Lectrosonics UH400E Users Manual

UH400A UH400TM
Frequency Agile Plug-On UHF Transmitter
Featuring Digital Hybrid Wireless™ Technology
U.S. Patent 7,225,135
Serial Number:
Purchase Date:
Rio Rancho, NM, USA www.lectrosonics.com
This plug-on transmitter is an advanced design that has evolved since the first models appeared in the late 1980’s serving ENG applications at television stations across the USA. In the mid-1990’s, the first UHF ver­sions became available and the use of plug-on transmit­ters in motion picture production increased significantly. The current UH400A model has evolved to include every improvement and feature developed since the first model was introduced.
The UH400A is a rugged, machined aluminum pack­age with selectable phantom power for use with a wide variety of microphones. LEDs located on the top panel make quick and accurate level settings without having to view the receiver. The battery compartment accepts any 9 volt alkaline, LiPolymer or lithium battery and makes a positive connection via self-adjusting contacts.
The UH400TM is a specialized version of the UH400A that is an integral part of a highly accurate wireless test and measurement system.
Only the UH400A and UH400TM transmitters are cov­ered in this manual. Companion receivers are covered in separate manuals. The UH400A and UH400TM will operate with any 100 Series, 200 Series, 400 Series, IFB Lectrosonics receiver in the same frequency group, or selected analog receivers from other manufacturers operating in the same frequency range. (Contact fac­tory for details.)
Frequency Agile Plug-On UHF Transmitter
Table of Contents
General Technical Description ..............................................................................................................................................................4
Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................................................................4
Digital Hybrid Technology .....................................................................................................................................................................4
Input Limiter ..........................................................................................................................................................................................5
No Pre-Emphasis/De-Emphasis ...........................................................................................................................................................5
Pilot Tone Squelch ................................................................................................................................................................................5
Long Battery Life ...................................................................................................................................................................................5
Frequency Agility...................................................................................................................................................................................5
Controls and Functions .........................................................................................................................................................................6
Power Switch ........................................................................................................................................................................................6
Power ON/OFF LED .............................................................................................................................................................................6
Phantom Power Voltage Select Switch .................................................................................................................................................6
Frequency Select Switches ...................................................................................................................................................................7
Input Jack ..............................................................................................................................................................................................7
Modulation LEDs ...................................................................................................................................................................................7
Input Signal Level ..................................................................................................................................................................................7
Input Gain Adjustment ..........................................................................................................................................................................7
Compatibility Mode Indicators ...............................................................................................................................................................8
Block Numbers and Freqeuncy Ranges ............................................................................................................................................... 9
Operating Instructions .........................................................................................................................................................................10
Attaching the Microphone ...................................................................................................................................................................10
Selecting the Compatibility Mode ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Adjusting the Transmitter Frequency ...................................................................................................................................................11
Battery Replacement ..........................................................................................................................................................................11
Using the Polarity- Reversing Barrel Adapter ....................................................................................................................................12
Accessories ..........................................................................................................................................................................................12
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................................................................................13
Specifications and Features ................................................................................................................................................................14
Service and Repair ...............................................................................................................................................................................15
Returning Units for Repair ..................................................................................................................................................................15
Rio Rancho, NM
General Technical Description
UH400A Block Diagram
Digital Hybrid Wireless™ is a wideband design with ±75 kHz deviation produding an excellent audio signal to noise ratio and wide dynamic range. The switching power supplies provide constant voltages to the trans­mitter circuits from the beginning (9.3 Volts) to the end (5.5 Volts) of battery life. The input amplifier uses an ultra low noise op amp for quiet operation. It is gain con­trolled with a wide range dual envelope input compres­sor which cleanly limits input signal peaks over 30 dB above full modulation.
Digital Hybrid Technology
All wireless links suffer from channel noise to some degree, and all wireless microphone systems seek to minimize the impact of that noise on the desired signal. Conventional analog systems use compandors for enhanced signal to noise ratio, at the cost of subtle artifacts known as “pumping” and “breathing”. Wholly digital systems defeat the noise by sending the audio information in digital form, at the cost of some combina­tion of power, bandwidth and resistance to interference.
The Lectrosonics Digital Hybrid Wireless™ system (hereafter called Digital Hybrid) overcomes channel noise in a dramatically new way, digitally encoding the audio in the transmitter and decoding it in the receiver, yet still sending the encoded information via an analog FM wireless link.
This proprietary algorithm is not a digital implementa­tion of an analog compandor but a technique which can be accomplished only in the digital domain, even though the inputs and outputs are analog signals.
Channel noise still has an impact on received signal quality and will eventually overwhelm the receiver. The Digital Hybrid simply encodes the signal to use a noisy channel as efficiently and robustly as possible, yield­ing audio performance that rivals that of wholly digital systems, without the power and bandwidth problems inherent in digital transmission. As always, these advantages come at a cost. The Digital Hybrid system requires fairly intensive digital processing in both the transmitter and the receiver. These processors cost money, take up space and consume power. The Digital Hybrid system also requires that the underlying RF link be of excellent quality, with better frequency response and distortion characteristics than that required by con­ventional systems.
Because it uses an analog FM link, the Digital Hybrid enjoys all the benefits of conventional FM wireless systems, such as excellent range, efficient use of RF spectrum, and long battery life. However, unlike con­ventional FM systems, the Digital Hybrid has done away with the analog compandor and its artifacts.
Frequency Agile Plug-On UHF Transmitter
Input Limiter
The Digital Hybrid Wireless™ transmitters employ a digitally-controlled analog audio limiter just before the analog-to-digital converter. The limiter has a range of more than 30 dB for excellent overload protection. A dual release envelope makes the limiter acoustically transparent while maintaining low distortion. It can be thought of as two limiters in series, connected as a fast attack and release limiter followed by a slow attack and release limiter. The limiter recovers quickly from brief transients, so that its action is hidden from the listener, but recovers slowly from sustained high levels, to both keep audio distortion low and preserve short term dy­namic changes.
Generally speaking, some limiting is desirable in normal operation to improve the signal to noise ratio of the system. The limiting action is not audible and does not create distortion. A highly trained ear would hear only the compression of the peaks in the audio signal, which is desirable with most recorders and many sound rein­forcement systems.
No Pre-Emphasis/De-Emphasis
The signal to noise ratio of the Digital Hybrid Wireless™ system is high enough to preclude the need for conven­tional pre-emphasis (HF boost) in the transmitter and de-emphasis (HF roll off) in the receiver. Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis in an FM radio system usually pro­vides about a 10 dB improvement in the signal to noise ratio of the system, but the high frequency boost in the transmitter must be removed in a purely complementary manner or else the frequency response of the original audio signal will be altered.
Pre-emphasis can also cause distortion in the receiver. As this signal is passed through the IF filters in the receiver, distortion can be produced, most noticeably at full modulation. De-emphasis cannot be applied until the signal is converted into audio, so there is no way around this problem short of eliminating pre-emphasis altogether. Neither of these problems occur in the Digi­tal Hybrid system.
Wide-Band Deviation
A ±75 kHz deviation improves the capture ratio, signal to noise ratio and AM rejection of a wireless system dramatically, compared to the more commonly used ± 15 kHz deviation.
Long Battery Life
Switching power supplies throughout the design allow over 4.5 hours of operation using a single 9 Volt alka­line battery. The battery contacts are spring loaded to prevent “rattle” as the unit is handled.
Frequency Agility
The transmitter section uses a synthesized, frequency selectable main oscillator. The frequency is extremely stable over a wide temperature range and over time.
Two rotary switches, located on the side panel of the unit, provide 256 frequencies in 100 kHz steps over a
25.5 MHz range. This alleviates carrier interference problems in mobile or traveling applications.
Pilot Tone Squelch
The Digital Hybrid Wireless™ system uses one of 256 different ultrasonic tones between 25 and 32 kHz, that modulate the carrier to operate the receiver squelch. The pilot tone frequency is chosen according to which of the 256 channels has been selected by the frequency switch setting. The basic benefit of the pilot tone squelch system is that the receiver will remain muted until it receives the pilot tone from the matching transmitter, even if a strong RF signal is present on the carrier frequency of the system.
Rio Rancho, NM
+ 11 hidden pages