Pub. 988-0154-191
Addendum I For
MapCreate USA 6.3
Map Coverage by CD
The high detail map data provided with this program is organized into
two regions. If you chose to use Full Install, all of the high detail map
data will be available from your hard drive. If you chose to use a Compact or Custom Installation, you will need to use the appropriate CD for
your region when trying to access high detail map data.
In this package, the western continental United States and Hawaii are
on the USA-West (disc 1) CD; the eastern continental U.S. is on the
USA-East (disc 2) CD. If you are using a Compact installation and you
want to see medium detail world maps, use the USA-West (disc 1) CD in
your drive. To view the high detail data boundaries, see the figure below.
Continental United States and Hawaii showing approximately where
data is divided on the two CDs.
For Lowrance and Eagle Products
Pub. 988-0154-191 © Copyright 2004
All Rights Reserved
Printed in USA 052104 LEI
USA-West (disc 1)
USA-East (disc 2)