General description ✔6
The Home page ✔6
The functions page ✔7
Navigation arrows ✔7
The Default page ✔8
Use 2. 9
The applications 1■0
Scenarios 1✔1
Lighting 1✔3
Automation 1✔5
Gate (lighting / video door-entry system) 1✔6
Load control 1✔8
Temperature control 1✔9
Burglar alarm 2✔7
Sound System 2✔9
Multi-channel sound system 3✔2
Multimedia contents 3✔4
Improved scenarios and schedulers 3✔8
Video door-entry system 4✔2
Systems supervision 4✔3
Energy management 4✔6
General descriptio✔n
The Home pag✔e
The functions pag✔e
Navigation arrow✔s
The Default pag✔e
1 - Introduction
The Touch Screen■
General description✔
The colour Touch Screen is the ro om control that can enable you to
achieve a centralise d management for all My Home Legrand functio ns
in a simple an d intuitive way.
When you touch the icons of the wide display lightly with your finger, it
is pos si bl e to con tr ol a nu mb er o f M y Ho me Leg ra nd sol ut io ns, su ch a s:
controlling actuators for lights and shutters, selecting preset scenarios,
adjustin g the temper ature of the temperature control zone s, dividing
and enabling/disabling the burglar alarm, managing the sound system,
forcin g the priority of household appliances manag ed by the load
control and many others.
The Touch Screen is always switched on and enabled, the back lighting
of the displ ay turns on as soon as you tou ch it.
All the navig ation pages of the Touch Scree n wil l be created and
customis ed for the My Home Legrand solutions in your system by the
installer, according to yo ur needs.
The naviga tion pages in this manual are given f or guidance only.
The Home page✔
There are ico ns in the Home page which repr esent the applicatio ns
that you can manage as well as the setup i con (always present). When
pr og ram mi ng , it is pos si bl e to ent er mo re i nf or mat io n su ch as t he dat e,
time and temperature (the possibility to enter information depends on
the space va cated by the icons).
For more inf ormation, please c all your installer.
1 - Introduction
The functions page✔
You can access the functions page by selecting the required application
from the Home page.
All you need to do is touch the icon of a comman d to switch on a light,
pull up your rolling shutter or ac tivate a scenario.
Watering systemScenario module
Automation page exampleScenario page example
Navigation arrows✔
The arrows at the b ottom part of t he displ ay hav e the followi ngs
Scrolls th e contents of the page
Scrolls th e contents of the page
Goes to the p revious page
In some pages there is a fourth button that allows you to execute
special f unctions.
1 - Introduction
The Default page✔
The ColorTouchConfigIP configuration software enables you to specify
a Default page which will be shown on the display after a period of
inactivity of th e Touch Screen.
The installer can ch oose the Home page or a p age included in the ap plicatio ns as the Def ault page; it will also be p ossible to create a ne w
page containing information on the Time, Date and temp erature. In
alternative to Time and Date, the Temperature can b e entered up to
three times, thereby enablin g you to monitor three differe nt rooms.
In additio n to the navigation arrow (tha t allows to ret urn to the Home
Page), there is an icon at the bot tom of the page which allows you to
execute a command . For mor e informatio n on how to confi gure the
command, p lease call your inst aller.
If t his page has not been ena bled during th e configur ation process,
the Home Page will be displayed.
Control button
Navigation arrow
The application■s
Gate (lighting / video door-entry system✔)
Load contro✔l
Temperature contro✔l
Burglar alar✔m
Sound Syste✔m
Multi-channel sound syste✔m
Multimedia content✔s
Improved scenarios and scheduler✔s
Video door-entry syste✔m
Systems supervisio✔n
Energy managemen✔t
2 - Use
The applications■
The Touch Scre en enables you to manag e the following applications
of the system:
Th e S et up i co n, a lw ay s pr es en t in th e Ho me pa ge , ca n l et y ou ac ces s t he
Touch Screen setup page (A larm clock, Beep, Clock, e tc.).
Load control
4 zone
temperature control
99 zone
temperature control
Energy management
Burglar alarm
Syste m
sound system
scenario s and
Syste m
For more inf ormation see chapter “Customis ation”.
2 - Use
Lets you ac tivate scen arios that have been previously stored in one
or more “scenario units” and “scenario modules” of your My H ome
Legrand s ystem.
Touch the scenar io icon .
The display wil l show the page where you can find the scenarios you
can acti vate.
Scenario 1
Scenario 2
Touch the icon to activate the s cenario.
Scenario of the Scenario unit
This command lets you a ctivate a scenario of the Scena rio Unit.
You can f reely decide to modify the scenario setting on the Unit; the
Touch Screen will then exe cute the scenario you have set up.
Scenario of the Scenario Module
Scenario 1
This command lets you a ctivate a scenario of the Scena rio Module.
Further more, whe n you touch the icon , new icons will appear
which will allow you to cancel or programme a new scenario according
to the func tioning mode of the Scenario M odule.
If the icon is n ot dis played , th e s cenar ios mo dule is
2 - Use
Creating a new scenario
Touch the icon to st art
a new scenar io
programming proce dure.
Touch the icon to return
to the menu of t he scenarios
programmed by you.
Touch the icon to end
Removing a scenario
Touch the icon to remove a scenar io
programmed by you
2 - Use
Lets you sw itch on, switch off, adjust a single light or group of lights.
Touch the lightin g icon .
The disp lay will show the page where you can find the lights you can
Kitchen light
Garden lights
Staircase light
Depending on the programming condition, the display can have seven
diffe rent types of contr ols:
Single light
This control let s you switch a
single light on and of f.
Kitchen light
Group of lights
Thi s co ntrol let s y ou s witch
on/ off a group of lights simultaneously.
Garden lights
Th is con tr ol l et s y ou s wi tc h on ,
switch off and adjust a light
with a dimme r.
Use the – an d + icons for t he
adj ustm ent; the bri ghtn ess
of the light is shown graphical ly.
The illumi nation intensity w ill
be shown with ON/OFF marks
(10 le vel s) or mar ks wi th a
lower illumination intensity
(100 levels), depending on the
dimmer installed (10 or 100
If the light does not work or if
it is not connected, a broken
light bulb will appear.
Staircase light
Less light
Dimmer 100 or
10 leve ls, 90%
2 - Use
Dimmer Assembly
Th is con tr ol l et s y ou s wi tc h on ,
switch off and adjust several
light s si multane ously with a
Use the – and + icons f or the adjustment; th e brightness of the light is
not shown gr aphically.
The dimmers of the assembly can be adjusted at differe nt illumination
intensity levels, hence they can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing
the level of a ll dimmers, star ting from their current adjus tment.
Room lights
Timed light with preset durations
Thi s co ntrol let s y ou s witch
on a light thu s sett ing
the activation time with the
icon .
Ti ming w ith pr eset dur atio ns
not enabl ed
Ti ming w ith pr eset dur atio ns
The durations that can be set may be:
fixed: 7 dif ferent durations that cannot b e changed
config urable: 20 durations configur able through sof tware
Fixed timed light
Thi s co ntrol let s y ou s witch
on a light for only o ne set
duration using the confi guration sof tware.
The icon shows the remai ning ac tivat ion tim e (in
The i con show s the timin g
activation stat us.
Staircase light
This control lets you activate
the Staircase lights function of
the video door-entry system.
Fixed timin g disabled
Fixed timin g enabled
(about half the ti me re maining
to switch of f)
Lets you control shut ters, gates, door l ocks, etc.
Touch the automation contro l unit icon .
The display will show the page wh ere you can find the automation
control uni ts that you can control.
2 - Use
In o rder for you to have an immediate identif ication, di fferent icons
have been created accord ing to the actual use of the automation
control uni t.
Gate (automation)
Gate (lighting/video door-entry system)
Automation assembly
Watering system
Watering system
Controlled plug
Door lock
2 - Use
Curtain - Shutter - Gate – Up-and-over
These controls allow you to open and close the curt ains, shutters, e tc.
with a simpl e touch of your finge r.
The operation may occur in two different ways, depending on the
programming proce dure carried out by t he installer:
Safe mode
Th e o pe nin g o r cl os ing mo vem en t w ill oc cur as l on g a s th e co rr es po nd ing icon is tou ched; the icon change s, thus indicating the movement .
When the icon is releas ed, there will be an automatic stop.
Safe mode examples
The curtain opens when
the icon is kep t pressed
The shut ter goes down when
the icon is kep t pressed
When you lift your f inger,
the curt ain stops
When you lift your f inger,
the shutter stops
Normal Mode
The opening or closing movement will start by touching the correspondin g icon; duri ng the move ment the icon changes showing the
Stop icon and th e indication of the movement in progress.
Touch the icon to stop the movement .
Normal mode examples
The gate op ens when you
touch the ico n
The gate clo ses when you
touch the ico n
Press the ico n Stop to stop it
Press the ico n Stop to stop it
Gate (lighting / video door-entry system)✔
The opening or closing movement will start by touching the
icon. The movement automatically stops when the gate reaches its
stop limit .
2 - Use
Automation assembly
This control can be used to activate several au tomations at th e same
time. For examp le, with a single touch it would be possibl e to lower or
rise all the r olling shutters o f the home.
Movem ent is activate d by touchin g one of the arrow icons. Touch
to stop.
This contro l lets you switch a fan o n and off.
The icon indicates wh en the fan is in operation.
touch to swi tch offtouch to swi tch on
Controlled plug
This control, represented by a plug, lets you switch on and off a generic
device (a hous ehold appliance or a ny other device).
Here again, the icon indicates th e status of the device co ntrolled.
touch to swi tch offtouch to switch on
Door lock
The door l ock is activated wh en you touch the icon .
This control acts as a button: the door lock is activated when you touch
the icon and d eactivated when you releas e it. If it controls a doo r lock
of the video door-entry s ystem, the ac tivation time will be set by the
door lock configuration.
Door lock deacti vated
2 - Use
Watering system
This contro l lets you switch the watering system on an d off.
The icon indicates wh en the watering sys tem is in operation.
touch to swi tch off
touch to swi tch on
Load control✔
This control allows you to force the priority set fo r the Energy man agement unit.
Touch the Energy Managem ent icon .
The display will sh ow the page where you can f ind the loads that you
can control.
Washing machine
Temperature control✔
Thi s co ntrol ena bles you kee p the temp eratu re under con trol in
the whole house and to adjust each zon e according to your current
Touch the tempe rature control icon .
The display shows a page listing systems (Control units), non-controlled
zones (if present) and any external probes (if p resent). If only one
Contro l Unit is pr esent, a scre en will be displayed, with the selecte d
Contro l Unit icon (4 zones/99 zo nes), and the Zone list.
The management of th e temperature control is possible only if
the Remote control function h as been activate d.
2 - Use
Touch th e Control Unit icon to access a p age displaying the Control
Unit st atus. The same page also shows th e icon that gives access
to the list of the possib le modes that can be se t.
2 - Use
Weekly Mode
By selecting one of the 3 summer or winter programs (previously set in
the control unit), the system can operate in automatic mode following
the setup programming proce dure.
Touch the ico n to confirm the program to set.
Winter programsSummer programs
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Program 1
Program 2
Program 3
Manual Mode
This can be used to set a constant temp erature in all the zones of the
Touch th e and icons to decrease or increase the temp era-
ture value by 0.5°C. Touch the icon to confirm the temperature
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