Watertight Microphone Plug Kit
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Rio Rancho, NM, USA

Watertight Microphone Plug Kit
Table of Contents
Safety Warnings ......................................................................................................................................................................................4
Solder ....................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Alcohol ..................................................................................................................................................................................................4
Silicon Sealant ......................................................................................................................................................................................4
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................................................................5
3 Piece Waterproof Connector Kit Contents .........................................................................................................................................5
10 Piece Waterproof Connector Kit Contents .......................................................................................................................................5
Additional Tools and Supplies ...............................................................................................................................................................5
Two-Wire Microphone Assembly Procedure ........................................................................................................................................6
Three-Wire Microphone Assembly Procedure .....................................................................................................................................7
Comments On Three Wire Microphones ...............................................................................................................................................7
Final Assembly Procedure.....................................................................................................................................................................8
Service and Repair ...............................................................................................................................................................................14
Returning Units for Repair ..................................................................................................................................................................14
Limited One Year Warranty................................................................................................................................................... Back Cover
Rio Rancho, NM

WPMC-3 / WPMC-10
Safety Warnings
a) When soldering, protect yourself and others. Read,
understand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and
these workplace safety practices:
b) Use local fans to keep fumes and gasses from your
breathing area.
c) Wear safety glasses or a face shield.
d) Do not eat in work area.
e) Wash hands thoroughly before eating or smoking.
When cleaning with alcohol, protect yourself and others.
Read, understand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions, Material & Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and
these workplace safety practices:
a) Flammable — keep away from fire or heat sources.
b) Use only in well ventilated area.
c) Wear Latex gloves.
d) Wear safety glasses or face shield.
Silicon Sealant
When working with silicone sealant, protect yourself
and others. Read, understand and follow the manufacturer’s instructions, Material & Safety Data Sheets
(MSDS) and these workplace safety practices:
a) Use only in well ventilated area.
b) Wear cloth gloves.
c) Wear safety glasses or face shield.
d) Caution — Wearers of contact lenses must not
handle their contact lenses until all sealant has
been cleaned from hands and fingertips.

Watertight Microphone Plug Kit
This manual covers the assembly of the watertight connectors on the microphones for the Lectrosonics waterresistant wireless transmitters. It is very important that
these procedures be followed exactly to ensure a watertight seal at the microphone connector. A good seal will
prevent any moisture from entering the transmitter and
possibly causing corrosion of the internal parts.
CAUTION: If the transmitter is wet (either due
to immersion or high levels of perspiration),
BEFORE opening any covers or connectors,
carefully blot the transmitter dry with a clean
paper towel or cloth. Remove all moisture.
After opening any connector or cover,
carefully blot up any remaining moisture that
may have remained around the seal. THIS IS
OPENING. After use, it is important to store
the transmitter in a dry place with all access
doors and connectors opened to allow any
internal humidity to evaporate. Specifically,
open the battery door, the frequency cover
plate and fully unscrew and remove the
microphone connector before storing. Do NOT
store wet and do NOT store sealed. If moisture
is sealed inside the unit it has nowhere to go
other than to chemically react with and destroy
components and the printed circuit board.
3 Piece Waterproof Connector Kit Contents
In the 3 piece waterproof connector kit (Part #WPMC-3)
you should find:
1. 5 ea silicone tubing, 1”long (Part #35680)
2. 5 ea submini phone plug (0.100”) without shell (Part
#21540, SwitchCraft 850 type)
3. 3 ea stainless steel shell (Part #26481)
4. 10 ea red silicone “O” ring (Part #35750)
5. 3 ea plastic dispensers (Part #56113)
6. 6 ea gray nozzles for dispensers (Part #56114)
7. Tube of flowable silicone sealant (Dow Corning
#734) (Part #32376)
8. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
10 Piece Waterproof Connector Kit Contents
In the 10 piece waterproof connector kit (Part #WPMC-
10) you should find:
1. 15 ea silicone tubing, 1”long (Part #35680)
2. 15 ea submini phone plug (0.100”) without shell
(Lectro #21540, SwitchCraft 850 type)
3. 10 ea stainless steel shell (Part #26481)
4. 30 ea red silicone “O” ring (Part #35750)
5. 7 ea plastic dispensers (Part #56113)
6. 15 ea gray nozzles for dispensers (Part #56114)
7. 1 tube of flowable silicone sealant (Dow Corning
#734) (Part #32376)
8. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Additional Tools and Supplies
You will also need a small soldering iron, needle nose
pliers, good wire cutters and wire strippers. Isopropyl
alcohol or alcohol wipes to clean the parts will be necessary if the parts have become oily or dirty. If the mic
wire is tight in the silicone tubing, a drop of isopropyl
alcohol makes a good lubricant that will evaporate completely after assembly. Ensure that the isopropyl alcohol
you use is clean and does not contain oils. We use a
generic medical grade alcohol that is labeled “Isopropyl
Alcohol 91%” and is certified to be oil free.
Rio Rancho, NM