Before you can run LEGO LOCO on your PC you will need to copy some
things from the CD-ROM, don’t worry, we’ve made it easy for you...
Auto Run - Make sure that Windows 95 has started and then insert the
LEGO LOCO CD-ROM. The installer program should automatically run. It
will ask you a few questions about how you would prefer the copying
to take place, you can simply click the NEXT button and let the program
decide for you. This program will then set up everything you need to run
You will need to have DirectX installed on your computer. If you are
unsure it is safest to reply YES when asked in the installation if you want
to install DirectX.
On some rare occasions the Auto Run program may not start
automatically. If this happens you can start the program yourself.
• From the Windows 95 desktop double click the left mouse button on
the "My Computer" icon, this will bring up a window that displays all
of your drives, including your CD Drive.
• Right click on the CD Drive Icon (this is normally Drive D, but may be
different on your computer). This will bring up a list of options (see
the Windows 95 instruction manual), from this list choose EXPLORE.
• Once you have clicked EXPLORE the window will show the contents of
the CD. From this list double click the icon that says SETUP.EXE with the
left mouse button.
Installing LEGO LOCO Starting LOCO
Installing LEGO LOCO
To start LEGO LOCO click on START in the bottom left corner of your
screen, point to PROGRAMS, point to LEGO Media and then click ‘LEGO
When LOCO starts you will see a short introduction video.
Press any key on the keyboard, or click any mouse button to enter the
LOCO World.
You will now see the Start Screen.
Clicking the button with the picture of one Station
Master, and then confirming your choice by clicking the
tick, will start the single user mode.
Clicking the button with the picture of two Station
Masters will start the multi-user mode. This will be
discussed later in Section 6), National Mode (page 22).
Clicking the button showing the picture of the door on
this screen will quit LOCO.
Once you have made your selection and pressed the OK ‘tick’ LOCO will
load. As soon as the progress bar has finished animating, LOCO has finished
loading. Press any key on the keyboard, or click any mouse button. A
default layout will be loaded, you can then play with and alter this layout.
Starting LOCO