Legrand DSBEA User Manual

Solar panels supported by Delta Strut
on Metal Raised Seam Roof
Legrand Delta Strut Solar Systems have passed electrical/bonding testing per UL 2703. The following paragraph states the scope of the UL standards:
These requirements cover rack mounting systems and clamping devices for flat-plate photovoltaic modules and panels that comply with the standard for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels, UL 1703, intended for installation on or integral with buildings, or to be freestanding (i.e., not attached to buildings), in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 and Model Building Codes.
Installation Instructions:
1. Snap chalk lines for each DS (Delta Strut) stringer row. Rows should be located at even intervals allowing roughly 1/4 of the total PV length to overhang the top and bottom stringer (Allow 1/8” minimum between panel rows for expansion).
2. Install DS-S5 clamps to roof seams as required. Install on roof seams (not exceeding maximum span of 60” or roof loading requirements).
3. Attach DSBRSW washer to DS-S5 seam clamps using bolt provided. Then attach DS stringers to DSBRSW/DS-S5 assembly using DSPCC clamp and self-threading screws (sold separately). [Figure A]
4. Splice sections of DS together using a DSSA splice kit (install splices on both inside corners of DS for a single splice). Torque nuts to 6-8 ft/lbs. [Figure B]
For optimal holding strength, screw tension should be 160 to 180 inch pounds on 22 ga. steel and 130 to 150 inch pounds for all other metals and thinner gauges of steel.
Use two DSSA to splice any two sections of Delta Strut tray.
5. Pull string cabling into DS stringer row.
6. Position first PV panel at the beginning of first run, checking for position and square, then attach to DS using DSEHDC (End Bolt/Clamp). Torque nuts to 6-8 ft/lbs.
7. Connect PV cables to stringer cables and secure cabling to DS. Be aware that cabling is live at this point.
8. Add next PV panel in run. Use DSMHDC (Middle Bolt/Clamp ­Patent Pending) in areas where two panels adjoin, ending each row by utilizing a DSEHDC (End Bolt/Clamp). Torque nuts to 6-8 ft/lbs. [Figure C]
9. Each solar row to be connected to Earth as specified in NEC using proper sized ground conductor and UL Listed Split-bolt lug connected to Delta Strut. [Figure D]
DSMHDC is spring-loaded and stays in position while panels are positioned.
Use GNDSB split-bolt lug grounding connector to properly ground each solar support row.
Solar panels mounted to Delta Strut
on Membrane Roof with Stanchions
Legrand Delta Strut Solar Systems have passed electrical/bonding testing per UL 2703. The following paragraph states the scope of the UL standards:
These requirements cover rack mounting systems and clamping devices for flat-plate photovoltaic modules and panels that comply with the standard for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels, UL 1703, intended for installation on or integral with buildings, or to be freestanding (i.e., not attached to buildings), in accordance with the National Electrical Code, ANSI/NFPA 70 and Model Building Codes.
Installation Instructions:
1. Snap chalk lines for each DS (Delta Strut) support row. Rows should be located at even intervals (not exceeding maximum span of 60” or roof loading requirements).
2. Snap a second set of chalk lines at a right angle to position angle support legs. Actual spacing should be in accordance with the drawings provided with each DS shipment.
3. Install stanchions along support row according to manufacturer’s recommendations and roofing requirements. Install at even intervals with (not exceeding maximum span of 60” or roof loading requirements).
4. Attach DS to stanchions with DSPEBK (Pedestal Extension Bracket Kit). [Figure A]
5. Splice sections of DS together using a DSSA splice (install splices on both inside corners of DS for a single splice). Torque nuts to 6-8 ft/lbs. [Figure B]
6. Install and splice all DS rows before beginning next steps.
7. Install DSBEA (Angle Support Assemblies). Attach rear support to DS support first by pivoting leg forward then secure to DS using clamp and self­threading screw. Attach front clamp in the same manner. [Figure C]
Bolt is tightened using socket wrench or power drill thru access hole.
Use two DSSA to splice any two sections of Delta Strut tray.
Self-threading screw is tightened using socket wrench or power drill thru access hole.
8. Install DS stringers to angle supports. Position DS in angle bracket saddle, then secure with a DSPCC (Connection Clamp and self-threading screw). [Figure D]
9. Splice sections of DS stringers together using a DSSA splice kit (install splices on both inside corners of DS for a single splice).
10. Position first PV panel at the beginning of first run, check for position and square, then attach to DS using DSEHDC (End Bolt/ Clamp). Torque nuts to 6-8 ft/lbs.
11. Add next PV panel in run. Use DSMHDC (Middle Bolt/Clamp ­Patent Pending) in areas where two panels adjoin. Torque nuts to 6-8 ft/lbs. [Figure E]
12. Pull feeder cabling into DS stringer row. Connect PV cables to feeder cables and secure cabling to DS. Be aware that cabling is live at this point.
13. Each solar row to be connected to Earth as specified in NEC using proper sized ground conductor and UL Listed Split-bolt lug connected to Delta Strut. [Figure F]
Use punched pilot hole on either side of bracket to allow connection clamp clearance from cross wire.
DSMHDC is spring-loaded and stays in position while panels are positioned.
Use GNDSB split-bolt lug grounding connector to properly ground each solar support row.
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