly (K 6 A c tiv e )
S e c o n d E d itio n
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