LED Lights Canada 800-677-2698
Edmonton, AB www.ledlightscanada.com
Product Manual
Name:Bluetooth LED Controller V1.0
Model:LLC- Bluetooth Mini
RGB Bluetooth
Mono & CCT Bluetooth
Product Summery
Install the app on your Smartphone or Tablet, power up the Bluetooth controller, launch the app and you are
connected. No manual pairing of the device is required as the application does it for you. This controller
supports Bluetooth version 4.0 or above. Requires iPhone 4S and above or Android OS 4.3.
It can achieve remote control, adjust brightness and colour temperature. There are 16 million colors and
dozens of light changing modes.
This controller is designed for use with all LED 12V lights. After easy installation and settings, you can use your
Phone (iOS or Android (4.3) system to control. The remote control distance can reach up to 30 meters indoors
and more than 60 meters outdoors.

LED Lights Canada 800-677-2698
Edmonton, AB www.ledlightscanada.com
Tech Specs
Any OS support Bluetooth version 4.0 or above
Apple- Model 4S and up, Android OS V4.3
Model 310:4A/CH,2CH, Mono Colour
Model 320:4A/CH,Warm W :1CH,Cool W:1CH, CCT
Model 370:4A/CH,R:1CH,G:1CH,B:1CH, RGB
Effective Remote Distance
No barrier,60m ;Indoor, 30m
Magic Light App V1.0 Instruction
1. Install Magic LED Light V1.0
A .Search “Magic LED Light “in App store by iPhone, download for free and install the newest version..
B. Download it by scanning QR code:
C. Download directly from the iTunes Store

LED Lights Canada 800-677-2698
Edmonton, AB www.ledlightscanada.com
The following pages show you how to install and use the Magic LED Light app
2. Connect Bluetooth LED Controller
Connect the controller to a properly sized 12V DC power supply. Then turn on Bluetooth service on your
phone. If your Bluetooth service is off your phone will automatic pop-up a dialog asking to “Turn On Bluetooth to
Allow Magic Light to Connect to Accessories. Choose “Settings” first, then Bluetooth “on “.