Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE Brochure

Black Cube SE:
cult object
with power
The Black Cube phono stage is already legendary and world famous. The SE-version is equip-
Since the market introduction in 1995 the Black Cube phono stages by Lehmannaudio have be-
come cult objects for analog oriented music lovers. Countless positive reviews and awards, and an un rivalled customer satisfaction worldwide document this truly exceptional success.
A special 30 VA toroidal transformer of the PWX po wer supply is the main reason for the sonic per formance achieved with the Black Cube SE. This transformer is not only overdimensioned but even sports a grounded isolation coil between the primary and secondary coil. The results: much more bass authority, a more liquid midrange as well as more openness. These sonic benefits are without any doubt the reasons that more and more music lovers choose the Black Cube SE right from the start.
The Lehmannaudio Black Cube SE phono stage is compatible with practically all available cartridges on the market from High Output MM to MC. Apart from the standard switch settings there is one on board slot that can be fitted with a custom impe dance to supply perfect termination even for the most exotic cartridges. No more need for expensive impedance plugs!
ped with the PWX power supply for an even better sound.
Hear one now!
The input stages used in the Black Cube SE can
also be found in top notch mixing consoles or in well
known professional microphone preamps. The en
tirely passive RIAA equalization network is realized
with high precision foil capacitors. All resistors are
of the low noise metal film variety. The switches for
gain and load settings have gold plated contects.
­Because of the small outer dimensions the
Cube SE can be placed next to the turntable. This minimizes loss due to cable lengths.
Lehmannaudio always pays special attention to details: the cable between power supply and audio section is shielded and uses a Neutrik connector with gold plated contacts at the power supply side. The cases of both the power supply and the audio section are made of nonmagnetic material (alumini um) and are equipped with a top cover coated with a special anti-resonance treatment.
Lehmannaudio Dipl.-Ing. Norbert Lehmann Mozartstr. 16a 51145 Köln
Tel.: +49 2203 932968 Fax: +49 2203 9322968 email: info@lehmannaudio.de
Web: www.lehmannaudio.de www.blackcube.de
Technical Details:
Gain at 1kHz: 40dB/61dB MM/MC
S/N ration (eff.unw.): 77dB/69dB MM/MC
Iinput capacitance: 100pF
Iinput impedances: 47 kOhm, 470 Ohm,
100 Ohm switchable underneath the unit, 1 slot for a custom load
Output impedance: <100 Ohm
RIAA filter: passive equalization
between to linear gain stages
Interchannel mismatch: typ. 0,5dB
06 2003
Power consumption: <3W; external PWX power supply (2x15V DC)
Dimensions: audio section (w x d x h) 113 x 108 x 45mm³
PWX power supply (w x d x h) 233 x 93 x 45mm³
Weight: audio section app. 0,4kg power supply app. 1,0kg
technical details subject to change without prior notice
03 2005
Just take (...) an upgrade power supply named PWX, which converts the standard Cube to the SE versi­on. And then follow with amazement the transformation of a very good, exempla­rily accurate and objectively unassailab­le phono stage into a a high end music machine.
On listening to a product, if the only criticism you can come up with is that it‘s unattractive looking, you know you are on a winner. If you have a good deck, it deserves the Black Cube SE.
03 2002
...just like live: powerful, fast and gutsy... and ne­ver, I mean NEVER, harsh or edgy. (...) Its natural sense of pace and rhythm is still here and helps vinyl to keep that proper „timing“ only top-end analogue playback systems are capable of.
09 2002
image hifi
Lehmann‘s domain is the vocal band. Here the unit is drawing so precisely and highly resolving that even heavy weight contenders are not really able to keep distance. (...) It is difficult to give a clear cart­ridge recommendation because the output shows what you put in. This and only this is how a studio professional develops equipment.
06 2003
...the Black Cube SE greatly impressed me with its terrific dynamic abilities (...) The fact that I’d even discuss the budget Black Cube SE in the same breath as the Lamm LP2 and Hovland HP-100 is testa­ment to its exceptional overall performance.
03 2002
...amazing transparency without any sharpness as well as confident control over the complete audible spectrum with nevertheless totally faultless focus. Top class! Analog fan, what else are you looking for? And this at such a competitive price!
choice award
Hall of Fame
03 2001
What happens now can best be described as per­formance explosion. The SE pushes powerfully, it drives and swirls, that it is a real joy. Every dynamic step is taken and deliverd with verve.
...buttressed by the PWX power supply, the Cube is really wowie-zowie in dynamics. (...) Climaxes in the Bernstein Carmen opened out in a way that commanded attention, the soundstage the widest and deepest of the group. In short, the Black Cube is a thrilling yang all the way.
02 2002
The rave reviews of the Black Cube SE are focussing on the stunningly high product quality and the outstanding price to value ratio. However the number of satified customers is even of higher importance to us. This number is constantly growing. When do you join?