When the transducer is mounted on the outside of the hull, periodically wash the transducer’s face with soap and water to remove any
oil film that may collect. Oil and dirt on the face will reduce the
sensitivity or may even prevent operation.
Copyright Copyright
Copyright Copyright
1995, 1996 Lowrance Electronics, Inc. 1995, 1996 Lowrance Electronics, Inc.
1995, 1996 Lowrance Electronics, Inc. 1995, 1996 Lowrance Electronics, Inc.
1995, 1996 Lowrance Electronics, Inc.
All rights reserved.All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.All rights reserved.
All rights reserved.

The PT-W is a wide cone angle (20 degree) transducer designed to be
used with portable sonar units.
Assemble the transducer and bracket as shown below. Press the
rubber grommet into the hole in the top of the bracket. Tie one end of
the lanyard through this hole.
To use the PT-W, choose an area on the transom that is free from air
bubbles when the boat is moving. Although this is not a high speed
transducer, it will operate when the boat is moving faster than trolling
speeds. It is important to mount the transducer in an area that is free
from air bubbles, since they cause interference on the sonar's display.
Once a good location is found, clean the area before attaching the
suction cup. Moisen the suction cup and press it firmly onto the hull.
The suction cup should be mounted just above the bottom edge of the
hull. This allows the transducer a good chance to be in smooth water at
all times.
Tie the lanyard to the boat. This will prevent the loss of the transducer if
the suction cup comes loose. Route the transducer cable to the sonar