Legendfires ECO 1000 Installation And User Instructions Manual

ECO 1000
Decorative Gas Fire
Installation and Users Instructions
These instructions should be read by the installer before installation and then should be handed to the end user when the installation is complete.
This is an official requirement and is the responsibility of the fitter of this appliance.
Having installed the appliance, the installer should take the necessary steps to ensure that the user fully understands how to operate the appliance and is also made aware of the fire’s basic cleaning and maintenance requirements.
PPrreelliimmiinnaarryy NNootteess BBeeffoorree IInnssttaallllaattiioonn
This appliance is a high efficiency, flueless, flame effect gas fire. It provides radiant and con­vected warmth both efficiently and safely utilising the latest type catalytic convertor burner technology.
The appliance incorporates a combustion monitoring system (Oxygen Depletion System). It must not be adjusted or put out of operation. If replaced then manufacturers original parts must be used.
The appliance is designed to fit various types of situations as listed in the Installation Requirements.
This appliance must be installed in accordance with the rules in force and only used in a suf­ficiently ventilated space. A minimum of 100cm
(15.5in2) purpose provided ventilation is required for this appliance. An openable window or louvre is also required. This appliance is factory set for operation on the gas type, and at the pressure stated on the appliance data plate.
The room size should be a minimum of 30m
(1059ft3) to allow adequate circulation of air and ensure the correct operation of the fire. This volume may include adjacent spaces but these spaces must not be separated by a door. In order to convert from cubic feet (ft
) to
cubic metres (m
) divide the room volume (in ft3) by 35.3. This appliance is intended as a secondary source of heat only and should not be used in a room without some form of background heating present.
The appliance must not be installed in a bedroom, bathroom or any sleeping area. The appliance does not require a flue system of any type as the catalytic converter cleans the flue products to provide a complete combustion system, which is intrinsically safe.
The appliance must be installed by a competent person in accordance with Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 or rules in force. It is strongly recommended that a CORGI registered engineer is used for this purpose, as they are the only persons approved by the HSE under the above regulations.
On initial lightup of a new appliance, the ‘newness’ will burn off within the first few hours of operation. During this period some smoke may be emitted from outlet grille, this should be no cause for concern. Accordingly, the room should be well ventilated with all windows and doors open during this period.
Read all these instructions before commencing installation.
This appliance is a catalytic flueless flame effect gas fire, providing radiant and convected warmth. It is designed to operate on Natural Gas following factory set adjustments, (see Data Plate on appliance for gas type and pres­sure).
It is the LAW that all gas appliances and fittings are installed by a competent person (such as a CORGI registered fitter) and in accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, the relevant British Standards for Installation, Codes of Practice and the Manufacturers' Instructions. The installation shall also be carried out in accordance with the following regulations:
The Building Regulations issued by the Department of the Environment, the Building Standards (Scotland) (Consolidation) Regulations issued by the Scottish Development Department.
RReelleevvaanntt BBrriittiisshh ssttaannddaarrddss iinnssooffaarr aass tthhee rreelleevvaanntt aarreeaass aarree nnoott ccoovveerreedd bbyy tthheessee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss..
NNoottee:: FFoorr RReeppuubblliicc ooff IIrreellaanndd,, rreeffeerreennccee sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ttoo tthhee rreelleevvaanntt ssttaannddaarrddss ggoovveerrnniinngg iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.. ((IISS 881133:: 11999966))
Failure to comply with these regulations could lead to prosecution and deem the warranty invalid.
This appliance must be installed in accordance with the rules in force and used only in a suf­ficiently ventilated space. A minimum of 100cm
(15.5 in2) purpose provided ventilation is required for this appliance, an openable window or louvre is also required. To reduce the pos­sibility of draughts entering the room via the air vent, we recommend the use of "Black Hole" or "Vortex" type vents featuring internal baffles.
Consult ALL instructions before installation and use of this appliance.
This appliance is free from any asbestos material. Refractory panels are constructed from ceramic fibre.
Seeccttiioonn CCoonntteennttss PPaaggee NNoo..
11..00 IImmppoorrttaanntt NNootteess 11
22..00 AApppplliiaannccee DDaattaa 22
33..00 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss 22
3.1 Room Sizing 2
44..00 SSiittee RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss 22
4.1 Ventilation 3
55..00 UUnnppaacckkiinngg tthhee AApppplliiaannccee 44 5
.1 Component Checklist 4
66..00 GGaass SSuuppppllyy RRoouutteess 44
77..00 PPrreeppaarriinngg tthhee AApppplliiaannccee 55
7.1 Fixing the Appliance 5
7.2 Checking the Burner 6
Seeccttiioonn CCoonntteennttss PPaaggee NNoo..
8..00 TTeessttiinngg aanndd CCoommmmiissssiioonniinngg 66
.1 Operating the Appliance 6
.2 Spark Failure 6
8.3 Setting pressure 6
8.4 Fitting the Frame Assembly 7
99..00 BBrriieeffiinngg tthhee ccuussttoommeerr 77
1100..00 SSeerrvviicciinngg 77
10.1 Servicing the Burner Tray 8
10.2 Pilot Assembly 8
10.3 Catalysts 8 1
0.4 Testing for Firebox Leakage 9
1111..00 TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg GGuuiiddee 1100
UUsseerr IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss
3 4 4 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 7 8
8 8 8 8 9 9
9 10 10 10 11 12 13
1000mm 177mm
This appliance may be installed with or without a hearth. If a hearth is fitted, the size and design may be as desired. If the appliance is to be sited near a disused natural draught flue it is recommended that the old flue should be partially sealed off to prevent draughts, however some ventilation will be required to prevent con­densation. The appliance is designed to be wall mounted. It is possible to install the appliance onto certain types of combustible materials - see section entitled ‘Clearances to combustible materials’. In the event that the fire is sited near a disused or unserviceable fireplace served by a natural draught flue, any existing under grate draught device should be sealed off to prevent loss of heat or creation of draughts. The passageway into the flue should be partially sealed to prevent excessive draughts, however some ventilation will be required in the old flue to prevent condensation and dampness. Advice should be sought from your local building control officer.
The room size should be a minimum of 30m3(e.g. 11’6” x 11’6” x 8’) to allow adequate circulation of air and ensure the correct operation of the fire. This volume may include adjacent spaces but these spaces must not be separated by a door. To calculate a room size in cubic metres (m
) divide the room volume in cubic feet
) by 35.3.
TThhiiss aapppplliiaannccee iiss ddeessiiggnneedd ttoo bbee wwaallll-hhuunngg.. DDoo nnoott rreecceessss aannyy ppaarrtt ooff tthhee aapppplliiaannccee iinnttoo tthhee wwaallll.. This Appliance may be installed in any room in a home, however there are exceptions, and the appliance may not be used in the following rooms;
· Bedrooms - or areas which are mainly used for sleeping.
· Bathrooms - or areas where large amounts of steam are likely to be generated.
Installation in living rooms is common, however other rooms such as kitchens, dining rooms and hallways are permitted, providing a suitable natural gas supply is available, and rooms sizing and ventilation requirements are strictly adhered to (see section 4.1).
The appliance is designed to be versatile, and as such will operate correctly when exposed to normal gentle draughts experienced within the home. It is not recommended, however that the appliance be installed in areas where it is likely to be exposed to persistent strong draughts, that may be generated by outside doors or win­dows, air vents etc. It is recommended that the appliance should not be installed within 500mm of any air vent.
as Group G20 Natural Gas CAT I2H
nlet Pressure 20 mbar
Max Energy Input Gross 2.6 kW
Net 2.35 kW Max Gas Rate 0.25 m3/h Min Energy Input Gross 1.5 kW
et 1.35 kW
Pilot Energy Input Gross 166 W
Net 150 W Burner Pressure High 13.5 mbar. (+/-0.75 mbar). Hot
13.0 mbar. (+/-0.75 mbar). Cold
ow 4.2 mbar. (+/-0.25 mbar). Hot
3.7mbar (+/-0.25 mbar). Cold Main burner flow restrictor Stereo 1.30mm (1/4” BSP) Oxypilot SIT/Bray 9082 Gas Inlet Connection 8mm inlet restrictor elbow Ignition Piezo spark Spark Gap 4.0 mm (± 1.0mm)
Please see Data Badge affixed to appliance for current data. This appliance is for use only with the gas type, and at the pressure stated on the appliance Data Badge.
CClleeaarraanncceess ttoo nnoonn-ccoommbbuussttiibblleess
on combustible surfaces are defined as brick, metal, marble, concrete etc. and also a number of man-made
aterials impervious to flame. If in doubt refer to the material manufacturer for further information before pro-
eeding with installation.
Clearances to the sides of the appliance are 50mm (2in). Clearance to the front of the appliance is 500mm (2ft).
The back of the appliance may be installed directly onto a non-combustible wall, providing the area behind the appliance is flat and does not interfere with the various vent holes in the back panel of the appliance.
he appliance may be installed with or without a non combustible hearth. If a hearth is fitted, the size and design
ay be as desired.
A non combustible shelf of any depth may be positioned above the appliance provided it is no closer than 400mm from the top of the appliance glass panel and the wall above the appliance is non combustible.
Clleeaarraanncceess ttoo ccoommbbuussttiibbllee mmaatteerriiaallss
ombustible materials are defined as wood, fabrics, or other materials likely to combust if exposed to flame. Generally, any material, which is likely to discolour, melt or misshape when exposed to moderate heat, should be considered as a combustible material or surface.
Clearance to the sides of the appliance are 100mm(4in) but curtains, drapes and other fabrics are not permitted within a distance of 500mm(20in) of the appliance sides. No such materials are permitted directly above the appliance regardless of distance.
The minimum clearance to the ceiling above the appliance is 800mm measured from the top of the appliance glass panel.
Combustible materials should not be positioned directly in front of the appliance within a distance of one metre.
Under no circumstances should any electrical equipment e.g. plasma screen TV sets etc. be positioned on the wall above the appliance. The appliance is designed to be wall mounted alone and not in conjunction with any type of combustible fire surround. No combustible shelves should be positioned on the wall above the appli­ance. It should be established that any mirrors or picture frames etc. to be positioned on the wall above the appliance are able to withstand prolonged exposure to moderate heat and moisture before proceeding with their installation.
The back of the appliance may be installed directly onto a combustible wall, providing it is relatively flat and does not interfere with the various vent holes in the back panel of the appliance. The wall must be structurally sound and constructed from a material capable of withstanding moderate heat. Finished plaster, conventional wall paper and dry-lined plasterboard are examples of suitable materials. Materials such as flock, blown vinyl and embossed paper which are sensitive to even small amounts of heat should be avoided as scorching and or dis­colouration may occur over time.
If the appliance is to be mounted on a dry lined wall or a timber framed construction wall then the integrity and ability of the wall to carry the weight of the appliance must be confirmed. It is important in these circumstances that any vapour control barrier is not damaged, and that any structural members of the house frame are not dam­aged.
The appliance may be positioned as close to a solid floor (i.e. stone, wooden laminate etc.) as the particular design of fireframe permits, however it is not permitted to install the appliance within 100mm of carpet, rugs or fabric materials of any kind. This dimension is measured vertically to the bottom of the appliance frame.
A minimum of 100 cm2purpose provided ventilation is required for this appliance. This may be achieved either with one vent 100 cm
at a high or low position in the room, or split ventilation i.e. 50cm2be installed at high level and 50cm2be installed at low level within the room. An openable window or equivalent is also required. The requirements of other flued appliance operating in the same room or space must be taken into considera­tion when assessing ventilation.
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