Lectrosonics SMDWB series, SMWB series Quick Start Manual

Quick Start Guide
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This guide is intended to assist with initial setup and operation of your Lectrosonics product.
For a detailed user manual, down­load the most current version at:
SMWB Series Transmitters
05 April 2018
Digital Hybrid Wireless® US Patent 7,225,135
Controls and Functions
Status LED
microSDHC memory
card port
memory card
SMWB Series
The SMWB transmitter delivers the advanced technology and features of Digital Hybrid Wireless
and combines 24-bit digital audio chain with an analog FM radio link to eliminate a compandor and its artifacts, yet preserves the extended operating range and noise rejection of the finest analog wireless systems. DSP “compatibility modes” allow the transmitter to also be used with a variety of analog receivers by emulating the compandors found in earlier Lectrosonics analog wireless and IFB receivers, and certain receivers from other manufactur­ers (contact the factory for details).
Plus, the SMWB has a built in recording function for use in situations where RF may not be possible or to work as a stand alone recorder. The record function and transmit functions are exclusive of each other - you cannot record AND transmit at the same time. The recorder samples at 44.1kHz rate with a 24 bit sample depth. (the rate was selected due to the required 44.1kHz rate used for the digital hybrid algorithm). The micro SDHC card also offers easy firmware update capabilities without the need for a USB cable or driver issues.
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Battery Installation
The transmitter is powered by two AA batteries. We recommend using lithium for longest life.
Because some batteries run down quite abruptly, using the Power LED to verify battery status will not be reliable. However, it is possible to track battery status using the battery timer function available in Lectrosonics Digital Hybrid Wireless receivers.
The battery door opens by simply unscrewing the knurled knob part way until the door will rotate. The door is also easily removed by un­screwing the knob completely, which is helpful when cleaning the battery contacts. The battery contacts can be cleaned with alcohol and a cot­ton swab, or a clean pencil eraser. Be sure not to leave any remnants of the cotton swab or eraser crumbs inside the compartment.
A small pinpoint dab of silver conductive grease* on the thumb­screw threads can improve battery performance and operation. Do this if you experience a drop in bat­tery life or an increase in operating temperature.
Insert the batteries according to the markings on the back of the housing. If the batteries are inserted incorrectly, the door may close but the unit will not operate.
*if you are unable to locate a sup­plier of this type of grease - a local electronics shop for example - con­tact the factory for a small mainte­nance vial.
Menu Shortcuts
From the Main/Home Screen, the following shortcuts are available:
Record: Press the MENU/SEL + UP arrow simultaneously
Stop Recording: Press the MENU/SEL + DOWN arrow simultaneously
NOTE: The shortcuts are only available from the main/ home screen AND when a microSDHC memory card is installed.
Turning Power ON
Short Button Press
When the unit is turned off, a short press of the power button will turn the unit on in the Standby Mode with the RF output turned off.
b 19
RF indicator blinks
To turn the RF output on from the Standby Mode, press the Power button/Rf On? option.
Resume Pwr Off
Rf On?
Rf On?
No Ye s
Long Button Press
When the unit is turned off, a long press of the power button will start a count­down to turn the unit on with the RF output turned on. Continue to hold the button until the countdown is complete.
Hold for Rf On
b 19
RF indicator not blinking
Hold power button until the counter
reaches 3
If the button is released before the countdown is completed, the unit will switch back to RF output turned off.
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Power Button Menu
When the unit is already turned on, the Power Button is used to turn the unit off, or to access a setup menu.
A long press of the button turns the power off.
A short press of the button opens a menu for the following setup options. Se­lect the option with the UP and DOWN arrow buttons then press MENU/SEL.
Resume returns the unit to the previous screen and operating mode
Pwr Off turns the unit off
Rf On? turns the RF output on or off
AutoOn? selects whether or not the unti will turn on automatically after a battery change
Remote enables or disables the audio remote control (dweedle tones)
Bat Type selects the type of battery in use
Backlit sets the duration of the LCD backlight
Clock sets the Year/Month/Day/Time
Locked disables the control panel buttons
LED Off enables/disables control panel LEDs
About displays the model number and firmware revision
A long press of the button starts a countdown from 3 to 1 to turn the unit off.
Transmitter Operating Instructions
Install battery(s)
Turn power on in the Standby mode (see previous section)
Connect microphone and place it in the position where it will be used.
Have user talk or sing at the same level that will be used in the produc­tion, and adjust the input gain so that the -20 LED blinks red on louder peaks.
Freq Rolloff Compat
Use the UP and DOWN
arrow buttons to adjust
the gain until the -20
LED blinks red on
louder peaks
Signal Level -20 LED -10 LED
Less than -20 dB
Off Off
-20 dB to -10 dB
Green Off
-10 dB to +0 dB
Green Green
+0 dB to +10 dB
Red Green
Greater than +10 dB
Red Red
Set the frequency and compatibility mode to match the receiver.
Turn the RF output on with the Rf On? item in the power menu, or by turning the power off and then back on while holding the power button in and waiting for the counter to reach 3.
NOTE: The translucent “bubble” next to the antenna connector is an IR port that can be used to transfer settings from an IR enabled Lectrosonics receiver. Refer to the receiver manual for details.
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