This appliance is a catalytic flueless flame effect gas fire, providing radiant and convected warmth. It is designed
to operate on Natural Gas following factory set adjustments, (see Data Plate on appliance for gas type and pressure).
It is the LAW that all gas appliances and fittings are installed by a competent person (such as a CORGI registered
fitter) and in accordance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998, the relevant British
Standards for Installation, Codes of Practice and the Manufacturers' Instructions. The installation shall also be
carried out in accordance with the following regulations:
The Building Regulations issued by the Department of the Environment, the Building Standards (Scotland)
(Consolidation) Regulations issued by the Scottish Development Department.
RReelleevvaanntt BBrriittiisshh ssttaannddaarrddss iinnssooffaarr aass tthhee rreelleevvaanntt aarreeaass aarree nnoott ccoovveerreedd bbyy tthheessee iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss..
NNoottee:: FFoorr RReeppuubblliicc ooff IIrreellaanndd,, rreeffeerreennccee sshhoouulldd bbee mmaaddee ttoo tthhee rreelleevvaanntt ssttaannddaarrddss ggoovveerrnniinngg iinnssttaallllaattiioonn.. ((IISS
881133:: 11999966))
Failure to comply with these regulations could lead to prosecution and deem the warranty
This appliance must be installed in accordance with the rules in force and used only in a sufficiently ventilated space. A minimum of 100cm
(15.5 in2) purpose provided ventilation is
required for this appliance, an openable window or louvre is also required. To reduce the possibility of draughts entering the room via the air vent, we recommend the use of "Black Hole"
or "Vortex" type vents featuring internal baffles.
Consult ALL instructions before installation and use of this appliance.
This appliance is free from any asbestos material. Refractory panels are constructed from
ceramic fibre.
Seeccttiioonn CCoonntteennttss PPaaggee NNoo..
11..00 IImmppoorrttaanntt NNootteess 11
22..00 AApppplliiaannccee DDaattaa 22
33..00 IInnssttaallllaattiioonn RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss 22
3.1 Room Sizing 2
44..00 SSiittee RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss 22
4.1 Ventilation 3
55..00 UUnnppaacckkiinngg tthhee AApppplliiaannccee 44
.1 Component Checklist 4
66..00 GGaass SSuuppppllyy RRoouutteess 44
77..00 PPrreeppaarriinngg tthhee AApppplliiaannccee 55
7.1 Fixing the Appliance 5
7.2 Checking the Burner 6
Seeccttiioonn CCoonntteennttss PPaaggee NNoo..
8..00 TTeessttiinngg aanndd CCoommmmiissssiioonniinngg 66
.1 Operating the Appliance 6
.2 Spark Failure 6
8.3 Setting pressure 6
8.4 Fitting the Frame Assembly 7
99..00 BBrriieeffiinngg tthhee ccuussttoommeerr 77
1100..00 SSeerrvviicciinngg 77
10.1 Servicing the Burner Tray 8
10.2 Pilot Assembly 8
10.3 Catalysts 8
0.4 Testing for Firebox Leakage 9
1111..00 TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinngg GGuuiiddee 1100
UUsseerr IInnssttrruuccttiioonnss