LEGO NINJAGQ Assembly Manual

Reglas de juego
2–4 8+ 15–25
A new way to play!
Introducing LEGO® Games, the world’s fi rst collection of games that you build, play and change. With the unique buildable LEGO Dice and changeable rules, LEGO Games is a new way of having fun together with family and friends.
Une nouvelle façon de jouer !
Découvrez les jeux de société LEGO® : les premiers jeux de société à construire ! Avec le dé LEGO à construire et les règles du jeu modifi ables selon les envies des joueurs, les jeux de société LEGO promettent des heures de divertissement en famille ou entre amis.
¡Una nueva forma de jugar!
Llega LEGO® Games, la primera colección de juegos del mundo que puedes construir y cambiar jugando. Gracias al exclusivo Dado LEGO, que podrás construir a tu gusto, y a sus reglas, totalmente alterables, LEGO Games representa una nueva forma de divertirse con la familia y los amigos.
Aim of the game
Play as a team of Ninjas to fi nd the four golden weapons and defeat the Skeleton General.
Setting up the game
Before you start playing, build the game using the LEGO® building instructions provided in the set. Building the game teaches you about the pieces and how you can use them. This makes it easier to rebuild the game or change the rules later on.
Build the LEGO Dice using the tiles shown below:
Take four gold and fi ve gray markers and place one marker INSIDE each guardhouse. Shuffl e the guardhouses and place them in the spaces shown above. Place the spinner and rope beside the board.
Each player chooses a Ninja and places it inside the fortress in the space by the gate.
LEGO tool
The set includes a tool to help you take tiles off the LEGO Dice.
The evil Skeleton General and his guards have invaded the Ninja Fortress!
Can you team-up to battle the guards, fi nd the golden weapons, and defeat the
General? The race is on! Stop the Skeletons from gaining the ultimate power.
Aim of the game
General? The race is on! Stop the Skeletons from gaining the ultimate power.
Skeleton General
Golden Weapon
Skeleton Guard
Spinner LEGO
Playing the game
The oldest player goes fi rst. Play then continues clockwise.
On your turn roll the LEGO
Dice and carry out the action you rolled.
Watch out! If you start your turn in a space with a guard, you must spin the spinner to fi ght him before rolling the Dice.
Move Ninja
Move your Ninja up to two spaces.
• If you move into a space with a guardhouse, you may stop and
search it. Then your turn ends.
• If you move into the same space as a guard and another Ninja,
team-up to fi ght the guard on a later turn.
You may not move diagonally or over walls.
Move Ninja and guard
• Move your Ninja one space, THEN
• Take a guard from the fortress wall and place it into any space containing a Ninja.
You may not place a guard into a space that already contains a guard.
Move Ninja and General
• Move your Ninja one space, THEN
• Move the General one step down the temple steps.
Swing Ninja and move General
• Place your Ninja anywhere in its current space. Attach
one end of the rope to the head of your Ninja and the other end to the roof of a guardhouse. Swing your Ninja to any space that you can reach and place the rope
back beside the board, THEN
• Move the General one step down the temple steps.
Searching guardhouses
If you move into a space with a guardhouse, you may stop and immediately search it. Take the marker out of the guardhouse and place it on the roof.
• If the marker is GRAY, you are discovered by a guard. Take a guard
from the fortress wall and place it into the same space as your Ninja.
• If the marker is GOLD, you fi nd a golden weapon. Take a golden
weapon from the side of the board and place it by the gate.
Fighting guards
If you start your turn in a space with a guard, you must spin the
spinner to fi ght him. You win the fi ght if you spin the color of your
Ninja, or of any Ninja in the same space.
• If you WIN, place the guard back on the fortress wall. Roll the LEGO
Dice as normal.
• If you LOSE, move the General one step down the temple steps. Your turn ends. Do not roll the LEGO Dice.
Move your Ninja up to two spaces.
LEGO® tilt
The best way to pick up a LEGO
piece is by tilting it before you lift it.
Losing golden weapons
When the General moves off the last step of the temple steps, he captures one golden weapon from the Ninjas.
• Take a golden weapon from beside the gate and place it on the temple.
• Place the General back on the top step of the temple steps.
If the Ninjas have no golden weapons when the General moves off the last step, all the Ninjas lose the game immediately!
Using the Sensei
During the game, the Ninjas may use the Sensei ONCE to avoid losing.
• You may use the Sensei if the General moves off the temple steps and the
Ninjas have no golden weapons. Place the Sensei behind the temple and the General back at the top of the temple steps.
• OR, you may use the Sensei in the fi nal battle to avoid losing the last golden
weapon. Place the Sensei behind the temple and re-spin the spinner.
Remember! You may only use the Sensei ONCE in each game.
Winning the game
If the Ninjas fi nd the fourth golden weapon without losing any of them to the General, all the Ninjas win the game immediately. Otherwise, the Ninjas must fi ght a fi nal battle with the General to recapture the remaining golden weapons from the Skeletons.
If the Ninjas get all four golden weapons, all the Ninjas win the game. If the Skeletons capture all four golden weapons, the Skeletons win the game and all the Ninjas lose.
Fighting the fi nal battle
Before the fi nal battle, place ALL FOUR Ninjas in front of the
temple, even if there are only 2 or 3 players. The player who found the fourth golden weapon fi ghts the General fi rst.
If you are the fi rst player to fi ght the General, take all the golden weapons from beside the gate. Place one onto your Ninja and any others onto other Ninjas. Then place the General onto one other Ninja. Now spin the spinner.
• If you spin the color of any Ninja with a golden weapon, the Ninjas recapture
a golden weapon. Take one from the temple and place it onto any Ninja.
• If you spin the color of the Ninja with the General, the General captures
another golden weapon. Take one from any Ninja and place it on the temple.
• If you spin any other color, the spin is a “draw”, and the Ninjas do not
win or lose a golden weapon.
After each fi ght, pass the spinner to the next player and fi ght the General until either the Ninjas or the Skeletons have won the game. Each player may move the golden weapons and the General onto diff erent Ninjas before spinning the spinner.
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