Playing the game
The oldest player goes fi rst. Play then continues clockwise.
On your turn roll the LEGO
Dice and carry out the action you rolled.
Watch out! If you start your turn in a space with a guard, you must spin the spinner to fi ght
him before rolling the Dice.
Move Ninja
Move your Ninja up to two spaces.
• If you move into a space with a guardhouse, you may stop and
search it. Then your turn ends.
• If you move into the same space as a guard and another Ninja,
team-up to fi ght the guard on a later turn.
You may not move diagonally or over walls.
Move Ninja and guard
• Move your Ninja one space, THEN
• Take a guard from the fortress wall and place it into any space containing a Ninja.
You may not place a guard into a space that already contains a guard.
Move Ninja and General
• Move your Ninja one space, THEN
• Move the General one step down the temple steps.
Swing Ninja and move General
• Place your Ninja anywhere in its current space. Attach
one end of the rope to the head of your Ninja and the
other end to the roof of a guardhouse. Swing your Ninja
to any space that you can reach and place the rope
back beside the board, THEN
• Move the General one step down the temple steps.
Searching guardhouses
If you move into a space with a guardhouse, you may stop and
immediately search it. Take the marker out of the guardhouse and
place it on the roof.
• If the marker is GRAY, you are discovered by a guard. Take a guard
from the fortress wall and place it into the same space as your Ninja.
• If the marker is GOLD, you fi nd a golden weapon. Take a golden
weapon from the side of the board and place it by the gate.
Fighting guards
If you start your turn in a space with a guard, you must spin the
spinner to fi ght him. You win the fi ght if you spin the color of your
Ninja, or of any Ninja in the same space.
• If you WIN, place the guard back on the fortress wall. Roll the LEGO
Dice as normal.
• If you LOSE, move the General one step down the temple steps.
Your turn ends. Do not roll the LEGO Dice.