Legrand SPDU20-0U Quick Start

Wiremold / Legrand electrical systems conform to and should be properly grounded in compliance with requirements of the current National Electrical Code or codes administered by local authorities.
All electrical products may present a possible shock or fire hazard if improperly installed or used. Wiremold / Legrand electrical products may bear the mark as UL Listed and/or Classified and should be installed in conformance with current local and/or the National Electrical Code.
Power Commander®IQ
Installation Instruction No.: 1 007 594 – April 2008
IMPORTANT: Please read all instructions
before beginning.
Option 2. Use a crossover Ethernet cable that connects to
your PC directly: The static IP address for the unit is Use WEB or Telnet program to configure the unit.
Option 1. Use a straight Ethernet cable connect the unit to
your network: By default, DHCP is enabled. Fall back static IP address is Use WEB or Telnet program to configure the unit.
Option 3. Use a serial cable (included in the package) to
connect the unit and a PC. Run a Terminal Program on the PC to configure the unit.
Power Commander IQ
Step 1 An FTP server (on a remote PC) must be up
and running.
Step 2 To save the data file, at a terminal program
(Telnet or local serial port terminal program), type command “ftpput ftpIpAddr userID password fileName”.
Step 3 To retrieve a data file, type command “ftpget
ftpIpAddr userID password fileName”.
The system is shipped with Factory Default settings. The default settings for the Local Master serial port are:
9600, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit, and no hardware handshaking (Flow Control). For the Ethernet port, IP address, Submask, Gateway The default Administrator’s login name is “admin” and password is “admin”. All existing user accounts are erased if the
system is recovered to the default settings.
Control via Email, SNMP and Trap, AutoPing and Reboot are disabled as default settings. Use configuration menu (Terminal program or Web) to change the default settings if you need to.
There are two ways to restore the system to the Factory Default settings. The first method is to press a push-button switch located on the front panel for 1 second. The second method is to select “Reload Factory Defaults” from the Main Menu. The Main Menu can be viewed by running a terminal emulation program such as Windows “hyperTerm”.
Please visit www.wiremold.com/www/commercial/products/inst_ins_search.asp to download a full instruction manual.
Products Covered: SPDU20-0U, SPDU16-2U, SPDU8-1U,
USER PRIVILEGE LEVELS Administration Login: There is only one Administration
account on the system. The default name is “admin” and default password is also “admin”. The default name and password may be changed. If you login at Administration level, you are able to remove or change existing user accounts, take over power outlets or user serial console ports and change system settings.
User Login: At the user login level, you are able to reserve power ports for your applications if they are “open”, as well as make system configuration changes. At this login level, you are not able to access other user reserved console ports or change operation status for other reserved power outlets.
Anonymous (Visitor) Access: If you have no account established on the system (as an anonymous user), you are only able to view the system configuration settings and operate power outlets.
To access and configure the system from the master port, you need to connect a RS232 port from your work station to the Local Master Serial Port. Then, run a terminal emulation program (such as Window’s Hyper Terminal) on your computer.
1. Connect the system’s Local Master Port (DCE) with a straight DB-9 type cable if your work station is equipped with a DTE port.
2. Connect the system’s Ethernet port to your LAN, if you intend to use the network port.
3. Turn the system power on.
4. At terminal emulation program, type “setup” command to start system setup process. Type “help” for help information.
5. The system has DHCP enabled, as a default setting. Network connectivity parameters are displayed at the startup screen. If the system does not get a DHCP offer, the system falls back to default static network settings. You can alter the default network settings to fit your need.
6. Use the command “ping” to verify your connection. If network connection is established, you are able to use Telnet, Web Browsing, Emailing and SMNP.
Use Configuration menus (terminal or web) to setup power port outlet or use the following commands:
pset n x – turns power outlet on/off. Where “n” is
outlet #; “x” is either “0” (off) or “1” (on).
rb n – executes power reboot for outlet n. ps 1 – turns all power outlet on. ps 0 – turns all power outlet off.
Each power outlet has option to enable or disable this function. Use Configuration menus (from terminals or web) to define user equipment IP addresses and other
Use web access to change current/temperature alarm threshold, notification methods and notification interval. Use the commands below to read the current and temperature status:
cs 1 – reads current status cs 0 – reads current status and clear max
detected value.
Temperature Sensor is optional. Please order Cat. No. PDU-TS1
Use the configuration menus to enable access via email function and then define email servers (POP3 and SMTP), incoming addresses and 2nd optional outgoing (reply) email addresses. Using the following format to send your emails:
Send control command only: Email Subject Field – &sysName&username&password&command& where “sysName” is the user defined system (device) name; “username&password” is an existing user account name and password on the system.
Example: &sysSite2&johnW&myPass&rb 2&
Note. Command Delimiter “&” may be altered.
Use command “help” to see details
Use “help” to obtain information on how to use the operation event logging feature.
datalog 0 – disable the logging feature (default). datalog 1 – enable the logging feature. datalog 2 – view logging message. datalog 3 – clear logging message.
Use web access method to view the “TCPIP Network Setup Menu” from the system, then click “Down Load MIB File” button to download a copy of MIB object file. Compile the object file to your network management software for using the feature.
Press the “Power Outlet Manual Switch” button located on the front panel. Keep press and release the button until desired outlet LED is blinking. Then hold the switch down for 3 seconds. The selected outlet will change the On/Off state.
Note: A user reserved power outlet can’t be
manually controlled.
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