Leica Geosystems T-Scan, T-Scan Collect Reference Manual

Leica T-Scan Collect
Reference Manual
Version 10.35 English
1 Introduction
1.1 Purchase
This manual contains instruction for setting up the product and operating it. Read carefully through the User Manual before you use the product.
These are original instructions and part of the software. Keep for future reference and pass on to subsequent holders/users of the hardware or software. This User Manual contains information protected by copyright and subject to change without notice. No part of this User Manual may be reproduced in any form without prior and written consent from Leica Geosystems AG.
Leica Geosystems shall not be responsible for technical or editorial errors or omissions.
© Leica Geosystems AG
1.2 Trademarks
Product Names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
1.3 Validity of this Manual
This manual applies to the Leica Geosystems T-Scan Collect software.
1.4 Feedback
Your feedback is important as we strive to improve the quality of our documentation. We request you to make specific comments as to where you envisage scope for improvement. Please use the following E-mail address to send your suggestions:
1.5 Contact
Leica Geosystems AG Metrology Division Moenchmattweg 5 5035 Unterentfelden Switzerland Phone +41-62-737 67 67 Fax +41-62-723 07 34 www.leica-geosystems.com/metrology
2 Contents
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Purchase ................................................................................................ ....... 1
1.2 Trademarks ................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Validity of this Manual ................................................................................... 1
1.4 Feedback ...................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Contact .......................................................................................................... 1
2 Contents .............................................................................................................. 2
3 Revisions ............................................................................................................ 6
4 T-Scan Collect - Software – Introduction ......................................................... 7
4.1 Installation and Program Start ....................................................................... 7
4.2 Licensing ................................................................................................ ....... 7
5 Working with Viewers ........................................................................................ 8
5.1 3D Viewer ..................................................................................................... 8
5.2 Status Indicators ......................................................................................... 12
5.3 Additional Coordinate Axes ......................................................................... 13
5.4 Data Explorer ................................................................ .............................. 13
6 Customizing the User Interface ...................................................................... 20
7 Measurement .................................................................................................... 24
7.1 Selection of Measurement Mode ................................................................ 24
7.2 Measurement Settings ................................................................................ 24
7.2.1 General ................................................................................................ 25
7.2.2 Line Scanner ........................................................................................ 25
7.2.3 Surface Mode....................................................................................... 27
7.2.4 3D Point Mode ..................................................................................... 31
7.2.5 Static Polyline Mode ............................................................................ 32
7.2.6 Dynamic Polyline Mode ....................................................................... 34
7.3 Starting a Measurement .............................................................................. 34
7.3.1 Surface Mode....................................................................................... 34
7.3.2 3D Point Mode ..................................................................................... 35
7.3.3 Static Polyline Mode ............................................................................ 36
7.3.4 Dynamic Polyline Mode ....................................................................... 37
7.4 Stopping a Measurement ............................................................................ 38
8 Interactive Tools ............................................................................................... 39
8.1 Selection Mode ........................................................................................... 40
8.2 Interactive Clipping...................................................................................... 40
8.3 Check Accuracy .......................................................................................... 40
8.4 Cross Sections ............................................................................................ 43
8.5 Create Reference Points ............................................................................. 44
8.6 Fill Holes (Triangle Mesh) ........................................................................... 45
8.7 Create Bridges (Triangle Mesh) .................................................................. 46
8.8 Smoothing (Triangle Mesh) ......................................................................... 47
8.9 Decimate Mesh (Triangle Mesh) ................................................................. 48
8.10 Sharpen Edges (Triangle Mesh) ................................................................. 49
8.11 Alignment Calibration .................................................................................. 49
9 Calibration ........................................................................................................ 50
9.1 Calibrate measurement range ..................................................................... 50
9.1.1 Preparation .......................................................................................... 50
9.1.2 Procedure ............................................................................................ 50
9.2 Alignment Calibration .................................................................................. 53
9.2.1 Requirements for an Alignment Sphere ............................................... 53
9.2.2 Measurement Strategy ......................................................................... 53
9.2.3 Step-by-Step Guide ............................................................................. 56
10 Working with Files ........................................................................................ 59
10.1 Create New Project ..................................................................................... 59
10.2 Open Existing Project .................................................................................. 59
10.3 Save Project ................................................................................................ 59
10.4 Save Project Under New Name .................................................................. 59
10.5 Import Data ................................................................................................. 59
10.5.1 Using the File Menu ............................................................................. 60
10.5.2 Using the Data Explorer ....................................................................... 60
10.5.3 Using Drag and Drop ........................................................................... 60
10.6 Export Data ................................................................................................. 60
10.6.1 Using the File Menu ............................................................................. 60
10.6.2 Using the Data Explorer ................................ ................................ ....... 61
11 Processing of Data Sets ............................................................................... 62
11.1 Transform Data ........................................................................................... 62
11.1.1 Transform ............................................................................................ 62
11.1.2 Transform to Nominal Points................................................................ 63
11.1.3 3 Planes Alignment .............................................................................. 69
11.1.4 3-2-1 Alignment .................................................................................... 72
11.1.5 Scale ................................ ................................ ................................ .... 76
11.1.6 Mirror ................................................................................................... 76
11.2 Optimize Data ............................................................................................. 76
11.2.1 Smoothing ............................................................................................ 76
11.2.2 Decimating ........................................................................................... 77
11.3 Matching ..................................................................................................... 77
11.3.1 Global Matching ................................................................................... 77
11.3.2 Tolerance Based Matching .................................................................. 82
11.4 Optimize Triangle Meshes .......................................................................... 85
11.4.1 Remove Unassociated Areas............................................................... 85
11.4.2 Remove Outliers .................................................................................. 86
11.4.3 Noise Reduction ................................................................................... 86
11.4.4 Curvature Based Decimation ............................................................... 87
11.4.5 Smoothing ............................................................................................ 87
11.5 Interactive Tools .......................................................................................... 87
12 Post-Processing ........................................................................................... 88
13 Calculation of Feature Lines ........................................................................ 92
13.1 Calculation of Feature Lines ....................................................................... 93
13.2 Calculation of V-Lines ................................................................................. 95
13.3 Interactive Generation of Polylines.............................................................. 96
13.4 Processing of Polylines and Triangle Meshes ............................................. 97
13.5 3D Viewer Control ....................................................................................... 99
14 Service ......................................................................................................... 100
15 Tracking System ......................................................................................... 101
15.1 Initialize ..................................................................................................... 101
15.2 Disconnect/Connect .................................................................................. 101
15.3 Environmental Parameters ........................................................................ 101
15.4 Laser Control ............................................................................................ 102
15.5 Reflectors ................................ ................................ ................................ .. 102
15.6 Information ................................................................................................ 102
15.7 Go Birdbath ............................................................................................... 103
15.8 Go Zero Position ....................................................................................... 103
15.9 Move Station ............................................................................................. 103
15.9.1 Measuring the Pass Points ................................................................ 104
15.9.2 Selection of Pass Points .................................................................... 105
15.9.3 Moving the Station ............................................................................. 106
15.9.4 Measuring the Pass Points ................................................................ 106
15.9.5 Transformation Results ...................................................................... 107
15.9.6 Invoking Move Station again .............................................................. 108
15.10 Release Motors ..................................................................................... 109
16 Digitize ......................................................................................................... 110
16.1 Start .......................................................................................................... 110
16.2 Stop ........................................................................................................... 110
16.3 Information ................................................................................................ 110
17 Settings ....................................................................................................... 112
17.1 Cross Sections .......................................................................................... 112
17.2 Matching ................................................................................................... 113
17.3 3D Viewer ................................................................................................. 115
17.3.1 General Settings ................................................................................ 115
17.3.2 Lines .................................................................................................. 115
17.3.3 Surfaces ............................................................................................. 116
17.3.4 Other Settings .................................................................................... 117
17.4 Dynamic Camera ...................................................................................... 118
17.5 Coordinate Axes........................................................................................ 119
17.6 Accuracy Check ........................................................................................ 119
17.7 Measuring Mode ....................................................................................... 119
17.8 Measurement ................................................................ ............................ 120
17.9 Acoustic Feedback .................................................................................... 120
17.10 Materials ................................................................................................ 121
17.11 Adjust Size Automatically ...................................................................... 122
17.12 Display Scanner .................................................................................... 122
17.13 Display T-Probe ..................................................................................... 123
17.14 Display T-Probe Coordinates ................................................................ 123
17.15 Keep On Top ......................................................................................... 124
18 Extras ........................................................................................................... 125
18.1 Execute Macro .......................................................................................... 125
19 Help .............................................................................................................. 126
19.1 About T-Scan Collect ................................................................................ 126
20 Appendix ..................................................................................................... 128
20.1 DCOM Configuration ................................................................................. 128
20.2 T-Scan Collect vs. T-Scan Interface .......................................................... 131
21 Index ............................................................................................................ 135
3 Revisions
Adjustments for version 3.0
Adjustments for version 4.0
Adjustments for version 4.2
Adjustments for version 5.0
Adjustments for version 5.01
Adjustments for version 6.0
Adjustments for version 7.0
Adjustments for version 8.0
Adjustments for version 9.0
Adjustments for version 10.11
Adjustments for version 10.20
Adjustments for version 10.30
Adjustments for version 10.32
Adjustments for version 10.34
Adjustments for version 10.35
4 T-Scan Collect - Software – Introduction
4.1 Installation and Program Start
Installation of T-Scan Collect
T-Scan Collect has been pre-installed on your system. If you want to install it again, please use the Product USB Stick. Please note that T-Scan Collect is a 64-bit application and will only run on 64­bit operating systems.
Start of T-Scan Collect
Use the Windows start menu or the shortcuts on your desktop to start the application.
If you only want to use T-Scan Collect for viewing, processing or evaluating data (i.e. you do not want to measure), select the NoSensor shortcut which can be used without digitizing hardware.
4.2 Licensing
The T-Scan Collect software is protected by a CODEMeter dongle. The driver for the CODEMeter dongle is automatically installed with the software. If you would like to upgrade the software, please verify that the dongle is valid for the new software version. If you are unsure, please contact support.tracker@hexagonmetrology.com and request the required license file for upgrading the CODEMeter dongle to the new version. For more information, see chapter 19.1.
5 Working with Viewers
5.1 3D Viewer
After the program start the user interface shows up:
Title bar, contains the name of current project
Toolbar with icons for frequently used functions
Several toolboxes. To save space, you can minimize/restore the toolboxes by clicking on the
corresponding button in their upper right corner
3D viewer with visualized data
Coordinate axes
, Status indicators for tracking system and controller, see chapter 5.2
Version information
Information from Weather Station
The area marked with in the above image shows the actual 3D viewer. The 3D Viewer toolbox provides access to frequently used display functions:
Selection of viewing direction along the positive X, Y or Z coordinate axis. If you hold the
<Shift> key while clicking, the viewing direction is along the negative coordinate axis.
View all: If you use this button the zoom factor and the viewing position are adjusted so that all visible data is shown. You can also achieve this by pressing the middle mouse button while the cursor is over data or by holding down the <Shift> key and clicking with the left mouse button in the 3D viewer.
Opens the dialog for the 3D Viewer Settings (see chapter 17.3).
Selection mode: By left clicking a data set in the 3D viewer, this data set is displayed in the assigned selection color (see chapter 17.3.4) and marked red in the Data Explorer toolbox.
By right-clicking on a data point, the point is marked and its coordinates are displayed (picking).
: Selected data point : Point coordinates
Activation of viewing mode for interactive adjustment of the viewing direction, the position, and the zoom factor.
Toggles a grid in the 3D viewer which can be used to quickly estimate distances or sizes. The current distance between two major grid lines is displayed in the lower left corner. This function cannot be used at the same time as .
Show coodinate axes: This option is only available if the viewing direction is along a coordinate axis (see ). The displayed coordinate axes are labeled. This function cannot be used at the same time as . If you rotate the scene in the 3D viewer, the coordinate axis are automatically hidden.
Colorize: This option is available as soon as two or more rasterized data sets are displayed. When activated, overlapping areas of the data sets will be colorized according to the distance of related points; a color lookup table indicates which color represents which distance. The following toolbox opens:
Here you can enter the maximum distance that should still be colorized. This allows a quick examination of the data quality and thus of the quality of the calibration. If large gaps occur between the rasterized data, a tolerance-based matching (see chapter 11.3.2) or, if necessary, a calibration (see chapter 9) should be performed. If deviations in data sets exceed the entered value, they are displayed in the default color like scans that do not overlap.
Colorizing large data sets may take a few seconds.
Viewing mode: The available settings are described in chapter 17.3.3.
Show/hide reference points: Toggles visualization of all nominal points created with the Transform to Nominal Points wizard (see chapter 11.1.2).
Show/hide tie points: Toggles visualization of all tie points created with the Move Station wizard (see chapter 15.9).
The viewing direction, position and zoom factor in the 3D viewer can be interactively controlled with the mouse. Activate the viewing mode or use <Space Bar> (as long as the cursor is in the 3D viewer). In viewing mode, the following options are available:
Press the left mouse button, keep it pressed and move the cursor. The visualized object area is shown using the dynamic display settings and is rotated according to the mouse movements. When you release the left mouse button, the object is shown using the static displays settings again.
Press the right mouse button, keep it pressed and move the cursor. The visualized object area is shown using the dynamic display settings and is moved according to the mouse movements. When you release the mouse button, the object is shown using the static display settings again.
Zoom factor:
Press the middle mouse button, keep it pressed and move the cursor up and down. The visualized object area is shown using the dynamic display settings and is zoomed according to the mouse movements. When you release the mouse button, the object is shown using the static display settings again.
You can also use the mouse wheel to change the zoom factor.
Zoom window:
Press the <Shift> key; the mouse cursor changes to an arrow with a rectangle. Press the left mouse button while holding down the <Shift> key and move the cursor. As long as the left mouse button is pressed, you can define a rectangular area. When you release the left mouse button, the selected area is zoomed to fit the 3D viewer.
Defining the center of rotation:
To define the center of rotation, briefly press the <S> key. The cursor changes to an arrow with
a dot. With the left mouse button, click a point to define the center of rotation on the object’s
surface. The object is moved in such a way that the new center of rotation is in the center of the 3D viewer.
Scanner: A symbol next to this graphic indicates whether a connection to the scanner has been established.
If this symbol is green, a connection has been successfully established. If it is red, the application has either been started in NoSensor mode or there is no connection to the sensor via the controller. In this case, switch off the controller and check all connections to the controller and to the sensor. Then switch the controller back on and wait until the symbol turns green.
Tracking system: A symbol next to this graphic indicates whether a connection to the tracking system has been established.
If this symbol is green, a connection has been successfully established. If it is red, the application has either been started in NoSensor mode or there is no connection to the tracker via the controller. In this case, switch off the controller and check all connections to the controller and to the tracking system. Then switch the controller back on and wait until the symbol turns green. The symbol for the tracking system is yellow during measurement.
Probe: This icon show the probe that is currently tracked:
Scanner, left side (side 1)
Scanner, right side (side 4)
Scanner, top side (side 2)
Scanner, rear side (side 3)
By default, the center of rotation is in the center of gravity of the virtual box, which encloses the whole object. However, you can freely determine the center of rotation as described above. To set the center of rotation back to default, use the tool .
Axis rotation:
Press the <Alt> key and then press the left mouse button. Keep both pressed and move the mouse cursor. A line from the center of rotation to the mouse cursor is drawn to help you control the rotation. The view is rotated according to the mouse movements.
Press the <L> key and then press the left mouse button. Keep both pressed and move the mouse cursor. The scene is illuminated according to the mouse movements.
5.2 Status Indicators
The status indicators are provided in the lower right area and can contain the following symbols:
No Probe
Online Transformation: This symbol indicates that an online transformation is active (see chapter 11.1.1).
5.3 Additional Coordinate Axes
By selecting Settings arbitrary positions within the 3D viewer. The following dialog appears:
No additional coordinate axes
The additional axes will not be displayed.
Localize additional coordinate axes by picking
The positions of the additional coordinate axes can be defined by picking, as described in chapter 5.1, item . The additional coordinate axes are positioned at the selected points.
Localize additional coordinate axes by selectable coordinates
The entries for the X, Y and Z coordinates contain the last defined positions of the coordinate axes, regardless of whether they have been defined by picking or entered manually.
Coordinate axes, you can display additional coordinate axes at
New values take effect as soon as you click OK.
5.4 Data Explorer
This toolbox provides tools for grouping, editing and selecting data sets, and for the customization of display characteristics.
Group: The folder symbol represents a group, which may contain data or other groups.
Object name, data type and state: The object name is assigned automatically, but can be changed. The symbol depends on the data type and can look like this:
Non-rasterized scan data Rasterized scan data Triangle mesh Polyline Polyline set Alignment data 3D point
Unstructured point cloud NURBS curve Unknown data type
Symbols of selected data sets are highlighted in red, e.g. for a selected, rasterized data set. If the data set is shown with customized display options, its symbol is marked with an asterisk:
Object visibility: This symbol can look like this:
for data: data is visible; for groups: all group entries are visible for data: data is hidden; for groups: all group entries are hidden only for groups: some group entries are visible, some are hidden
By clicking + or - you can expand or collapse groups.
When at least one object is selected in the data explorer, you can open a context menu with the following commands by clicking the right mouse button:
Renames the selected object. You can also achieve this by pressing <F2> or clicking on the selected object.
Show / Hide
Shows or hides object(s). You can also achieve this by clicking the , and
Select / Deselect
Selects or deselects object(s) Cut
Removes the selected objects and adds them to an internal clipboard
Adds objects from the internal clipboard to the selected group
Deletes the selected objects; this action cannot be undone!
Imports data to the current group
Exports selected data to a file
Only available for reference points; the following dialog appears:
Displays the name of the reference point and allows renaming it
Displays the position of the current point
If available: Direction from which the reference point was measured; the length of the direction vector is normalized to 1 and the point is shown in green. If no direction information is available, the fields display (0, 0, 0) and the point is shown in blue.
Tooltip radius:
Displays the radius of the T-Probe’s tip with which the point was acquired.
Convert to NURBS
Only applicable to lines; the following dialog appears:
The NURBS curve passes exactly through the measurement points. By
adjusting the Polynomial degree and choosing the method, you can define
how the NURBS curve will be created.
The NURBS curve is approximated to the measurement points and will not deviate by more than the specified maximum error at the control points. By
adjusting the Polynomial degree and choosing the method, you can define
how the NURBS curve will be created.
Three methods are available:
C0 (discontinuous): Neither the tangent nor the curvature of the created
NURBS curve will be continuous
C1 (tangent continuous): The tangent of the created NURBS curve will be
C2 (curvature continuous): The curvature of the created NURBS curve will
be continuous
Depending on the data and the settings you choose it might happen that the NURBS curve cannot be calculated. In this case, adjust the parameters and recalculate the curve.
New group
Adds a new subgroup to the selected group
Opens the submenu for other object settings
Alternate colors per group
Assigns a different color to each group
Alternate colors per object
Assigns a different color to each object
Default color
Assigns the default color to each object
Shiny material
Assigns a shiny color and material to each object
Environment Mapping
Opens a dialog where you can select an image that is projected onto the objects and helps to identify faults in the surface. For best results select
Smooth shading in the 3D viewer settings.
Displays the characteristics of the object
Object(s) submenu:
Opens a dialog where you can choose a color for the selected objects
The following dialog appears:
Enter the transparency of the object (in percent). 0% means the object is opaque, 100% means it is translucent.
Enter the shininess of the object (in percent). 0% means the object is not shiny, 100% means the object is very shiny.
Combines all selected data sets (also those in a selected group) into a new group. The name of the new group is the name of the first data set in the group, followed by the number of data sets in the group (if the group contains more than one data set).
Moves all selected data sets (also those in a selected group) to root and then deletes all selected groups.
Use customized settings
The selected objects are either displayed with the global settings for the 3D viewer (see chapter 17.3) or with customized display settings. The symbols of objects with customized display settings are marked
with an asterisk, e.g.: .
Opens a dialog for customizing the display settings for the selected objects (see also chapter 17.3)
Flip inside/outside
Flips the inside and outside of a triangle mesh
Please note that some commands are only available if a single object is selected, while other commands are also available if multiple objects are selected.
You can select multiple objects in different ways:
1. Click the first object, then move the cursor to the last object. Press and hold the <Shift> key
2. Click the first object, then press and hold the <Ctrl> key and click other objects. Clicking an
and click the last object. All objects in-between are selected.
already selected object deselects it.
3. You can combine the two methods described above.
4. You can also use the shortcuts <Shift> + <PageUp> / <PageDown> / <Home> / <End > to
select multiple objects.
Please keep in mind that any changes you make are also saved in the project. The next time you open the project, all settings that were in effect the last time you saved the project will be active again.
Shortcuts, cursor keys and drag and drop are easy ways to increase efficiency. When using shortcuts, make sure that the data explorer has the focus.
6 Customizing the User Interface
The T-Scan Collect user interface can be customized. You can define your own shortcuts,
menus and toolbars. Choose View Toolbars or right-click a toolbar to open the context
The context menu provides the following functions:
Shows or hides the standard toolbar
Status bar
Shows or hides the status bar
User defined toolbars
If you defined your own toolbars, you can choose which to show or hide
Resets all shortcuts, menus and toolbars to the default settings of T-Scan Collect. All user­defined changes will be lost. This action cannot be undone!
Left  Right
Swaps the positions of the toolbars
Opens a dialog where you can define and change shortcuts, menus and toolbars. As soon as the dialog is open, you can drag and drop buttons onto or off toolbars to move, add or delete buttons.
The dialog contains various tabs:
You can add all listed commands to a toolbar. Left-click a command and drag it onto a toolbar while holding the mouse button down. When you release the mouse button, the command is added to the toolbar.
You can also remove a command from a toolbar: Click the icon and drag it off the toolbar while holding the left mouse button down.
A list shows the available toolbars. By selecting or deselecting the checkboxes in the list, you can show or hide the toolbars.
To create a new toolbar, click New.... A dialog box appears where you can enter a
name for the new toolbar. To delete a toolbar, select it and click Delete.
Click Rename… to rename the selected toolbar. A dialog box appears where you can enter a new name for the toolbar.
You can reset the standard toolbar to the default settings of T-Scan Collect by clicking Reset. This action cannot be undone!
To reset all toolbars to the default settings of T-Scan Collect, click Reset All; user­defined toolbars will be lost. This action cannot be undone!
You can choose whether to show or hide the text labels of the icons by selecting or deselecting the Show text labels checkbox.
With this tab, you can manage the commands provided in the Extras menu. By pressing the <Ins> key or clicking the New icon, you can create a new menu entry.
An input line appears where you can enter a name for the menu entry, e. g. “Start COMET Inspect”. In the Command line, define the application that will be started when the entry is selected; e. g. D:\Program Files\Steinbichler\INSPECTplus 5.23\ INSPECTplus.exe. If you want to pass arguments to the application, enter those in the
Arguments line. Initial Directory defines the directory in which the command will be
executed. By pressing <Del> or clicking the Delete icon, you can delete the selected entry.
By pressing <Alt> and <Up> or <Alt> and <Down> or the icons and , you can change the position of the selected entry within the menu.
Here you can define shortcuts for all menu commands. In the Category list, select the menu that contains the command. The Commands list then shows all the commands of this category. Select the command for which you want to change the shortcut. The current shortcut (if available) is displayed in the Current Keys box. Select the input line for Press New Shortcut Key and press the key combination for the new shortcut. Then click Assign.
To remove the shortcut for a command, select the command and click Remove. To reset all shortcuts to the default settings of T-Scan Collect, click Reset All. This
action cannot be undone!
Select or deselect Show ScreenTips on toolbars and Show Shortcut keys in
ScreenTips according to your preferences. It is recommended to select both options.
The Large Icons function is currently not supported.
7 Measurement
7.1 Selection of Measurement Mode
To select a measurement mode, choose Settings Measurement… or use the Measurement
In Surface mode, object surfaces can be digitized. This mode is activated after the
program start by default
In 3D Point mode, single points will be measured with the T-Probe (Probe) In Static Polyline mode, lines will be measured with the T-Probe (Probe) where each point
of the line has to be measured explicitly
In Dynamic Polyline mode, lines are measured with the T-Probe (Probe) where the points
of the line will be measured automatically according to the chosen settings
7.2 Measurement Settings
The settings can be adjusted separately for almost every measurement mode. To do this, choose Settings Measurement…. A dialog appears where you can select the tab for the measurement mode you want to adjust. You can also open the dialog from the measurement toolbox by clicking the Measurement parameter settings icon.
7.2.1 General
This button opens a dialog where you can specify a color for the last measurement data you acquired.
7.2.2 Line Scanner
This dialog provides settings for adjusting the line scanner. If inappropriate settings are made here, however, you might not be able to acquire any measurement data. If you would like to restore the default values, click the Default Settings button.
Press Surfaces if you want to measure surfaces. In this mode, measured data are rasterized immediately after acquisition using the selected settings (see chapter 7.2.3). Besides, the value for Close gaps will be used as well as the reflection filter defined in the materials editor (see chapter 17.10).
Optionally you can select Surfaces in the Measurement toolbox by hitting Surfaces/Features.
Press Features if you want to measure features like e.g. gaps or boundaries. In this mode, measured data are not rasterized, but visualized as a point cloud. Close gaps will be deactivated.
Optionally you can select Features in the Measurement toolbox by hitting Surfaces/Features.
Material selection
From the list of materials, select the one which resembles your object’s properties the most. By default, the following materials are available: Standard, Shiny bright, Dark and Shiny dark.
You can add, modify or delete further materials using the Material Editor (see chapter 17.10).
Optionally you can select a material in the Measurement toolbox.
Close gaps
If gaps appear within a scan line, they can be filled automatically by means of interpolation. Specify a value for the maximum gap size up to which a gap will be closed automatically.
This setting is useful when measuring surfaces like fabrics, felt, foam material or similar, and a complete surface is required.
Line width
With this slider, you can reduce the width of the line to be scanned down to 40% of the maximum width. By choosing a smaller line width, you can increase the line frequency.
Optionally you can modify the line width in the Measurement toolbox.
Please note that the visible width of the laser line is not influenced by this setting.
7.2.3 Surface Mode
Line to line
This value defines the minimum distance between two scan lines. The minimum distance prevents the acquisition of too dense data if the scanner is moved very slowly or not at all. The software checks if the scanner moved more than the entered Line to line value. If it did not, the current scan line is rejected.
The absolute distance between the scanner positions is calculated, i.e. spatial movement in the scan line direction also increases the distance. Only the distance to the previous scan line is calculated. If the scanner is repeatedly moved over the same point, data is acquired with each new movement.
Point to point
This value determines the average point distance on the scan line. It refers to the center of the scanner’s measurement range and changes with increasing or decreasing distance to the object. The value can only be changed in 0.075 mm steps.
Raster size
If the Use point distance radio button is selected, the raster width is set according to the point to point distance.
If you want to use a different raster width, select Define value and specify the raster width. Bear in mind that a raster width of less than 0.1 mm will dramatically increase the amount of data generated.
Angle treatment when moving in the direction of motion
The angle between the laser plane and the object exceeds the entered threshold: No measurement data will be acquired.
Measuring correctly: The angle between the laser plane and the object is almost perpendicular.
A rasterization process is started when
- the Measurement Settings for the Line Scanner is set to Surfaces (see chapter 7.2.2) or
- post-processing is started and the scene contains non-rasterized scanner data.
Check angle of incidence
If this checkbox is selected, a filter is applied to the data. The filter removes points measured with an angle of incidence that exceeds the specified maximum value. How this filter works is described in more detail below.
Maximum angle of incidence
Measured points for which the angle of incidence between the laser beam and the surface exceeds the entered value are rejected. The smaller the value, the less data you will acquire, but the higher the data quality will be.
The angle is initially checked within each scan line. If the Measurement Settings for the Line Scanner is set to Surfaces (see chapter 7.2.2), the angle is additionally checked in the direction of motion of the scanner.
The following illustrations demonstrate the principle of the filter. The arrow indicates the direction of motion of the scanner.
Angle treatment within a scan line
No measurement data is acquired if the angle between the laser beam and the surface exceeds the entered value.
To measure the surface completely, do two scans. Tilt the scanner first in one direction...
...and then in the other direction.
Contour filter
This filter is only applied if the measurement settings for the Line Scanner is set to Surfaces (see chapter 7.2.2). It can improve the data quality of the scan data when measuring contoured objects using an inappropriate measurement strategy.
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