LEGO The Battle of Helm's Deep Instructions Manual

Rules Règles Reglas
de juego
Un Jeu De Stratégie Modulable
La bataille du gouffre de Helm
Un Juego De Estrategia Personalizable
La Batalla del Abismo de Helm
A Customizable Strategy Game
The Battle of Helm’s Deep
Strategy Game
Object of the game
The rst player to defeat all the enemy Leaders wins the game. The Uruk-hai player can also win by reaching the target space shown on the mission map.
Building the game
In The Lord of the Rings: Battle of Helms Deep you can rearrange the board to create different missions. Before you start playing, build the sections of the board using the building instructions. Then choose one of the mission maps on the poster and put the sections together as shown. Put all the figures in the right places.
Mission 1: First Skirmish A good way to learn the game. Playing time: 510 minutes. Mission 2: Fight for the Gates Playing time: 1520 minutes. Mission 3: Battle of the Hornburg Playing time: 2035 minutes.
Check the LEGO® Dice is built with these 6 sides.
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Aragorn™, Legolas™ and Gimli™ have joined forces with the Rohirrim™, the people of Rohan™, to defend Helm’s Deep. Can they hold out against the fearsome Uruk-hai™ army of Isengard, or is the mighty walled fortress of the Hornburg destined to fall?
Object of the game
The  rst player to defeat all the enemy Leaders wins the game. The Uruk-hai player can also win by reaching the target space shown on the mission map.
Building the game
In The Lord of the Rings: Battle of Helm’s Deep you can rearrange the board to create different missions. Before you start playing, build the sections of the board using the building instructions. Then choose one of the mission maps on the poster and put the sections together as shown. Put all the figures in the right places.
Mission 1: First Skirmish — A good way to learn the game. Playing time: 5–10 minutes. Mission 2: Fight for the Gates — Playing time: 15–20 minutes. Mission 3: Battle of the Hornburg — Playing time: 20–35 minutes.
Check the LEGO® Dice is built with these 6 sides.
Siege ladder
Lego DiceUruk-hai Leaders
Rohirrim Warriors Rohirrim Leaders
Uruk-hai Warriors
Reinforcement spaceSpace
Health bar
LEGO tilt
The best way to pick up a LEGO piece is by tilting it before you lift it.
leaders Warriors
Special skill: Move up to 2 spaces. Then choose one enemy figure next to your Charger. That figure loses 2 health.
Special skill: Do not move. Restore up to 2 health to one of your Leaders on the board.
Special skill: Do not move. Use archery to attack one enemy within range.
No special skill.
On your turn roll the LEGO® Dice, then choose one of your  gures on the board.
• If you end your move in a space occupied by one of your  gures, move forward to the  rst available space.
• If you move into a space next to an enemy, you MUST stop moving and  ght.
You may not move diagonally.
Playing the game
Each player chooses to play as the Rohirrim, the people of Rohan, or the Uruk-hai, the army of Isengard. If there are more than 2 players, split up into teams. The Uruk-hai player goes  rst. The Rohirrim and Uruk­hai players then take turns.
When you  ght, roll the LEGO Dice again to  nd out what happens. Continue  ghting until there are no more enemy  gures in the spaces next to your  gure or until your  gure is defeated and removed from the board.
• If a Warrior loses any health it is immediately defeated. A Leader is only defeated if it loses all 4 health. Remove any defeated  gures from the board.
• If a Leader loses 1 or more health but is not defeated, move it back 1 space away from the  gure it is  ghting. If it cannot be moved back, continue  ghting.
You may not fi ght diagonally.
The One Ring
Move up to 4 spaces OR use your figure’s special skill.
Move up to 3 spaces.
Move up to 2 spaces.
The One Ring
The enemy figure loses 2 health.
The enemy figure loses 1 health.
Your figure loses 1 health.
Rohirrim Uruk-hai
King Théoden
Leaders Warriors
Special skill: Do not move. Put a defeated Uruk-hai Swordsman on an empty reinforcement space.
Special skill: Do not move. Use archery to attack one enemy within range.
Special skill: Move up to 2 spaces. Then choose one enemy figure next to your Berserker. That f igure loses 2 health.
No special skill.
Siege ladders
Both players can use the siege ladders to climb up or down the walls. The spaces on the ends of siege ladders are next to the neighboring spaces on the board and walls. Move and fight on siege ladders as usual.
If you use archery, attach one end of the range nder to the head of your Archer and the other end to the head of any enemy within range. Roll the LEGO Dice again to  nd out what happens.
• Each Leader has a matching health bar and starts the game with 4 health. If a Leader loses all 4 health it is defeated. Remove the  gure from the board.
• Warriors do not have health bars. If a Warrior loses
health it is defeated.
Remove the  gure from the board.
• If you use a Healer’s special skill, restore up to 2 health to one of your Leaders anywhere on the board. Leaders can never have more than 4 health.
You cannot restore health to a defeated Leader.
If the Uruk-hai player moves 3 Uruk-hai  gures onto the 3 spaces in front of the gates, remove the lock and open the gates.
Winning the game
The  rst player to defeat all the enemy Leaders wins the game. If you are the Uruk-hai player, you can also win if you have one of your  gures stood on the target space shown on the mission map at the end of your turn.
You miss! Nothing happens.
The One Ring or Sword
On target! The enemy figure loses 1 health.
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