LEI Electronics MapCreate 6 User Manual

Pub. 988-0147-382
MapCreate 6
Custom Mapping Software for GPS
Installation and Operation
Copyright © 2003 LEI Extras, Inc., a division of
MapCreate is a trademark of Lowrance Electronics, Inc.
Points of Interest Data in this unit are by infoUSA, copyright  2001-2003, All Rights Reserved. infoUSA is a trademark of infoUSA, Inc.
eXitSource Database, copyright  2001-2003 Zenrin Co. Ltd. Exit Authority and eXitSource are trademarks of Zenrin Co. Ltd.
LEI Extras, Lowrance Electronics, or Eagle Electronics may find it necessary to change or end their policies, regulations and special offers at any time. They reserve the right to do so without notice. All features and specifications subject to change without notice. All screens in this manual are simulated.
For more Lowrance or Eagle accessories,
visit our web site:
For free owner's manuals and other information,
visit the manufacturers' web sites:
www.lowrance.com www.eaglesonar.com
LEI Extras Inc.
PO BOX 129
Catoosa, OK USA 74015
Printed in USA.
Table of Contents
Sec. 1: Introduction................................................................... 1
How Mapcreate Works ................................................................. 3
File Formats & Functions ............................................................ 4
Map Border File ........................................................................ 4
Custom Map File....................................................................... 4
GPS Data File ........................................................................... 5
Ascii Text File ........................................................................... 5
GPS Data Manger (GDM) File ................................................. 5
Atlas File ................................................................................... 6
GPS Unit Compatibility ............................................................... 6
Important Notes About File Size ................................................. 6
Mapping Detail: There's More Here than Meets the Eye. ............ 8
Find Highway Exit Services ..................................................... 9
Find Points of Interest.............................................................. 9
Find an Address ...................................................................... 10
How to Use this Manual: Typographical Conventions.............. 10
Sec. 2: Installing Mapcreate 6.2............................................13
System Requirements............................................................. 13
Installation Types ................................................................... 13
Installing Mapcreate............................................................... 14
Care of your Mapcreate CDs .................................................. 18
Starting Mapcreate (Easy Mode and Advanced Mode) ......... 19
Sec. 3: Working with Mapcreate ..........................................21
Easy Mode Quick Start Reference ........................................ 21
Advanced Mode Quick Start Reference............................... 22
Starting Mapcreate..................................................................... 23
The Mapselect Screen................................................................. 24
The Mapcreate Screen ................................................................ 25
Closing Mapcreate .................................................................. 27
Mapcreate Screen Components.............................................. 27
Master Map Window............................................................... 27
Main Menu .............................................................................. 29
Toolbar..................................................................................... 29
Map Category Options Window ............................................. 30
Waypoint List Window ........................................................... 31
Icon List Window ....................................................................32
Route List Window.................................................................. 32
Route Waypoint List Window................................................. 33
Trail List Window ................................................................... 34
Moving around the Master Map................................................. 34
Pan Arrows.............................................................................. 34
Center Master Map................................................................. 35
Zoom ........................................................................................ 35
Creating Rectangle Map Borders............................................... 36
Creating Corridor Map Borders ................................................. 37
Saving a Map Border File........................................................... 39
Creating a Custom Map File ...................................................... 40
Creating a Waypoint................................................................... 43
Creating an Icon ......................................................................... 45
Creating a Route ......................................................................... 47
Saving a GPS Data File.............................................................. 50
Creating a Corridor Map from a Route...................................... 51
Creating a Route from a Trail .................................................... 54
Appendix 1: Mapcreate Command List ..............................57
Searching Help............................................................................ 58
Appendix 2: Map Category List............................................ 61
Appendix 3: Mapcreate 6 Symbol Key ................................63
Appendix 4: Considerations When Planning Highway Routes 67
When showing navigation data to a position (waypoint), a GPS unit will show the shortest, most direct path to the waypoint. It provides navigation data to the waypoint regardless of obstructions. Therefore, the prudent navigator will not only take advantage of all available navigation tools when traveling to a way­point, but will also visually check to make sure a clear, safe path to the waypoint is always available.
When a GPS unit is used in a vehicle, the vehicle operator is solely re­sponsible for operating the vehicle in a safe manner. Vehicle operators must maintain full surveillance of all pertinent driving, boating or fly­ing conditions at all times. An accident or collision resulting in dam­age to property, personal injury or death could occur if the operator of a GPS-equipped vehicle fails to pay full attention to travel conditions and vehicle operation while the vehicle is in motion.
Section 1: Introduction
How this manual can get you into the field, fast!
Thanks for buying MapCreate 6.2! We know you're anxious to install the program and make some maps, but we have one more favor to ask. Before you grab that CD, please give us a moment to explain how our manual can help you get the best performance from our software.
Our goal is to get you on the road or out to the woods and water fast, with a minimum of fuss. We won't try to turn you into a computer expert. Like you, we'd rather spend more time on the water or in the woods, and less time reading a manual!
For First Time Users
If you are a first-time user, or if your computer skills are a bit rusty, we strongly recommend you start with the program's easy mode, which we call MapSelect. It's the quickest and easiest way to make pre­defined maps with maximum detail for your GPS unit. In MapSelect mode, all map borders are pre-drawn for you in approximately 8 MB chunks. Just click the one you want and save it. To use the easy mode, first install MapCreate 6.2 on your computer (install instructions begin on page 13). Then, choose the MapSelect option when you start the program. It's so simple, complete easy mode instructions are on the one-page yellow insert included in this package. For your convenience, the same instructions are repeated here in the manual, on page 21. If you're in a big hurry or just making basic maps, MapSelect is all you need…you can ignore most of the material in this manual. In fact, you should stop reading here and just skip on over the Section 2, Installation!
For Experienced Users
Our program's advanced mode, which we just call the MapCreate option, is required for managing GPS data such as waypoints, routes, trails and event marker icons. Unlike the easy mode, MapCreate does not use pre-defined borders when it generates a custom map. It includes option settings that allow complete control over a custom map's file size, the amount and types of detail included, and the specific area covered by the map.
You don't need to be a computer whiz to use these powerful tools, but you should be comfortable with basic Microsoft tasks. This manual contains all the background and tutorial information you need to use all of the program's advanced features.
Windows computing
That covers a lot of ground, but, we designed this book so that you don't have to read the whole thing from front to back for the information you want. You can skip around, and we've made it easy to look up any tips you may need from time to time. Here's how:
The manual has three main sections. This first section tells you the basics you need to know to make MapCreate wake up and get to work.
Section two (on page 13) will help you get the program correctly installed on your computer.
Section three (on page 21) is the heart of our book, the Quick Start Reference. It contains easy-to-skim lessons on the program's main operations. These segments show you how to make highly customized maps and GPS information and get them into your GPS unit. It's all you need to get on the road quickly.
After you've gained some experience with the program, you may want to try some of the really advanced features. That brings us to the Command Reference, which is available only in the MapCreate 6 Help file on the CD-ROM. It contains — in alphabetical order — every command function in MapCreate 6.
Each entry includes a "quick reference" box briefly telling what the command does and how to run it from the menu, toolbar or keyboard. Then, we've included more tips and tricks so you can take advantage of all the extra power and performance MapCreate offers.
You can see an example of the online Command Reference format in Appendix 1 at the back of this manual, on page 57. Appendix 1 contains the entry on the Help Command, which explains how to use Help.
In addition to the Command Reference, the online Help includes all the material from the manual's Quick Start Reference section. Just press the F1 key to launch Help. You can find facts fast by electronically searching the Help File for the word or phrase you want.
In our printed manual, we've included other general supplemental material as appendices in the back of the book. Check out the Table of Contents to see the topics contained in each appendix.
Once you have the software installed, browse through the quick start lessons in Section 3 to get you going. Later, when you want to try something new or you have a question about a particular function, skim through the manual's table of contents or search the online Command Reference to read what you need.
How MapCreate Works
You'll be making maps faster if you understand the hoops MapCreate must jump through to cram a high detail map into your GPS unit.
First of all, those CDs you just purchased contain a whole bunch of raw computerized cartography data. There are several hundred files of digital mapping information containing lake shorelines, navigation aids, roads, rivers and all the other information that goes into our high-detail maps.
It takes some fancy formatting to fit the whole world onto a couple of compact discs. Your GPS unit can't read those raw files (called atlas files). Even if it could, no GPS unit or MultiMedia Card (MMC) has enough memory to hold that much information.
This is where MapCreate comes in. The program looks at all those raw atlas files, shuffles the different types of information together, and then places them onto your computer screen. That's what we call the Master Map, the main window in the MapCreate interface. By changing various options in MapCreate, you can control how much geographic detail is displayed on-screen in the Master Map.
It's a pretty cool electronic map, but your GPS can't read it in this form, either. This is where you come in. You move around the Master Map and locate the area or areas you want to make a detailed map of. Then, you grab the computer mouse and draw a map border around the region you want. (There are two or three fun ways to do this…we'll describe 'em in a few minutes.)
Now, this map border isn't really a map yet — it just defines or outlines the area you want to include in the final GPS-friendly map. You can save the boundary you have drawn as a Map Border File. MapCreate uses the Map Border File like an electronic shopping list. The program looks at your Map Border File, grabs the appropriate raw atlas information, and then glues it all together as a custom map. Now you can save this data as a Custom Map File, which you can copy onto an MMC (or SDC) and load into your GPS unit.
GPS information — such as waypoints, routes or trails — is handled differently. You can click the mouse to set a waypoint or plan a route, then save that information as a GPS Data File. This file is ready to load into your GPS unit. When your unit makes trails or waypoints in the field, that information is also saved as a GPS Data File, which you can then load back into your computer, open and save in MapCreate. Remember, you must use the advanced mode of MapCreate to work with GPS data.
File Formats & Functions
Well, now you know what makes MapCreate tick. You may be ready to skip forward to where we explain how our text formatting makes the manual easy to skim. If that's the case, move on to "How to Use This Manual" on page 10. But, if you want to pick up an extra tip or two, look over this segment describing the file formats MapCreate works with.
Map Border File
This file defines the boundary of the raw cartography data that is extracted and converted to a GPS custom map. The file information is displayed on the computer's Master Map screen as either a green rectangle (rectangle map border) or a magenta polygon shape (corridor map border.) The file extension is *.lmp, and the file is saved on your computer hard drive. A Map Border File can contain one or more different map border sets, and these border sets don't need to be next to each other on the map.
For example, you can draw a rectangle border around one lake and then draw a second corridor border around another lake several miles away, and include both of those border sets into one Map Border File. There is no limit (other than space on your hard disk, MMC or SDC) on how many different border sets you can include in a Map Border File. You can open and edit a Map Border File and then save the file with the changes you made.
Custom Map File
This is the actual custom map format used by your GPS unit. MapCreate takes the borders you drew and saved as a Map Border File, extracts that area's information from the raw atlas data on the CD, then converts it to a Custom Map File. We call this conversion process "building the map." The file extension is *.lcm, and the file is saved either to your hard drive or directly to your MMC or SDC. (Remember, MMC or SDC cards are what your GPS uses to store information.) If you save to your hard drive, you can drag and drop the file to your MMC or SDC at your convenience, just as you handle other Windows based computer files. (This assumes you are using a USB-compatible MMC card reader, which acts like an external removable disk drive. If you are using a parallel port MMC card reader, refer to its manual for file transfer instructions.)
You cannot open and make changes to a Custom Map File once it has been created. If you want to make changes to a custom map, return to its original companion Map Border File, make changes there, then
create a fresh Custom Map File. You can delete the old one, or just save the new custom map over the old one.
GPS Data File
This file format contains all the GPS navigation information (waypoints, event marker icons, routes and trails) used by your GPS unit and MapCreate. The file extension is *.usr (for User file) and the file is saved either to your hard drive or directly to your MMC or SDC. As with other Windows-based files, you can drag and drop these files from the hard drive onto an MMC or SDC, which is then loaded into your GPS unit. You can open and make changes in a GPS Data File once it has been created. The contents can include any combination of waypoints, routes, trails and event marker icons. The information shows up graphically on the Master Map as symbols with names. The same information is also available as text in a list window, such as the Waypoint List window. Your GPS unit saves field-collected GPS information in the same format so MapCreate can be used to save valuable travel or adventure data for a later trip. This also makes it easy to exchange GPS data with friends using Lowrance or Eagle GPS equipment.
ASCII Text File
This is a universal text file format compatible with word processors and other software programs. MapCreate can exchange routes and waypoint lists with other mapping programs by importing and exporting GPS information as comma-delimited ASCII text files. ASCII (pronounced "ask-ee") uses the *.txt file extension. You don't need to work with these files, unless you plan to exchange routes and waypoints between MapCreate and other mapping programs. For more information on how to use this file type, see the online Command Reference topics "Export GPS Data" and "Import GPS Data."
GPS Data Manger (GDM) File
This is an older file format used by MapCreate 5 and MapCreate 4 to hold navigation data (waypoints and such). MapCreate 6 can open these files, making the program backward compatible with versions 5 and 4. The GDM file extension is *.low. Although MapCreate 6 is designed to load and read older GPS Data Files in the *.low format, MapCreate 6.0 also allowed users to choose to save new files in the older format (though the program could not actually save them). This has been corrected in version 6.2. You can still open files in either format, but you can now only save GPS Data Files in the newer *.usr format. Please note that your MapCreate 6-compatible GPS unit can only read *.usr files.
Atlas File
This is the "raw" file format for layer after layer of cartographic and hydrographic data on our CDs. You never have to work with these files directly. MapCreate pulls data from these files to display the Master Map you see in the main window on your computer. The program combines the information from a Map Border File with the Atlas Files to make Custom Map Files for your GPS unit.
NOTE: MMC Card Formats
If you have an older MMC that has been formatted by a parallel port Lowrance MMC Interface card reader, the card format may not be compatible with your newer USB port MMC card reader. If that's the case, you can preserve your historic GPS data by copying it to your hard drive with your older parallel port reader. The older MMC can then be reformatted so it will work with the newer USB card reader. To reformat an MMC, refer to the instructions that came with your USB MMC card reader or your sonar/GPS unit.
If you ever have to format your MMC card, you should know that MapCreate, as well as Lowrance and Eagle GPS products, will only read cards that are FAT formatted. MMC cards formatted using FAT 32 or NTFS will not work with these products.
You should never format an MMC containing a Navionics
chart. Formatting the MMC will permanently
erase the chart from the card.
GPS Unit Compatibility
MapCreate 6.2 is compatible with these Lowrance products: iFINDER, GlobalMap GlobalMap GlobalMap LCX-18C, LCX-19C, LCX-104C. If you purchased an LCX-15, LCX-16 or GlobalMap
4000M, GlobalMap 5000C, GlobalMap 6000C,
7000C, LMS-240, LMS-320, LCX-15 series, LCX-16 series,
3000 prior to March 2002, your unit will need a software
2400, GlobalMap 3000, GlobalMap 3200,
upgrade to work with MapCreate 6. The upgrade is available for free download from the web site, www.lowrance.com. If you have questions, call Lowrance customer service at 1-800-324-1356, toll free in the USA.
MapCreate 6.2 is compatible with these Eagle products: SeaCharter 320DF, FishElite 320, IntelliMap 320. If you have questions about your Eagle GPS, call customer service at 1-800-324-1354, toll free in the USA.
Important Notes About File Size
The size of a Custom Map File is important. It must be small enough to fit on the MMC (MultiMedia Card) that your GPS uses for data storage.
This solid-state, flash memory device is about the size of a postage stamp. (SDC [Secure Digital] cards are also compatible with any Lowrance or Eagle product that uses MMCs.)
The MMCs shipped with Lowrance and Eagle GPS units are 16 MB size. If you're using a 16 MB MMC, your Custom Map File must be less than 16 MB in order to fit on the card. (This space issue is the same as floppy disks; you can't really fit a 1.44 MB file onto a 1.44 MB diskette because some space is required for the disk's file allocation table. In the case of a 16 MB MMC, actual maximum useable space is about 15.2 MB.)
MMCs and SDCs are used in a variety of other digital devices. Most electronics or digital camera stores sell MMCs and SDCs, and at press time they are available in 8 MB, 16 MB, 32 MB, 64 MB, 128 MB and 256 MB sizes. Cards with larger capacities may be available in the future. MapCreate is a powerful tool for your GPS, because it allows you to match your map's file size and detail level to your card's memory capacity and your travel needs.
Other GPS units use direct serial cable connections to transfer high detail maps from a computer to the GPS device. Lowrance and Eagle switched from this traditional method to removable memory cards for several reasons. A USB card reader can transfer a large custom map to your unit 30 times faster than a serial cable connection. Removable media means you don't need to have a computer and cable with you to load a new map in the field. If the unit is mounted in a vehicle, there is no need to dismount it and carry it to a computer. The effective mapping memory capacity of your GPS unit is limited only by the capacity and number of memory cards you want to carry with you. This is a handy feature for long journeys or for users who can't lug a laptop computer along.
Four factors control Custom Map File size: 1. map detail level option settings, 2. the number of map feature categories turned on, 3. the amount of developed or naturally occurring features in the area and 4. the amount of territory, that is, the number of square miles or acres in the area.
Detail Level Options can be set high or medium. The higher the detail, the bigger the file size.
There are dozens of Map Category Options that you can turn off and on. They include natural features — such as rivers — and man-made items such as roads, businesses or other Points of Interest. The more categories and subcategories turned on, the bigger the file size.
The amount of development in an area is something you can't control. For example, one square mile of city streets will make a larger file than one square mile of wilderness with a few hiking trails.
The amount of territory you include in a map is a major factor. The more square miles or acres you include, the bigger the file size.
So, what does this all mean in real estate terms? The following table shows a few examples of high- and medium-detail Custom Map File sizes, and how long it took the computer to build them. These examples were prepared on a Pentium
III with 512 MB of memory, using simple
rectangle map borders:
Custom Map File Size and Build Time Examples
File Size
High Detail
Build Time
Detail File
Detail Build
Oklahoma plus Texas
25.88 MB 4 min., 15 sec. 0.61 MB 4 seconds Panhandle Colorado 18.42 MB 3 min., 12 sec. 0.31 MB 4 seconds Lake Eufaula,
1.49 MB 16 sec. 0.23 MB 3 seconds Okla. Lake Michigan
26.43 MB 4 min., 2 sec. 0.37 MB 3 seconds
Lake Okeechobee,
14.12 MB 2 min., 2 sec. 0.54 MB 5 seconds Fla. Lake Mead, Nev. Atlanta, Ga. area San Francisco, Ca., area
0.90 MB 14 sec. 0.12 MB 2 seconds
7.77 MB 1 min., 5 sec. 0.27 MB 3 seconds
8.63 MB 1 min., 4 sec. 0.21 MB 3 seconds
The lessons in the Quick Reference section were written using MapCreate's default settings, with high detail and all categories turned on. If your first maps don't fit your MMC or SDC, refer to the online Command Reference section for more detailed instructions on controlling file size.
Mapping Detail:
There's more here than meets the eye.
The Custom Map Files you make with MapCreate contain more mapping detail than what is visible on your computer screen. Your MapCreate 6­compatible GPS unit takes full advantage of this extra information.
Find Highway Exit Services
For example, move your mouse pointer over a highway exit symbol on the computer map, and all you'll see is a pop-up tool-tip box listing the name of the exit. However, in a Lowrance or Eagle GPS unit, the same exit symbol will show a pop-up box with the exit name and symbols of all the services available near that exit. The GPS unit can also provide you a list of those services.
Cursor over exit symbol
Pop-up box
At left, an iFINDER GPS screen showing an exit services pop-up icon
box. The iFINDER can then display a text list of those services near
the selected exit, right.
Find Points of Interest
On the computer master map, moving your pointer over a Point of Interest (POI) symbol triggers a pop-up box with the POI's name. In a Lowrance or Eagle GPS, you'll be shown the POI's address and phone number as well.
Cursor over POI symbol
Pop-up box
At left, an iFINDER GPS screen showing a POI pop-up name box. At
right, you can call up a page of information on the POI, and the GPS
unit can lead you to the POI's location.
Find an Address
You won't see addresses on your computer map, either. But when the MapCreate information is loaded into your GPS, you can search for a street address or a street intersection. In fact, your GPS unit can search by name for virtually every category of mapping detail contained in MapCreate.
All of this information is built into MapCreate's atlas database. As long as an information category is turned on and included in your Custom Map File, the data will be available to your GPS unit.
With these and other elements, MapCreate gives you a phenomenal amount of mapping detail and information. No other consumer GPS mapping product on the market offers this much information in one package. For a more detailed list of the map categories available in MapCreate, see Appendix 2, Map Category List, on page 55.
How to use this manual: typographical conventions
Most Windows-based computer programs offer several ways to perform a task, and MapCreate 6 is no exception. With mouse and keyboard, you can access some commands four different ways! We'll show you all of them, but we save the most detailed information for our online Command Reference section. There, the entry on each command includes a summary box showing all the menus and keyboard shortcuts (sometimes that's the only hint you need to get on with your mapping project.)
In our Quick Start Reference, we will usually focus on one simple way to get the job done, usually by clicking the mouse pointer on a menu or toolbar button. In Quick Start, many of the instructions are listed as numbered steps. This makes it a little easier to follow a series of instructions when you're skimming the material.
In the printed Quick Reference and the online Command Reference, the actual command clicks and keystrokes appear as sans serif, boldface type. So, if you're in a real hurry (or just need a reminder), you can usually skim the instructions and pick out where to click by finding the boldface commands. The paragraphs below explain how to interpret the text formatting for those commands and other instructions. (If you're already familiar with Windows or many other software manuals you can probably skip forward to Section 2: Installation, on page 13.)
The mouse controls the movement of a graphic symbol on your screen called the mouse pointer, sometimes also referred to as a mouse cursor. The mouse performs an action by moving the pointer over a menu, a button or the map and then clicking the appropriate mouse button.
When the word "click" is used alone, it means "left-click," or to press and release the left mouse button. When you need to use the right mouse button, we will say so explicitly, such as "Right-click on the waypoint."
Sometimes a command requires more than one click. When we say "double-click," it means to rapidly click the mouse button two times.
The keys on your keyboard may not be labeled exactly as they are in this manual. All key names are shown in bold, sans serif type. For example, the "Control" key is shown as shown as
Keys are sometimes used in combinations. For example, hold down the
indicates a two-step combination: hold down the
pressing the
key while pressing the T key. The hot key sequence
key, release, then press the W key.
and the "Enter" key is
key while
means to
"Arrow keys" is the collective name for the up arrow, down arrow, left arrow and right arrow keys.
To choose a command from a menu, you can use the mouse or press a key combination.
Words in small capital letters, in a bold sans serif type, indicate that you are to take an action of some kind with a command, menu, box or other item. For example, "You can use the Create Route command to plan a path to navigate with your GPS. To begin the route, choose
When the phrase "choose command" is used in the online Command Reference section, it means to run or execute the specified command.
For example, if the manual says "choose
," it means to run the Create Waypoint command. You can choose commands by clicking the mouse pointer on the menus or toolbar buttons, or by pressing the appropriate hot key or shortcut key on the keyboard.
Commands are sometimes described as menu sequences, to help you find the command faster. For example, "to open the Trail List window, click
," means to mouse click on the main menu's View
command and then click the Trail List command on the submenu.
Specific text or numbers you must type are shown in bold, sans serif type. For example, if the manual says "Enter a Zoom range of
miles," you would click in the Zoom Range Window, type the numbers 650, then press the
Place holders for other items you must supply yourself, such as file names, are italicized. For example, when the manual says "Enter a name in the File Name text box," you would click in the text box, type the name you want to use for the file, then press the
This manual is written specifically for MapCreate 6.2, but for simplicity, the program is often referred to as "MapCreate" or "MapCreate 6."
Section 2: Installing MapCreate 6.2
System Requirements
MapCreate 6 requires the following minimum system resources:
50 MB hard disc space.
256 color display.
CD-ROM drive.
MapCreate will run on a system with the above specifications, but the program will work slowly. A faster processor and more RAM will significantly improve program operation. You can also optimize performance by installing as much of the program as possible to run from your hard drive instead of the CD-ROM drive. (Do this by using the Custom install mode, described below.)
Installation Types
There are three types of installations:
If you already have MapCreate 6.0 or MapCreate 6.1 installed on your computer, you must uninstall it before installing MapCreate
6.2. Some MapCreate 6.2 functionality will not be included and the
compatible PC.
133 MHz or faster processor.
Windows 98 or later.
Typical - Installs nav aid data, the low detail background map
(Master Map) data and world-wide medium detail map data. Takes approximately 70 MB of hard drive space. Requires you to have the CD in the drive only when working in high detail map mode for the continental United States and Hawaii.
Compact - Installs the MapCreate program with Help only.
Requires you to have the CD in the drive whenever you use the program. The compact install allows you to conserve hard drive space.
Custom - Allows installation of the program and all map data
files on the hard drive. This takes approximately 1 gigabyte of hard disk space. You may run the program without the CD in the drive. Caution: Be
patient if you choose custom install. It may take several minutes for all the files to install to the hard drive. You will also be prompted to remove disc 1 and insert disc 2 to complete the installation.
program will not operate correctly if you choose to modify an existing installation. To uninstall MapCreate, use the standard Windows
function. (For more information on Windows uninstall, open your Windows Help file and search for the phrase "Removing Programs.")
For Typical or Compact installations of version 6: The high detail map data is organized into two overlapping regions. The western continental United States and Hawaii are on the USA-West (disc 1) CD; the eastern continental U.S. is on the USA-East (disc 2) CD. If you are using a Compact installation and you want to see medium detail world maps, use the USA-West (disc 1) CD in your drive. To view the high detail data boundaries, see the figure below.
Data overlap area
USA-West (disc 1)
Continental United States and Hawaii showing approximately where
data is divided on the two CDs. Mapping data overlaps in the middle.
USA-East (disc 2)
Installing MapCreate
To install MapCreate, follow these steps:
1. Insert the USA-West CD-ROM (disc 1) into the computer's drive.
2. Click
Click the S
button on the Windows taskbar.
3. Type
Type the setup command directory path and file name.
(where D: is the drive letter for your CD-ROM)
4. Click OK to begin installation.
If you are using Windows 2000 or Windows XP Professional, you may receive an error message if you are not logged on with administrator privileges. If this occurs, you can complete the MapCreate installation by first logging on as an administrator, then proceeding with step 1 on page 14.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions:
A. InstallShield will load.
B. InstallShield is ready to prepare for installation.
C. Read the License Agreement.
D. Choose a destination folder for the program. You can accept the
default or you can choose another location.
E. Select the type of setup.
F. If you picked Custom install, select the components to install.
G. Select a program folder. You may accept the
default or choose another folder.
H. With all your preferences determined, InstallShield will
begin copying files. A progress window is shown.
I. If you choose custom setup to install all files to your hard drive, you
will be prompted to insert the second CD. On some computers the
message may ask for "Disk 3." Just ignore the statement, insert the
USA-East CD (disc 2) and click OK to continue the setup.
6. When the installation program is finished, the progress windows disappear. You can then start MapCreate by double-clicking the program icon in the MapCreate 6 program group.
Use the Typical or Compact installation if you are not making maps of the United States.
The more map data that you install on the hard drive, the faster the program will run. It takes less time to read map data from the hard drive than from the CD-ROM.
Graphics programs such as MapCreate can run slow on some computers with older processors or small amounts of memory. Running multiple applications at the same time can also consume computer resources and slow down response time. If computer processing speed is a problem, consider temporarily switching to the Medium Map Detail setting. (To do this, see View Map Display Options in the online Command Reference section.) Go ahead and create a map border, then remember to switch back to the High Map Detail Setting before creating your custom map file.
It takes a lot of RAM (Random Access Memory) to create custom map files. If your system is low on RAM, then make several small custom map files and copy them one by one to the MMC card. (Note that MMC cards can hold a maximum of 30 different files. The total amount of information cannot exceed the MMC size capacity, no matter what the number of files is. For example, an 8 MB MMC could hold approximately one 7.66 MB file, or 30 files, so long as the 30 files totaled 7.66 MB or less.)
Care of your MapCreate CDs
Protect the shiny recorded surface of the compact discs from scratches, fingerprints and dirt. Hold a disc along the outer edge or by the center hole. Clean a dirty disc with a soft, dry cloth. You can also use a
commercial CD cleaner or ethyl alcohol to remove fingerprints and dirt. Do not leave your discs in direct sunlight or in a hot, humid location.
Starting MapCreate (Easy Mode and Advanced Mode)
MapCreate 6.2 includes both an easy mode called MapSelect and an advanced mode called MapCreate. Both modes are useful at different times depending on your needs and computer skill level.
When you install MapCreate 6.2, a MapCreate link appears in the programs list on your Windows Start Menu. Launching the program from this link will open up a selection box, asking you to choose which mode you wish to use. This box opens every time you launch MapCreate
6.2 from the default Start Menu link.
To skip the mode selection screen, open the MapCreate program group window as shown in the following illustration. Double-click the icon of the desired program and it will open directly.
MapCreate 6.2 can be launched from any of the three executable files (*.exe) shown in this program group window. "Appselect.exe" launches the Mode Selection box, and is the file run from the Windows Start Menu by default. "MapSelect.exe" launches MapSelect, also called easy mode. To launch the advanced mode, choose "mapcreat.exe."
MapCreate 6 program group window, with Appselect selected. Choose
either MapSelect.exe or mapcreat.exe to go directly to the desired mode.
If you generally prefer using only one of these modes, you can create a shortcut directly to the mode you prefer either on your desktop, or in your Windows Start Menu. To do so, first open the MapCreate program group window as shown in the previous illustration.
To add a direct shortcut to your desktop:
Right-click and drag the desired icon to your desktop, then release the mouse button. When you do so, a selection list will pop up asking you what you wish to do. Choose
. A copy of the icon will now
) H
appear on your desktop, and double-clicking it will launch the program.
To add a direct shortcut to your Start Menu:
Follow the steps above to create a shortcut on your desktop. When you are done, click and drag the shortcut onto the Start Menu button in the corner of your screen. Keep holding down the mouse button and wait a second or two until the Start Menu expands.
Drag the icon up the menu to to
(or whichever program folder you chose during
, and when it expands, drag over
installation). When you have the icon in the desired location, release the mouse button and the shortcut will be added to the list.
Click and drag the desktop shortcut up the Start Menu to your desired
program folder. Release the mouse button to add the shortcut.
Whether you add the shortcut to your Start Menu or your desktop, once it's in place you can right-click on it to change its name – for instance, you might change "Shortcut to mapcreat" to "MapCreate Advanced Mode." By right-clicking on these shortcuts you can also launch the program (with the
command), copy the shortcut to add elsewhere,
or delete it from the list.
For more details on the many other ways to create and manipulate shortcuts, open your Windows help file and search for the word "shortcut."
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