Legacy Car Audio ML3215, ML3245 User Manual

ProLine Series
ML3215 / ML3245
Operating Insturctions
SSuupppplliieerr ooff MMaaxxoonn,, LLeeggaaccyy
aanndd TTrruuTTaallkk CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn PPrroodduuccttss
1100882288 NNWW AAiirr WWoorrlldd DDrriivvee
KKaannssaass CCiittyy,, MMiissssoouurrii 6644115533
TToollll ffrreeee::880000--882211--77884488
PPhhoonnee::881166--889911--66332200 • FFaaxx::881166--889911--88881155
PPrriinntteedd iinn KKoorreeaa PP//NN::668800--009900--22003355
IImmpprreessoo eenn CCoorreeaa PPaarrtt NNoo..::99330000000000111166
LEGACY 3215/3245메뉴얼 03.3.3 8:36 PM 페이지1
Requerimientos de Obediencia a la Exposicion de RF del FCC …………18 Seguridad …………………………………………………………………………18 Acerca de Topaz3 ………………………………………………………………19 Acerca de Su Radio Legacy ProLine …………………………………………19
Desempaque y Verificacion del Equipo……………………………………19 Botones de Control de Radio / Caracteristicas de Operacion ………20 Operacion del Radio …………………………………………………………21 Encienda / Transmite …………………………………………………………21 Funciones del Radio …………………………………………………………21 Senal de Tono …………………………………………………………………21 Modos de Busqueda …………………………………………………………21 Busqueda Normal de Canales ………………………………………………22 Busqueda TX de Prioridad …………………………………………………22 Busqueda Retroactiva de Prioridad ………………………………………22 Busqueda Selectiva de Prioridad …………………………………………22 Supresion de un Canal ………………………………………………………22 Bloqueo de Canal Ocupado…………………………………………………22 Reposo Marcado ……………………………………………………………22 Espera TX ………………………………………………………………………22 Expiracion de Tiempo del Temporizador (T-O-T) ………………………22 Penalidad por Tiempo Expirado (Inhibicion de TX) ……………………22 Descodificacion de Dos Tonos ……………………………………………22 VOX (Transmision Operada por Voz) ……………………………………22 Modo P/A………………………………………………………………………22
Preparacion de la Operacion de Modo y Funcion ………………………23
Encienda ………………………………………………………………………23 Cambio del Canal ……………………………………………………………23 Transmision ……………………………………………………………………23
Visualizacion de Opcion de Canal…………………………………………23 Menu de Graduaciones de Opcion de Canal ………………………………23 Menu de Graduaciones de Opcion del Sistema …………………………27 Menu de Graduaciones de Opcion Visualizadora ………………………30 Menu de Configuraciones de la Opcion P/A ………………………………31 Operacion del Microfono ACC-733 DTMF …………………………………31 Licensing and Service Information ……………………………………………32 Licencias e Informacion de Servicio …………………………………………32 Mantenimiento …………………………………………………………………32 Derechos de Autor del Software ……………………………………………33 Declaracion de Garantia ………………………………………………………33
Table of Contents
FCC RF Exposure Compliance Requirements - for Occupational Use Only
………1 Safety Information …………………………………………………………………1 About Topaz3 ……………………………………………………………………2 About Your Legacy ProLine Radios ……………………………………………2
Unpacking and Checking Equipment ………………………………………2 Radio Control Buttons / Operation Features………………………………3 Radio Operation ………………………………………………………………4 Power On / Transmit …………………………………………………………4 Radio Functions …………………………………………………………………4 Tone Signaling …………………………………………………………………4 Scan Modes ……………………………………………………………………5 Normal Channel Scan …………………………………………………………5 Priority Scan TX …………………………………………………………………5 Priority Look Back Scan ………………………………………………………5 Priority Select Scan ……………………………………………………………5 Nuisance Delete ………………………………………………………………5 Busy Channel Lockout …………………………………………………………5 Marked Idle………………………………………………………………………5 TX Delay …………………………………………………………………………5 Time-Out-Timer (T-O-T)………………………………………………………5 Time-Out-Timer Penalty (TX Inhibit) ………………………………………5 Two-Tone Decode ……………………………………………………………5 Weather Alert Detect …………………………………………………………5 VOX (Voice Operated X-mit) ………………………………………………5 P/A Mode ………………………………………………………………………6
Mode Operation and Function Setup …………………………………………6
Power On ………………………………………………………………………6 Channel Change ………………………………………………………………6 Transmit …………………………………………………………………………6 Channel Option View …………………………………………………………6 Channel Option Settings Menu ………………………………………………6 System Option Settings Menu ………………………………………………10 Display Option Settings Menu ………………………………………………13 P/A Option Setting ……………………………………………………………14 Weather Alert Option Setting ………………………………………………14
ACC-733 DTMF Microphone Operation …………………………………4 Licensing and Service Information ……………………………………………15 FCC Licensing ……………………………………………………………………15 Service ……………………………………………………………………………15 Maintenance ………………………………………………………………………15 Software Copyrights ……………………………………………………………16 Topaz3 / Legacy Product Warranty …………………………………………16
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About Topaz3
Topaz3 is the exclusive supplier of Maxon, Legacy and TruTalk brand communication products. Our product line ranges from FCC licensed two-way radios suitable for Business and Industry (B&I) markets like farm, government, law enforcement, utility, etc. to consumer communications equipment for recreational and light-duty business markets.
Product offerings include a variety of UHF and VHF handheld and mobile radios, repeaters and RF link modules as well as GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) radios, MURS (Multi User Radio Service) radios, Citizen’s Band radios and weather monitors.
Available accessory items include a variety of carrying cases, spare batteries, desktop and mobile chargers, ear bud speaker microphones and more for each radio model.
For additional information on our product line, visit our website: www.topaz3.com
About Your Legacy ProLine Radio
The Legacy ProLine models ML3215 (VHF) and ML3245 (UHF) are fully programmable, synthesized radios featuring:
󳢯32 Channels of operation 󳢯Busy channel lockout 󳢯8-Character alphanumeric display 󳢯
Programmable CTCSS / DCS tones and two-tone decode
󳢯2 or 45 Watts output power 󳢯Wide / narrow channel spacing 󳢯Channel scan 󳢯TX Inhibit 󳢯38 Standard and 11 non-standard CTCSS tones 󳢯VOX operation 󳢯104 DCS Codes 󳢯Public address mode 󳢯Approved to MIL-STD810F specifications 󳢯Nuisance Delete 󳢯Scan channel delete 󳢯Die-cast aluminum frame, polycarbonate cabinet
Please read this manual thoroughly before operating the radio. Application of some functions described in this manual are determined by the system you use. Your radio communications Dealer will program your radio for you to have the greatest number of functions possible relative to your needs.
Should you have questions regarding the operation of this radio, consult your radio communications Dealer, or contact the Topaz3 Customer Service Department: 1-816-891-6320, Ext. 730.
Unpacking Information
Carefully unpack the radio and its accessories. Use the item list below to identify the components included in the product packaging, to ensure that no items are discarded in the packing materials.
Radio Body Microphone Mounting hardware Mounting Bracket Fused Power Cord Operating Instructions
FCC RF Exposure Compliance Requirements ­for Occupational Use Only
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), with its action in General Docket 93-62, November 7, 1997, has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to Radio Frequency (RF) electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated equipment. Topaz3 / Legacy subscribes to the same safety standard for the use of its products. Proper operation of this radio will result in user exposure far below the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) and Federal Communications Commission limits.
Antennas used for this transmitter must not exceed an antenna gain of 3 dBd. The radio must be used in vehicle-mount config-urations with a maximum operating duty factor not exceeding 50%, in typical push-to-talk configurations. This radio is NOT approved for use by the general population in an uncontrolled environment. This radio is restricted to occupational use, work related operations only where radio operator must have the knowledge to control the exposure conditions of its passengers and bystanders by maintaining the minimum separation distance of 5 feet (1.7 meters) between any persons and the antenna. Failure to observe these restrictions will result in exceeding the FCC RF exposure limits.
CAUTION - DO NOT transmit for more than 50% of total radio use time (50% duty cycle). Transmitting more than 50% of the time can cause FCC RF exposure compliance requirements to be exceeded. The radio is transmitting when the “TX” icon on the radio display is illuminated. You can cause the radio to transmit by pressing the P-T-T button on the radio’s microphone.
CAUTION - DO NOT operate the transmitter of ML3215, ML3245 mobile radios when someone (bystanders) outside the vehicle is within 5 feet (1.7 meters) of the antenna.
NOTE: This radio operates in FCC regulated frequency bands. All radios must be licensed by the FCC before use. Because this radio contains a transmitter, Federal law prohibits unauthorized use or adjustments of this radio.
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
WARNING - Frequency band 406 - 406.1 MHz is reserved for use ONLY as a distress beacon by the US Coast Guard and NOAA. Under no circumstance should this frequency band be part of the pre­programmed operating frequencies of this radio.
CAUTION - DO NOT operate the transmitter of any radio unless all RF connectors are
secure and any open connectors are properly terminated.
CAUTION - DO NOT operate the radio near electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere.
CAUTION - All equipment must be properly grounded for safe operation. WARNING - DO NOT allow children to operate transmitter - equipped radio equipment. WARNING - All equipment should be serviced by a qualified technician. WARNING- It is mandatory that radio installations in vehicles fueled by liquefied petroleum gas
conform to the following standard: National Fire Protection Association Standard NFPA 58 applies to radio installations in vehicles fueled by liquefied petroleum (LP) gas with LP gas container in the trunk or other sealed-off space within the interior of the vehicle. This standard requires that:
1. Any space containing radio equipment shall be isolated by a seal from the space in which the LP gas container and its fittings are located.
2. Remote (outside) filling connections shall be vented to the outside.
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Radio Control Buttons / Operation Features
Radio Front A. Power / volume control - Powers radio on and adjusts radio volume. B. Squelch control - adjusts radio carrier squelch setting. C. Microphone jack - Attaches standard microphone or optional DTMF microphone. D. Backlit LCD - Provides visual confirmation of radio settings. E. T/A button - Bypass a repeater tower on a repeater channel pair for radio to radio
F. Scan button - Enters channel scanning of channels in scan list. G. Mode button - Enters menu tree for turning on / off radio features and functions. H. Monitor button - Press and hold to turn radio squelch off; release to turn squelch on. I. Weather - Selects NOAA weather channels, press scan to scan for nearest weather
J. Auxilary button - Toggles on or off an installed option. K. Channel selector buttons - Selects channel and used in conjunction with mode button. L. Speaker
Radio Back A. Antenna connector B. 15 pin interface connector C. 3.5 mm mono external speaker jac D. 13.8V DC Power cord
Backlit LCD Features
A. 8-Character alphanumeric display - Shows current channel setting, CTCSS or DCS tone code setting, and other function indicators. B. Transmit (TX)) indicator C. Receive (RX) indicator D. Voice Operated Transmission (VOX) indicator - Shows VOX operation is active, allowing hands- free radio transmissions E. Monitor (MON) indicator - Shows monitor mode (used to open squelch and check for channel activity). F. Time Out Timer (TOT) indicator - Shows transmit timer mode is active, which prevents transmissions when timer expires. G. Weather (WX) - Shows NOAA weather station mode. H. T/A - Shows repeater bypass activated. I. Auxiliary (AUX) - Shows internal auxiliary option is active. J. Scan (SCAN) indicator - Shows scan function is active. K. Audible Tone (BEEP) Indicator - Shows “beep” tone function is active. L. High power (H) indicator - Shows high power is active (used for increased range and penetration). M.Low power (L) indicator - Shows low power is active (used for battery conservation in short range conditions).
Radio Operation
Power On / Transmit
Power on the radio by turning the power / volume control (A) clockwise out of detent. You will hear a confirmation tone on power-up and display will show
. To check the radio volume, press and
hold the monitor button (B) then rotate the control to desired volume level.
Adjust the squelch setting located behind the volume control by rotating the squelch control (C) counter clockwise for loose squelch and fully clockwise for tight squelch.
Press up or down channel selector buttons to choose the desired channel. Press the monitor button to check the channel for activity. To avoid interrupting another user, make sure the channel is clear before you begin transmitting.
To transmit, place the radio microphone approximately 2” (5 cm) from your mouth. Press and hold the P-T-T bar while speaking in a normal tone. Release the P-T-T bar when you are finished speaking; the radio will be placed into receive mode.
Radio Functions
Tone Signaling
To help block out unwanted calls to your ProLine ML3215 / ML3245 can be programmed to look for privacy tones.
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Scan Modes
Scanning is a Dealer programmable feature that allows you to monitor a number of channels. Your radio communications Dealer will help you define a scanning mode and your channel “scan list”.
Once the scan list has been established, initiate scan by pressing the SCAN button. The SCAN icon will show in the lower right corner of the display to confirm radio scanning.
Normal Channel Scan
If a conversation is detected on any of the channels in the scan list, the radio will stop on that channel and you will be able to hear the conversation. In normal scan, you can transmit on that active channel during the programmable scan delay time. (The scan delay time is the amount of time the radio will stay on that channel once activity has ceased. Dealer programmable, 4 - 7 seconds is typical).
The radio will resume scanning once the scan delay time has expired, and will continue to scan until scanning stops by pressing the SCAN button. In scan mode, if radio power is turned off and on, the radio will return to the scan mode until scanning stops by pressing the SCAN button.
Priority Scan TX
A single channel may be programmed as the “Priority” channel. Priority channel activity takes precedence over all other conversations. During the scan mode, if a P-T-T is initiated, the radio will transmit on the Priority channel. The radio will constantly monitor this channel while scanning and when stopped on an active channel. If a call is detected on the priority channel, the radio will automatically move to, and remain on, the Priority channel.
Priority Lookback Scan
A single channel may be programmed as the “Priority” channel. The radio will constantly monitor this channel while scanning and when stopped on an active channel. If a call is detected on the Priority channel during a conversation, the radio will automatically move to, and remain on, the Priority channel. Priority channel activity takes precedence over all other conversations.
Priority Select Scan
A selected channel becomes the “Priority” channel. As you change the channel, that channel’s frequency will become your new Priority channel. Priority channel activity takes precedence over all other conversations.
Nuisance Delete
During receiving a signal or scan delay time, if the MON (monitor) button is pressed, the current receiving channel is deleted in scan list and is no longer scanned. When the power is turned off and on, the deleted channel is restored to the scan list.
Busy Channel Lockout
When the RX signal is being received, the radio’s transmitter is disabled.
Marked Idle
When used in conjunction with Busy Channel Lockout (BCLO), the radio will allow a transmission if the correct tone is present with the received signal.
TX Delay
The transmission will remain active for approximately 180 milliseconds even though the P-T-T bar is released when using CTCSS Tones. This eliminates squelch tail.
Time-Out-Timer (TOT)
The purpose of the time-out-timer is to prevent any single person from using a channel for an extended period. The time-out time can be programmed from 10 seconds to 990 seconds.
Time-Out-Timer Penalty (TX Inhibit)
When time-out-timer is applied, transmission will be inhibited after the time-out-time time expires. This TX inhibit time can be selected and programmed by your radio communications Dealer from 1 second to 100 seconds. For instance, when the time-out time is set to 3 minutes and T-O-T penalty is set to 5 seconds, if you continuously transmit for 3 minutes, the radio will stop transmitting. A tone will sound with each P-T-T bar press until the 5 second TX inhibit time expires.
Press the P-T-T bar after the TX inhibit time expires to resume transmitting.
Two-Tone Decode
Each channel can be programmed with two-tone decode selections: Individual Call, Group Call and Super Group Call. Your radio communications Dealer can program your radio(s) for this feature. To activate or reset the two­tone decode, press and hold the AUX button for 3 seconds. After two-tone is decoded, an alarm will sound if two tone alarm is turned on.
Weather Alert Detect(1050 Hz Detect)
Checks for the 1050 Hz of Weather Alert tone Signal issued by the National Weather Service. Your radio will look back to the last used weather channel every 5 seconds. If the 1050 Hz is detected, WX ALERT will blink on screen with alert alarm, then change to WX mode. To stop WX ALERT blinking and alarm, press any bution.
VOX (Voice Operated TX)
Allows your radio to transmit with the sound of your voice for hands-free operation. Your radio has a VOX sensitivity level adjustment for noisy or windy conditions. The VOX icon will be displayed when option is active.
P/A Mode
Allows your radio to become a public address system with an optional external speaker connected. In this mode only microphone audio heard over the optional external speaker when the P-T-T bar is pressed.
Mode Operation and Function Set Up
Depending on how your Dealer has programmed your radio, you may be able to change certain modes and functions of your radio. Consult with your radio communications Dealer regarding which functions are available with your radio.
The following identifies display prompts for various radio functions. NOTE: All functions are activated or turned off by pressing the MODE button. Use the up or down buttons to toggle through the choices available with each function. To exit, press the MODE or P-T-T bar on the microphone.
Power On
Power on the radio by turning the power / volume control knob clockwise out of detent. The radio will perform a self-check, showing
in the display. Two beeps are sounded when the radio is ready to
enter normal operation mode. If power-on detects an error to data in the last memory, the
display will appear, and an error tone will beep.
Channel Change
Press and release the up or down. Your display will change with each channel selection, and will vary depending on how your Dealer programmed each channel description. A press and hold of up or down will scroll trough the channels.
Press the P-T-T bar to transmit on the microphone; release to receive. Both TX (transmit) and RX (receive) are indicated by display icons. When the VOX option is set and activated by voice, the radio transmits; if voice input stops, the radio maintains TX for around 2 seconds, then returns to receive mode.
Channel Option View
In receiving mode, if the MON (monitor) button is pressed for more than 2 seconds, the RX tone option and the TX tone option for each channel selected will display.
This display example identifies:
SS, Tone
This display example identifies:
, Code
Channel Option Settings Menu NOTE: These setting instructions are per-channel. You must repeat for all channels. To enter the Menu
setting, press and release the MODE button during the receive or standby mode. In the menu setting, use the up or down buttons to scroll through the sub-menu settings. To enter a sub-menu, press the MODE button when the desired sub-menu appears on screen, then press the up or down buttons to scroll through the sub-menu selections. To activate or turn off a sub-menu setting, press and release the MODE button. The radio will save the setting, and return to standby mode.
If the P-T-T button is pressed, the radio returns to standby mode. If the MON (monitor) button is pressed, the radio will return to the previously displayed Menu setting.
The Channel Options Settings menu and sub-menus are detailed on the next few pages. Press up or down to the desired channel. Press the MODE button and then the up or down button until
appears. Press
and release the MODE button to select. Sub-menu settings include:
Scroll through the sub-menu settings with the up or down buttons. To enter a sub-menu, press the MODE button when the desired sub-menu appears on screen.
settings include:
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You can toggle between these settings with the up or down buttons. When the desired setting appears on screen, press the MODE button. Under the RX Tone and TX tone settings, your choices toggle between
(No Tone, Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System tones, Digitally
Coded Squelch tones and Invert Digitally Coded Squelch tones).
If you choose the CTCSS tone setting, you will need to use the up or down buttons to select the desired tone code of 49 available. If you choose CTCSS code 1, your display will read:
If you choose CTCSS code 49, your display will read:
When the desired CTCSS tone code appears on the display, select and set your choice by pressing the MODE button or the P-T-T. The radio will save your selection and return to standby mode.
CTCSS Tone Signaling Frequency Table
No. Freq. No. Freq. No. Freq. No. Freq. No. Freq.
01 67.0 11 97.4 21 136.5 31 192.8 41 171.3 02 71.9 12 100.0 22 141.3 32 203.5 42 177.3 03 74.4 13 103.5 23 146.2 33 210.7 43 183.5 04 77.0 14 107.2 24 151.4 34 218.1 44 189.9 05 79.7 15 110.9 25 156.7 35 225.7 45 196.6 06 82.5 16 1114.8 26 162.2 36 233.6 46 199.5 07 85.4 17 118.8 27 167.9 37 241.8 47 206.5 08 88.5 18 23.0 28 173.8 38 250.3 48 229.1 09 91.5 19 127.3 29 179.9 39 69.3 49 254.1 1 0 94.8 20 131.8 30 186.2 40 159.8
If you choose the DCS tone code setting, you will need to use the up or down buttons to select the desired tone code of 105 available. If you choose DCS code 023, your display will read:
DDCCSS 002233
If you choose DCS code 754, your display will read:
DDCCSS 775544
When the desired DCS tone code appears on the display, select and set your choice by pressing the MODE button or the P-T-T. The radio will save your selection and return to standby mode.
DCS Tone Signaling Frequency Table
DCS DCS DCS DCS DCS DCS DCS DCS DCS DCS DCS Code Code Code Code CodeCode CodeCode CodeCode Code
023 054 125 165 245 274 356 445 506 627 732 025 065 131 172 246 306 364 446 516 631 734 026 071 132 174 251 311 365 452 523 632 743 031 072 134 205 252 315 371 454 526 654 754 032 073 143 212 255 325 411 455 532 662 036 074 145 223 261 331 412 462 546 664 043 114 152 225 263 332 413 464 565 703 047 115 155 226 265 343 423 465 606 712 051 116 156 243 266 346 431 466 612 723 053 122 162 244 271 351 432 503 624 731
If you choose the IDCS tone code setting, you will need to use the up or down buttons to select the desired tone code of 105 available. If you choose IDCS code 023, your display will read:
If you choose IDCS code 754, your display will read:
When the desired IDCS tone code appears on the display, select and set your choice by pressing the MODE button or the P-T-T. The radio will save your selection and return to standby mode.
IDCS Tone Signaling Frequency Table
To set the per-channel radio transmit output power, press and release the MODE button, then the up or down buttons until appears. Press the MODE button to select. Scroll through the sub-menu settings with the up or down buttons, press the MODE button
when appears. Settings include:
You can toggle between these per-channel settings with the up or down buttons. When the desired setting appears on screen, press the MODE button to select. The radio will save your selection, and return to standby mode. The display will show an “H” or an “L” to confirm High (45 Watt) or Low (2 Watt) output power setting for the current channel.
To set the normal scan list on/off setting, press and release the MODE button then the up or down buttons until the
display appears. Press and release the MODE button again to select. Scroll through
the sub-menu settings with the up or down buttons, press the MODE button when
appears on
screen .
appears. Settings include:
You can toggle between these settings with the up or down buttons. When the desired setting appears on screen, press the MODE button to select. The radio will save your On or Off selection for the current channel, and return to standby mode. NOTE: Your radio will only scan channels with the scan setting “On”.
To set the Priority scan list on/off setting, press and release the MODE button then the up or down buttons until the
display appears. Press and release the MODE button again to select. Scroll through
the sub-menu settings with the up or down buttons, press the MODE button when
appears on
screen. Settings include:
You can toggle between these settings with the up or down buttons. When the desired setting appears on screen, press the MODE button to select. The radio will save your On or Off selection for the current channel, and return to standby mode.
NOTE: This setting is linked to the Priority Scan sub-menu in the “System Option” menu, detailed following this section. “If Priority Scan option of “System Option” menu is on, Priority scan works only when the channel selector is positioned to the channel with “PSCAN ON” displayed.”
754 743 734 732
712 703 664 662
654 632
631 627 624
612 606 565 546 532
526 523 516 506 503 466 465 464 462 455
454 452 446 445 432 431 423 413 412
365 364 356
351 346 343 332
331 325
311 306 274
271 266 265 263
261 255
252 251 246 245 244 243 226 225 223 212
202 174
172 165 162 156 155
152 145 143
134 132
131 125 122
115 114
074 073
072 071 065 054 053
051 047 043 036 032
031 026 025 023
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+ 14 hidden pages