Frequency Agile IFB Transmitter
• Digital Hybrid Wireless™ technology
• 256 UHF frequencies in 100kHz steps
• Microprocessor controlled operation
• 250 mW power output for long range use
• Pilot tone squelch control
• Multi-use XLR input jack
• Built-in microphone preamp
• DIP switch programmable intercom input
• Tx mute for frequency scrolling
• Multi-function LCD display
• Rugged machined aluminum construction
The Lectrosonics IFBT4 transmitter was designed for
use in broadcast, motion picture, theater, and stage
applications where extended operating range and high
quality audio are essential. The transmitter can be used
as a stand-alone device or patched directly into popular
intercom systems.
Lectrosonics Digital Hybrid Wireless™ systems overcome channel noise in a dramatically new way, digitally
encoding the audio in the transmitter and decoding it in
the receiver, yet still sending the encoded information via
an analog FM wireless link. This proprietary algorithm is
not a digital implementation of an analog compandor but
a technique that can be accomplished only in the digital
domain, even though the inputs and outputs are analog.
Because it uses an analog FM link, Digital Hybrid Wireless™ enjoys all the benefits of conventional FM wireless systems, such as excellent range, efficient use of
RF spectrum, and resistance to interference. However,
unlike conventional FM systems, it does away with the
analog compandor and its artifacts.
256 UHF frequencies in 100kHz steps provide exceptional flexibility in coordinating frequencies in multi-channel wireless systems and avoiding interference from
external RF signal sources and noise.
Microprocessor control provides user-friendly operation
and eliminates transients at turn-on and turn-off. The
transmitter output is muted in the TUNE mode to avoid
generating interference in other wireless systems while
scrolling up and down to change frequencies. In the
XMIT mod e, the output is turned on and the frequency
cannot be changed.
The transmitter delivers 250 mW of output power which,
when used with an efficient antenna, provides exceptional operating range with the R1A belt-pack receiver.
Indoors, the signal will penetrate various surfaces and
reflect from others efficiently to extend operating range
and reduce the need for critical antenna positioning.
A supersonic pilot tone signal controls the audio squelch
on the R1A receiver to eliminate noise when the transmitter is turned off and it prevents the receiver from
locking onto false signals. The pilot tone also eliminates
noise in the receiver at turn-on and turn-off.
The LCD display is backlit for use in dimly lit conditions
and is also highly visible in direct sunlight.
DIP switch settings on the rear panel provide direct compatibility with RTS and Clear Com intercom systems. A
preamp stage is also included in the input stage to allow
direct connection to dynamic microphones in “standalone” applications. Direct output at studio line level can
also be fed directly into the transmitter.
The transmitter housing is rugged, machined aluminum
with an electrostatic powder coating and an anodized finish. The unit is powered by 6 to 18 Volts DC via a locking
connector. The supplied whip antenna is a detachable,
locking 1/4 wavelength flexible, galvanized steel cable
that connects to a 50 Ohm BNC connector on the rear
The rear panel provides the audio input and programming
DIP switches for intercom and audio input type along with
power and antenna input jacks.
Rio Rancho, NM, USA

581 Laser Road NE • Rio Rancho, NM 87124 USA • www.lectrosonics.com
(505) 892-4501 • (800) 821-1121 • fax (505) 892-6243 • sales@lectrosonics.com
IFBT4 Transmitter Block Diagram
Operating Frequencies (MHz):
Block 21 537.600 - 563.100
Block 22 563.200 - 588.700
Block 23 588.800 - 607.900
614.100 - 614.300
Block 24 614.400 - 639.900
Block 25 640.000 - 665.500
Frequencies (Channels per block): 256
Channel Spacing: 100 kHz (0.1 MHz)
RF Power Output: 250 mW
Spurious & Harmonic Suppression: 37 dBc above 1 GHz
Frequency Stability: ±.001% (10 ppm) @ 25° C
Temperature Stability: ±.001% (10 ppm) from -30° C to +50° C
Channel Selection: Momentary pushbutton switches,
TUNE Up and Down
Compatibility Modes (6) Digital Hybrid Wireless(tm) (400 Series),
100 Series, 200 Series, Mode 3, Mode 6, and IFB
Pilot Tone: 29.997 kHz IFB & 100 MODE, 32.765kHz
200 MODE, 400 MODE step selected
Modulation: FM, ±20 kHz deviation IFB & 100 MODE, ±75kHz
200 & 400 MODE
Audio Frequency Response: 100 Hz to 8 kHz, ±1 dB, IFB MODE system response
(see Rolloff)
30Hz to 20kHz ±1dB , 200 & 400 MODE system
response (see Rolloff)
Rolloff: Low frequency audio rolloff is Menu selectable for
3 dB down at 35 Hz or 50 Hz.
Signal to Noise Ratio: 90 dB typical (“A” weighted)
Block 26 665.600 - 691.100
Block 27 691.200 - 716.700
Block 28 716.800 - 742.300
Block 29 742.400 - 767.900
Block 944 944.100 – 951.900
Audio Compressor: 2 to 1 IFB, 100, and 200 Mode
Output Impedance: 50 ohms
Audio Input Levels: • 0 dBu for Line, RTS1 & RTS2
• -10 dBu for Clear Com
• -42 dBu for mic dry inputs (no phantom power)
• +/-50Vdc max
Audio Input Config: Balanced and Unbalanced, rear panel selectable for
Line, Mic. RTS 1, RTS 2, and Clear Comm
Audio Input Impedance: Greater than 2 K balanced, greater than 1 K unbalanced
at any gain setting
Gain Control Range: -18 dB to +24 dB (0 dB nominal center),
Menu selectable
Audio Input Jack: Standard XLR female connector
Input Power: 12 to 14 VDC typical, 200 ma. max.; Max. Input Range
6 to 18 VDC
Power Input Jack: Coax type, locking LZR RL26AE
Indicators: Backlit Liquid Crystal Display. Displays modulation
meter, frequencies, modes, rolloff, audio level,
and tuning groups.
Front panel controls: • MENU momentary pushbutton switch
• Power OFF-TUNE-XMIT, 3 position slide switch
• Select Up momentary pushbutton switch
• Select down momentary pushbutton switch
Rear panel controls: Input Mode Select, 4 section DIP switch
Weight: 9 ozs.
Size: 5.25” L (including connectors) x 3.25” W x 1.25” H
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Emission designator: 180KF3E
16 March 2007