3 Chapter 1: Warnings
4 Chapter 2: Overview
4 Assembled aircraft
4 Aircraft main Electronic part details
5 Aircraft Set
6 Chapter 3: Getting Started
6 Introduction
6 Setting up aircraft
13 Drone Update procedure
14 Battery charge safety notice
14 Battery charge
17 Chapter 4: Normal Operations
17 Flight Preparation
18 Before Take-off
21 Take-off
22 During the Flight
22 Launching the mission
24 Landing
25 After landing
27 Sensors calibration
29 Chapter 5: Post-Flight Operations
29 GeoRef images
31 Replay a flight and data analysis
33 LogBook management
35 Chapter 6: Emergency Procedures
35 Introduction
35 Cancel Mission procedure
35 Distance Failsafe procedure
36 Height Failsafe procedure
36 GPS Failsafe procedure
37 Chapter 7: Technical Specifications
37 Overview

Warnings 1
Read this chapter before your first flight to learn about important Warnings.
WARNING: The use of Lehmann Aviation aircraft must conform to the applicable regulations
and laws of the country where they are operated. It is the sole responsibility of the client to
be informed of applicable restrictions. For example, some countries may have rules that
restrict the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to: line‐of‐sight operations only, specific
airspace & maximum altitude, and/or prior approval of the authorities in charge (e.g. JAA,
WARNING: Never fly in the proximity of an airport or near manned aircraft operations. In
case a manned aircraft should fly at proximity of your aircraft, CANCEL the mission as soon
as possible and land immediately.
WARNING: Watch all Lehmann Aviation training videos before operating your aircraft in
order to avoid injury. Lehmann Aviation cannot be responsible for any injury or damage
caused by the use of its aircraft.
Notice for the first flight after receiving your system:
WARNING: For your first flight you have to use a large open space, with no obstacles in a
radius of 800 meters (trees or houses), with no river or water around, at windless or very
light wind weather conditions. A soft ground or grass is also preferable to concrete or other
hard surfaces.

Overview 2
Read this chapter to learn about L-A Series aircraft components.
Aircraft (wing assembled with the main Electronic part)
Aircraft Main Electronic part details

Aircraft Set
Aircraft Set
Wing: spare wing, black or white
Electronic flying part: main part with auto pilot and engine
Charger: battery charger with 1 to 2 aircraft batteries
Gloves: for hand protection at take-off (in case of contact with propeller)
Set of tools: screwdrivers for maintenance, re-enforced scotch and spare propeller

Getting Started 3
Read this chapter to learn how to initially assemble Lehmann Aviation L-A Series aircraft.
WARNING: To avoid injury, read all operating instructions and watch all online training
videos before flying
A small unmanned aircraft is defined in the ANO as any unmanned aircraft weighing not more
than 20 kg. A set of conditions are included at Articles 166 and 167 of the ANO subject to
which small aircraft may be flown without complying with airworthiness or flight crew
licensing requirements or with the Rules of the Air. These conditions include a prohibition on
flight in controlled airspace or within an aerodrome traffic zone unless in either case the
permission of the air traffic control unit has been obtained, a normal maximum height of 500ft
above the surface and a prohibition on flight for the purposes of aerial work without the
specific permission of CAA. Article 167 specifically covers the use of small unmanned aircraft
for surveillance or data gathering.
All Lehmann Aviation L-A Series drones are classed as light Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) for
capturing low level aerial images. They must be operated in accordance with the Civil Aviation
Authority regulations of your country. All L-A Series drones are certified by the French Aviation
Authorities (DGAC) for the flight scenario S2+.
Setting up aircraft
WARNING: Do not mount the Electronic part to the wing before the 5 seconds BEEP signal,
that will confirms that GPS satellites have been correctly fixed by the auto-pilot
WARNING: Always be careful with the propeller while manipulating the aircraft with the
battery connected. Make sure you keep the propeller far enough from your own fingers or
from any person around

WARNING: Never use L-A Series aircraft without mounting a GoPro camera in oblique or
vertical position (Hero3 and upper only). While using the vertical position mount for GoPro,
Canon or MicaSense camera, it is compulsory to mount a 50grams weight at the place of the
oblique camera mount (upper front of the wing), for balance purpose
WARNING: Always use a fully charged battery before each flight of L-A Series aircraft. Do not
accomplish 2 take-off with the same battery without re-charging it
Follow this procedure to set up your aircraft (quick launch procedure):
How to assemble the aircraft
1. Mount the camera in oblique or vertical position
- in vertical position, the balance weight should be in place in the front upper part of the
wing (at the place of the oblique GoPro mount):
2. Put your gloves on (right or left) to protect your fingers from the propeller at take-off

3. Connect on board battery: battery cable must be positioned as shown on the photo
below. Never mount the battery on the opposite side (with the cable going initially to the
front of the aircraft). Here is the good position of the battery and battery cable:
Once the battery is connected, the black part must be always kept horizontal. Do not move it
too fast till take-off in order to let the sensors calibration.
We strongly recommend to let the part on a stable place after you connect the battery (like
the ground or any table) where it will not move during OperationCenter connection and test
4. Connect your aircraft WiFi (LA200 or LA300 network) to your Tablet:
- go on the “Settings” options on the right side of your screen

- and then click on the WiFi connexion icon. Default password is “password”
5. Open OperationCenter software
6. Click on the “Enable WiFi” button (“Connexion Successful” should appear. If not try again)
7. Go to the SYSTEMS page to check the aircraft systems (artificial horizon, GPS fix, date and

Before going to the next step, wait for the GPS Fix (a 5s BEEP will come from the aircraft, the
red circle will disappear from the artificial horizon and GPS coordinates will appear on the
screen). GPS fix will be possible outside only. It will not fix inside offices, houses or
- double check if the artificial horizon is moving well in the same direction when you are
moving the black part. You can also check the heading at this point.
8. Go to the NAV page and upload your flight path to the drone by pushing on the
“Import/Export” and “Send by WiFi” buttons (you can create a new one if needed):

9. Go to the FLY page
10. Mount the aircraft to the wing: be careful to put the battery cable inside the wing, and
do not let it outside as it may result in a poor efficiency of the Velcro attachment
- correct mount:
- incorrect mount:

- to have the black part and the wing assembled, you should “mount” the wing on the black
part. That means while always keeping the black part horizontal, you must place the wing on
top of the black part and not vice versa
- after “mounting” the wing on the black part, make sure that they are well aligned (keep the
aircraft horizontal during this process).
- correct alignment:
- incorrect alignment:
11. Check the 2 ailerons by tilting the aircraft 60° DOWN: the 2 ailerons must move in
opposite directions on a continuous basis. Your aircraft is now ready for take-off
WARNING: If 1 aileron doesn’t move correctly, you will have to do again all the setup
sequence. If the aileron is still not working after few attempts, then you will have to change
your wing. NEVER fly with an aileron malfunction.