The Cingular Interactive Wireless Data (CIWD) In-Vehicle Control Unit (ICU), Model
LCM386-20531200006 and CIWD/Mobil Satellite (MSAT) ICU, Model LCM386-
20531200009) are ruggedized, in-vehicle computers developed by Symbol Technologies
Inc. for Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). These ICUs provide
terrestrial wireless or Satellite communications, GPS positioning and Remote Alert
Capability. The ICU uses an 80386 processor and supports the MS-DOS, Operating
System using industry standard protocols. Error! Reference source not found. and 2
show the front and rear panels of both ICUs.
The Wireless Matrix MBS (MSAT MODEM) is a data radio unit used to receive and
transmit RF signals to and from a Geo-stationary orbital satellite. (CC 19 Only).
Safety Precautions
Read and understand the entire manual and follow the safety instructions.
WARNING: To meet the FCC RF exposure requirement for mobile transmitters as specified in the
FCC’s Rules (47 CFR Section 2.1091) and specifically as it applies to BellSouth Fleet Manager
Vehicle equipment configuration ensure that the CIWD antenna is at least 7.9 inches (20 cm) and the
Satellite Modem 36 inches (91.44 cm) away from the vehicle operator or nearby persons when
1. Replace fuses with same type and rating for protection against fire and
2. The ICU and MSAT Modem are Radio Frequency (RF) generating devices.
Do not operate the unit when anyone is in the vicinity noted in the
Warning above. This could result in personal injury.
3. Use discretion when determining the Wireless Matrix MBS installation point.
After installation, ensure that all systems are functioning properly.
4. Use caution when installing screws or drilling through the body of the vehicle
to avoid puncturing critical areas.
5. Install included grommets and weather sealant to protect cable integrity and
weatherproofing the area of penetration.
6. Follow the instruction enumerated in the Installation Section of this guide to
ensure proper hardware installation.
7. Ensure that the Antenna(s) and Satellite Modem are installed in an area with
sufficient overhead clearance where it will NOT collide with any other
surfaces and in a location that will NOT affect the RF transmission.
8. Pay close attention to the electrical power installation requirements described
in this guide. Failure to comply with the described section could result in
serious damage to the electrical system of the vehicle.
2. About This Guide
This manual describes how to:
Prepare and install the ICU and associated hardware
Program the Remote Alert Transmitter (RAT) Key Fobs

Perform troubleshooting and maintenance activities