Embryo Tested Dishes –
for High Quality Images
Now available: Embryo Tested Glass Bottom Dishes

High Quality Dishes –
49.82 mm
47.50 mm
7.4 mm
0.17 mm
7.25 mm
35 mm
for High Quality Images
Optical quality glass bottom for better
imaging quality (RI-1.525)
Lowest access angle for micropipette
Embryo assay tested
Perfect glass surface with a good
superficial tension to get domed drops
Sperm selection at high resolution (IMSI)
Courtesy: Prof. H. Zech , Dr. M. Bach, Dr. T. Neyer,
Dr. A. Stecher, Dr. P. Vanderzwalmen, Dr. M. Zintz,
Dr. N. Zech
Institute für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie,
Bregenz (Austria)
For many applications glass bottom dishes are in use since many
years. This is because images of highest resolution need a perfect
“optical window”.
The thickness, the refractive index and the internal homogenity of
this window are important optical factors.
Now this quality is also available for ICSI and IMSI applications.
Glass bottom Dishes with 0.17mm thickness are essential for:
Imaging with true Differcial Interference Contrast (DIC)
High resolution objectives
Ordering information:
Fluoro Dishes, glass bottom for best imaging quality, outer diametre 50mm, accessable glass window 35mm diam. Mouse-EmbryoTested, 100 dishes, individually packed, FD5040-100
Order number: 11600270
Sperm selection at high resolution (IMSI)
Courtesy: Prof. Dr. Imam Danasouri
Gemeinschaftspraxis für Repromedizin - IVF
Ulm (Germany)
For certificate and test results, please use the following link: