Lecroy waverunner 2 lt brochure

Powerful Capability.
User Friendly.
1 GHz - 350 MHz Bandwidth
4 GS/s - 1 GS/s Sample Rate
8 Mpts - 100 kpts Record Length
1 GHz– 350 MHz bandwidth
1 – 4 GS/s max, single-shot sample rate
50 GS/s for repetitive signals
Up to 8 million data points to view signals
From troubleshooting to timing analysis to production testing, the Waverunner-2 scopes are uniquely qualified to meet your requirements — all at a great value!
Simple, Fast Access to Powerful Capabilities
Waverunner-2 scopes are the second generation of the popular Waverunner series.They bring you the power of LeCroy signal acquisition, viewing and analysis capabilities with simple one-button access. Using the new Wavepilot
feature, it’s easier than ever to capture, view and analyze long time duration, high-speed signals with high resolution for accurate,precise results.
Easy to Use
Waverunner-2 scopes are designed to get you up and running quickly.Their color-coded front pan­els and simple menu systems are easy to under­stand, so your focus is on the work and not the tool. Common tasks are automatic. Navigation is streamlined and intuitive.You’ll easily master their powerful operations.
The Right Price
Waverunner-2 oscilloscopes raise the bar for capability and value — you get more for your money than with any other scope in this class. And because Waverunner-2 scopes can be upgraded, you can extend their life to meet future needs.
Increase Your Productivity
The new Wavepilot and QuickZoom buttons make it simple to magnify,view,inspect or measure sig­nal details, to perform automatic measurements on signals, and to graph measurements in fre­quency spectra, histogram,or trend format. With TrackView, you can track problems to the source. Additional signal analysis capabilities let you data­log, chain math functions and more. LeCroy’s sig­nal diagnostic and troubleshooting tools provide a complete solution for characterization, debug and signal analysis.
From Circuit to Scope
A variety of accessories are offered for effectively connecting the Waverunner-2 to your circuit. The LeCroy HFP small, lightweight probes assure you high-bandwidth, low-capacitance connections to your circuit. In addition, five interchangeable probe tips are available for probing surface mount devices, circuit vias, IC leads and other dif­ficult spots — making the HFP probes the best choice for probing high-frequency circuits. Current probes, differential probes and amplifiers are also available.
Catch the New Wave
Easy as 1-2-3
Waverunner-2 Color Digital Oscilloscopes
Model Bandwidth Channels Sample Maximum Acq.Memory Option M Option L
Rate/Ch Sample Rate per Ch/Max per Ch/max
LT584 1 GHz Four 2 GS/s 4 GS/s 250 k/500 kpt 1/2 Mpts 4/8 Mpts LT374 500 MHz Four 2 GS/s 4 GS/s 250 k/500 kpt 1/2 Mpts 4/8 Mpts LT372 500 MHz Two 2 GS/s 4 GS/s 250 k/500 kpt —— LT354 500 MHz Four 1 GS/s 1 GS/s 250 k 1/1 Mpts 2/2 Mpts* LT264 350 MHz Four 1 GS/s 1 GS/s 100 k 1/1 Mpts
LT262 350 MHz Two 1 GS/s 1 GS/s 100 k
* Option ML
Press Wavepilot and select CURSORS, then turn the knob for manual adjust­ment and measurement between sections of your signal.
Select MEASURE to simultaneously dis­play up to 26 parameters on the signal of your choice and quickly switch from trace to trace. The Measure dashboard is context-sensitive,so when you display a histogram, you will see statistical parameters.
Select GRAPH to automatically display an FFT,histogram (optional) or TrackView (optional). Setting up signal analysis is simple with the Wavepilot menus.
Application Packages
Select access to choose optional application-specific solution packages including Telecommunica­tions Mask Test, Jitter and Timing, Power Measurements,and Data Storage solutions.
GRAPH — Histogram
Histograms and Trends (optional) are popular tools used to summarize measurement results. LeCroy has made them easier than ever with Wavepilot.Parameter selection is simple,and graphs are automatically set up, scaled and dis­played.
From beginner to expert,it is now easier than ever to apply the power of the unique analysis tools available from LeCroy. The Wavepilot function provides simple access to powerful, easy-to-use signal analysis for real insight into problems.
Histogram with Signal Measurements
MEASURE is simple to activate from the Wavepilot toolbar.The DASHBOARD view displays up to 26 standard signal parameters. You can also select a set of custom parameters.
Wavepilot with InsightWavepilot with Insight
Expand Your Vision
Select Trace A: When viewing a Histogram trace,the Histogram parameters can be dis­played instead of signal parameters.
One-touch insight into any signal!
The Wavepilot function provides fast access to powerful signal analysis.
FFT Spectrum Analysis
When you need to understand the frequency content of your signal, spectrum analysis is easily accessed through the Wavepilot button.
SMART Triggers®
The Waverunner-2 scope’s trigger bar is simple to operate. Run the scope in normal or auto trigger modes, or capture one-time events into scope memory as large as 8 Mpts with a single-shot trigger. Triggering with Waverunner-2 is direct, easy to read and easy to understand.
SMART Trigger provides the flexibility needed to quickly trigger on the specific signal characteristic or pattern you are searching for. All
Waverunner-2 oscilloscopes include SMART Triggers. Trigger not only on what you expect but also on unusual signals. Exclusion triggers can exclude normal signals and capture only the abnormal ones, speeding up the debug of your circuits and systems. Trigger on signals down to 2 ns in width. The optional Advanced Trigger Package (ATP) extends
Waverunner-2’s SMART Trigger capability by adding runt and slew rate trigger for the capture of intermittent events.
Use HISTORY Views to Find Intermittents
Pressing the green Analog Persist button and selecting History converts the scope into a fast Analog Persistence fault-finder.The lifetime of your signal is written into the History memory and mapped on screen.You can measure each signal, see its trigger time, and identify rare events. Up to 4,000 events can be acquired for playback.This is great when you have inter­mittent problems and want to know if they occur at a rate related to other circuit or sys­tem timing events.
Press “play” to replay the signal history and automatically scan and search from sweep to sweep. Stop when you see something of interest. The display shows the Analog Persistence view of all acquired sweeps as well as the individual sweep under inspec­tion. Since the time of each trigger event is dis­played with a resolution of 1 ns, you can easily determine the rate of occurrence.
Waverunner-2 SMART Triggers
Name Triggers Conditions
Glitch From 2 ns - 20 s and when pulse is >, <, or in or out of a range Interval Between edges and ranges of 10 ns - 20 s Qualified By edge or state on a channel or if a pattern is present or absent Qual First A single pulse qualifies a sequence of triggers. Dropout If input drops out after a time from 25 ns - 20 s Runt* Pulse levels, edge, widths from 2 ns - 20 s Slew Rate* Slope, dV, dT from 1 ns - 20 ns Pattern (logic) Logical combination of up to 5 inputs (3 on two-channel models).
Can also be used in combination with Qualified.
* Optional Advanced Trigger Package (ATP)
Waverunner-2 Basic Triggers
Name Description
Edge Select + or - slope and holdoff by time or events. Window Triggers when signal crosses outside the window in either
Speed Up Debug and Analyze
HISTORY lets you see the intermittent Trigger on the problem, and find how often it’s disrupting your design.
Runt triggering is great for capturing logic signals that exhibit inadequate levels or spurious signals that interfere with cir­cuit operation.With the exclusion/inclusion feature,the scope will only trigger on runt signals that are outside/within a specified range of pulse width.
Hands-free probing with FreeHand probe holder and HFP probe.
Probing Solutions
Active Probes
Convenient,Hands-Free Probing
To access the ever-increasing variety of test points, today’s probing solutions need to be versatile, small and lightweight. The new HFP series of probes meets these needs with high bandwidth, miniature size and a variety of tip styles, making probing easier than before.
In combination with these innovative probe tips, the unique HFP
FreeHand probe holder will hold the probe on test points to maintain sig­nal fidelity.The end result of HFP “hands-free” probing is the enhanced ability to analyze waveforms instead of having to focus energy on keeping the probe itself in place.
AutoColor ID
When the probe is connected to a Waverunner-2 scope, our new patent-pending AutoColor ID feature automatically senses and illuminates the probe head in that channel’s trace color.You no longer need to worry about plastic rings or colored tape to identify which channel on the scope is connected to a particular test point.
HFP 1500
Leading Specifications
• 1.5 GHz Bandwidth
• 0.7 pF Input Capacitance
• 100 kV DC Input Resistance
• ±8 V Dynamic Range
• 5 Interchangeable Tips available for Probing a Variety of Test Points
• Replaceable Probe Tip Socket
• Hands-Free Probing with Fr eeHand probe holder
• AutoColor ID Feature Matches the Probe Color to the Trace Color
The new current probes,CP150 and CP015.
Current Probes
CP150 and CP015 are high-performance current probes capable of measuring 150 amp and 15 amp current signals. They incorporate Hall effect and transformer technology to measure both DC and AC currents. LeCroy also offers the best differential amplifiers available on the market, the DA1800 series.
Other useful accessories for the Waverunner-2 series are low-cost active differential probes, high voltage probes, an internal graphics printer and a choice of two scope carts.
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