LEGO LOCO Instruction Manual

® LEGO, the LEGO logo and the LEGO Brick are registered trademarks of the LEGO Group. © 1998 The LEGO Group and Intelligent Games Ltd. Manufactured in the E.U. IB2G-LOC3
Instruction manual
Instruction manual
Take the fast train to computer fun
Take the fast train to computer fun
Hello and welcome to LEGO LOCO! I’m the Station Master and I’m here to help make sure that all the LEGO trains run on time and the Minifigure passengers are happy.
As a trainee Station Master it’s up to you to design your own railway layouts and build a bustling LEGO World, to help you I’ve given you this cool LEGO LOCO Guide.
If you need my help whilst you’re playing you can also click on this button in the Toybox for a quick run through how to do things!
LEGO LOCO is all about building and running the best train set that you can imagine, on your computer! You can make your own tracks and towns with lots of different LEGO elements… and then watch them come to life!
Switches and points allow you to control all of your trains as they travel from station to station, whisking your LEGO Minifigures around the town that you have built for them. Your creation will grow as you add to it, and there will be plenty of surprises along the way as you uncover hidden events and new and exciting elements.
3 Welcome
4 Installing LEGO LOCO
5 Starting the game
6 How to play with LEGO LOCO
The Toybox
Trays Eraser Load/Save Advanced Options
Starting Trains Altering Points, switches etc. Zoomboxes Magnifying Glass Picking up minifigs Commanding minifigs Command Mode
16 Postcards
Post Office Receiving and Saving Postcards Deleting Postcards Postcard Album Postcard Editor
22 Game Modes
Single User International Postcards National Mode Screen Saver
34 Easter Eggs
35 Credits
35 Copyright
35 Epilepsy Warning
Before you can run LEGO LOCO on your PC you will need to copy some things from the CD-ROM, don’t worry, we’ve made it easy for you...
Auto Run - Make sure that Windows 95 has started and then insert the LEGO LOCO CD-ROM. The installer program should automatically run. It will ask you a few questions about how you would prefer the copying to take place, you can simply click the NEXT button and let the program decide for you. This program will then set up everything you need to run LEGO LOCO.
You will need to have DirectX installed on your computer. If you are unsure it is safest to reply YES when asked in the installation if you want to install DirectX.
On some rare occasions the Auto Run program may not start automatically. If this happens you can start the program yourself.
From the Windows 95 desktop double click the left mouse button on the "My Computer" icon, this will bring up a window that displays all of your drives, including your CD Drive.
Right click on the CD Drive Icon (this is normally Drive D, but may be different on your computer). This will bring up a list of options (see the Windows 95 instruction manual), from this list choose EXPLORE.
Once you have clicked EXPLORE the window will show the contents of the CD. From this list double click the icon that says SETUP.EXE with the left mouse button.
Installing LEGO LOCO Starting LOCO
Installing LEGO LOCO
To start LEGO LOCO click on START in the bottom left corner of your screen, point to PROGRAMS, point to LEGO Media and then click ‘LEGO LOCO’.
When LOCO starts you will see a short introduction video. Press any key on the keyboard, or click any mouse button to enter the
LOCO World. You will now see the Start Screen.
Clicking the button with the picture of one Station Master, and then confirming your choice by clicking the tick, will start the single user mode.
Clicking the button with the picture of two Station Masters will start the multi-user mode. This will be discussed later in Section 6), National Mode (page 22).
Clicking the button showing the picture of the door on this screen will quit LOCO.
Once you have made your selection and pressed the OK ‘tick’ LOCO will load. As soon as the progress bar has finished animating, LOCO has finished loading. Press any key on the keyboard, or click any mouse button. A default layout will be loaded, you can then play with and alter this layout.
Starting LOCO
When playing with LEGO LOCO there are two ‘modes’. When the Toybox is open LOCO is in ‘Edit’ mode. You can place elements, move or delete existing ones and alter your layout. When the Toybox is closed LOCO is in ‘Play’ mode. The layout you have created will come to life and you can play with all the exciting things in your new world.
The Toybox
In the top left quarter of the screen you will see your LEGO Toybox. This Toybox holds everything that you need to create your world.
Inside the Toybox are several buttons, the top half of the Toybox has buttons that allow you to access everything you need to build your layout. Left Clicking on one of these buttons (Buildings, Scenery, Track) opens a tray showing you everything that you may use of that type.
Left Click anywhere else on the Toybox to open it.
Left Click on the Toybox’s blue handle to pick it up and move it around, click again to put it down.
How to play with LEGO LOCO
How to play with LEGO LOCO
To place one of these pieces, click on the piece in the tray to pick it up, you can now position the piece anywhere that you like on the screen. Click the mouse button again to place the piece!
NOTE: Tunnels can only be placed at the edge of the screen.
Click the Right Mouse Button to rotate the piece.
You can remove things that you don’t like with your eraser!
How to play with LEGO LOCO
How to play with LEGO LOCO
How to play with LEGO LOCO
How to play with LEGO LOCO
Load / Save
Click the Disk Button to either Load or Save the current layout.
You will then see this.
When Saving, type in the name you wish to call your layout and press the disk button once more.
Bomb. This will delete all the elements on the screen.
Undo (blue arrow) This will undo all the changes that
you made from the last time you opened the toybox
Auto delete (the bulldozer) When pressed this button will allow you to automatically place an element over (therefore deleting) an existing element.
Resize (yellow window folder) pressing this button will place the product into windowed mode.
Sound on/off (speaker button)
The Question Mark button will run the Tutorial.
This button lets you save your layout.
This button lets you load in an old layout.
How to play with LEGO LOCO
How to play with LEGO LOCO
How to play with LEGO LOCO
How to play with LEGO LOCO
Starting Trains
There are certain buildings that must be placed before you can play with various parts of your world. One of these is the Depot! The Depot lets you build and alter trains.
The Toybox must be closed before you can play with your layout. If the Toybox is open your train and LEGO Minifigures will disappear. Close the Toybox to bring everything to life!
Start your trains from the depot. There are two ways to start a train, either click the Left Mouse Button on a depot to create a train with a selection of a random engine and carriages, or...
Right Click on the Depot to bring up the Zoombox (See later section for more information on Zoomboxes).
Clicking the Right Mouse Button over a train will bring up its Zoombox
(See later section for more information on Zoomboxes).
Clicking on the question mark will bring up a list of all the people on board your train. The box at the top shows the train’s name. You can call it anything you like, this one is called ‘ChooChoo 1"
There are two ways you can decide what your train will look like.
Pull the Blue Lever to create a random train.
You can click on the up and down arrows to choose a specific engine or carriage.
The train zoom box contains the speed controller. Just like real LEGO trains. The red arrow buttons below control the train’s speed. You can Stop, Start, Reverse and alter the train’s speed with these buttons or by clicking on the big yellow controller.
The Eraser Button will delete a train from your world. The train must be in the depot if you want to delete it!
The Blue Button will let you alter the carriages attached to a train in your world. The train must be in the depot if you want to edit it!
The Green Button will take you to a screen where you can create a new train.
+ 12 hidden pages