Leeo LNL9ZA1 Users Manual

Smart Alert™ Nightlight
No part of t his publicatio n may be reproduced o r transmitte d in any form or by any mea ns, electroni c or mechanical, in cluding but not lim ited to photocop ying, recording, i nformation retr ieval systems , or computer netw ork without the w ritten permi ssion of Leeo, Inc. L EEO™, Smart Al ert™, Smart Alerts™, Air-Aw are™, Monitor yo ur air and breathe e asy™ and the Sty lized Lion Head ar e unregistered tr ademarks or reg istered tradem arks of Leeo, Inc. L eeo products ma y be protected by on e or more patents. O ur patent marketi ng information for e ach product can b e found here: www.leeo.com/legal/patents.
iPhone® is a tradema rk of Apple, Inc., re gistered in the U.S. a nd other countri es.
Copyrig ht 20132014 by Leeo, Inc. A ll rights reser ved.
Import ant Safety Infor mation (English )
1. Read these instructions.
2. Keep these instructions.
3. Heed all warnings.
4. Follow all instructions.
5. Do not use thi s apparatus nea r water.
6. Clean onl y with a dry, soft cl oth. Household cl eaners or solve nts can damage yo ur Smart Aler t™ Nightlight.
7. Do not block any ve ntilation openi ngs.
8. Do not plug in y our Smart Aler t™ Nightligh t near any heat sour ces such as radia tors, heat regis ters, stoves, or a ny other appara tus that produces heat.
9. Refer all ser vicing to Leeo qu alified servi ce personnel.
10. Warning: To reduce t he risk of fire or elec tric shock, do not e xpose this devic e to rain or moistur e.
WARNING: T his product is not a h azard aler t or alarm system . It is not intended to f unction as an ala rm for immediate re sponse to levels of s moke, carbon mo noxide, or other ha zardous condi tions. In additi on, the log data is pr ovided via wirel ess communica tions which can b e interfered wit h, and is not consi dered reliable fr om an alarm funct ioning standp oint. Therefore, t his product may no t alert users to e mergencies and s hould not be used to replace household carbon monoxide detectors, smoke detectors, or other detectors for potentially hazardous conditions.
FCC ID: 2ACWP-LNL9ZA1 This devic e complies with P art 15 of the FCC Rules . Operation is subj ect to the followi ng two conditio ns: (1) this device may not c ause harmful interfer ence, and (2) this dev ice must accept a ny interference r eceived, includ ing interferenc e that may cause und esired operati on.
This equipm ent has been tes ted and found to comp ly with the limit s for a Class B digita l device, pursua nt to part 15 of the FCC Ru les. These limits ar e designed to provi de reasonable p rotection agai nst harmful inte rference in a res idential insta llation. This equ ipment generate s, uses, and can rad iate radio freque ncy energy and, i f not installed an d used in accordan ce with the instr uctions, may ca use harmful inte rference to radi o communications.
However, there i s no guarantee th at interference w ill not occur in a par ticular inst allation. If this e quipment does ca use harmful inte rference to radi o or televis ion reception, wh ich can be determi ned by turning the eq uipment off and on , the user is encour aged to try to corr ect the interfe rence by one of the foll owing measure s:
• Reorient o r relocate the rec eiving antenna .
• Increas e the separation b etween the equi pment and receiv er.
• Connect t he equipment into an o utlet on a circuit d ifferent from th at to which the recei ver is connecte d.
• Consult th e dealer or an exper ienced radio/ TV technicia n for help.
WARNING: Ch anges or modific ations to this unit n ot expressly ap proved by the par ty responsibl e for compliance c ould void the user au thority to operate the equipment.
1. To comply with FCC R F exposure compli ance requireme nts, a separati on distance of at le ast 20 cm must be ma intained betw een the antenna of th is device and all p ersons.
2. This devic e must not be co-l ocated or operat ing in conjunctio n with any other an tenna or transmit ter.
THIS DEVICE IS NOT AN ALARM The Smar t Alert™ Nightligh t requires a funct ioning wireles s network and ful l power of residenc e in order to transm it alerts to de signated perso ns.
Important Product Information
User ackno wledges that ce rtain fire or ala rm conditions wo uld reasonabl y be expected to dis able power or wire less connect ivity, which woul d impair Leeo’s funct ionality. Disr uption in the wirele ss/internet c onnectivit y, or cellular or telep hone service w ill impair effec tiveness of the p roduct. Leeo, Inc. is not re sponsible for any t ext messages , calls, and other i nformation that d o not send or transm it. Please see t he Limited Warran ty and www.leeo.com/legal for more deta ils.
Use and Care I nstructio ns
• To clean the pro duct, wipe with a dr y, soft cloth. Do no t use alcohol, sol vents, or clean ing products. D o not submerge in wate r.
• Do not place t his product in dire ct sunlight.
• Do not atte mpt to open or serv ice the unit as doi ng so could result in e lectrical sh ock or other injur y. Opening the unit wil l also void the warranty.
License Ag reement and Limi ted Warranty (F or U.S. only) Leeo, Inc.
Leeo’s warra nty obligatio ns are limited to the t erms set forth be low: Leeo, Inc. (“L eeo”) warran ts this product a gainst defect s in materials and workman ship for a period of ON E (1) YEAR from the date of o riginal purcha se. If a defect exis ts, at its optio n Leeo will (1) exchange the p roduct with a product t hat is new or which ha s been manufact ured from new or ser viceable use d parts and is fu nctionally equ ivalent to the ori ginal product, or (2) refund th e purchase pric e of the product. A re placement prod uct/part as sumes the remain ing warranty o f the original pro duct or ninety (9 0) days from th e date of replaceme nt or repair, whicheve r provides longe r coverage.
EXCLUSIONS AND LIMITATIONS This warr anty does not ap ply: (a) to damage c aused by acciden t, abuse, or misus e; (b) to a product, pa rt, or related so ftware or firm ware that has been modi fied without the w ritten permis sion of Leeo. THIS WA RRANTY AN D REMEDIES SET FO RTH ABOVE ARE E XCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WA RRANTIES, R EMEDIES AND CONDI TIONS, WHETH ER ORAL OR WRIT TEN, EXPRES S OR IMPLIED. LEEO SPEC IFICALLY DISCLA IMS ANY AND ALL IM PLIED WARRANT IES, INCLUDING, W ITHOUT LIMITATION, WA RRANTIES OF M ERCHANTABILIT Y AND FITNES S FOR A PARTICUL AR PURPOSE. No L eeo reseller, agent, o r employee can mod ify or extend th is warranty.
LEEO IS NOT RES PONSIBLE FOR DI RECT, SPECIAL, INCIDE NTAL OR CONSEQUENTI AL DAMAGES RESU LTING FROM ANY BRE ACH OF WARRAN TY OR CONDITI ON, FAILURE OF THE PR ODUCT TO PERFORM A S EXPECTED, DIS RUPTION OR UNAVAIL ABILITY O F INTERNET CONNECTI VITY OR TELEPH ONE SERVICE, OR UN DER ANY OTHER LEGA L THEORY, INCLUDING BU T NOT LIMITED TO LOST PR OFITS, PERSONA L INJURIES, DAMA GE TO OR DESTRUCTI ON OF PROPERT Y. Some states and prov inces do not allow t he exclusion or limi tation of incident al or consequent ial damages or excl usions or limitat ions on the durati on of implied warr anties or condit ions, so the above l imitations or exclusion s may not apply to you. T his warranty g ives you specific l egal rights, an d you may also have oth er rights that va ry by state. Le arn more at www.leeo.com/legal.
To use all the feat ures of this produc t, you will need to in stall an app and us e other firmware, s oftware, and r elated document ation provided b y Leeo with or for th e product (colle ctively, the “Sof tware”). The u se of the Softw are is governed by th e license agreem ent found at www.leeo.com/legal/license (“Lic ense Agreement ”). Read the term s of the License Agre ement carefull y before using the pr oduct (or any Sof tware).
By opening t he packaging and in stalling and us ing the product (or a ny Software), y ou are (1) representin g that you are over the ag e of 18, (2) represen ting that you have th e right and author ity to legally b ind yourself or you r company (as appl icable) to the Lic ense Agreement, a nd (3) consenti ng to be legally bou nd by all of the terms of t he License Agree ment. If you do not agre e to the terms of the Li cense Agreement o r such represen tations, do not us e the product (or an y Software). I f you elect not to acce pt the terms of the Li cense Agreement , you should not use th e product (o r any Softwar e) and may return the n ew, unused product w ithin thirt y (30) days of purcha se to the retail loc ation where you pu rchased it [OR TO LEEO IF YOU PU RCHASED THE PRO DUCT DIRECTLY FROM L EEO], with all origi nal packaging, fo r a full refund.