Lecroy AP034-OM-E-03 User Manual

The input circuits in the AP034 Activ e Differ ential Probe incorporate components that protect the probe from damage resulting from electrostatic discharge (ESD). Keep in mind that this is an active probe, and it should be handled carefully to avoid damage. When using the AP034 Active Differential Probe, you are advised to take precautions against potential instrument damage due to ESD.
When you are using the AP034 Active Dif ferential Probe with a LeCroy Oscilloscope equipped with ProBus, attach the probe output connector to the oscilloscope input connector. The oscilloscope will recognize the probe, set the oscilloscope input termination to 50  DQG DFWLYDWH WKH SUREH FRQWURO IXQFWLRQV LQ the user interface.
To use the AP034 Active Differ ential Probe with instrumentation not equipped with a ProBus interface, it is necessar y to use the ADPPS Power Supply. Attach the ADPPS connector to the probe output connector. The output connector of the ADPPS is a standard male BNC that can be directly connected to another instrument. If necessary, the output of the ADPPS can be interconnected with a 50 FRD[LDOFDEOH7RPLQLPL]HWKHHIIHFWV of skin loss, this cable should be 1 m or less in length. The AP034 Active Differential Probe is des igned to drive a 50 ORDG The gain will be uncalibrated if the output is not correctly terminated. If you are using the probe with an instrument with a high input impedance, place a 50 %1&LQOLQHWHUPLQDWRURQWKH instrument input before attaching the ADPPS.
At the probe tip, two inputs and a ground connection are available for connecting the probe to a circuit under test. For accurate measurem ents, both the + and – inputs m ust always be
AP034-OM-E Rev D ISSUED: January 2000 ²
connected to the test circuit. The ground connection is optional. Positive voltages applied to the + input relative to the – input will deflect the oscilloscope trace toward the top of the screen.
To maintain the high performance capability of the probe in measurement applic ations, user care in connecting the probe to the test circuit. Increasing the parasitic capacitance or inductance in the input paths may introduce a “ring,” or slow the rise time of fast signals. To m inimize these effects, use the shortest length possible when connecting the probe to the circuit under test. Input leads that form a large loop area (even shielded coaxial cables) will pick up any radiated magnetic field that passes through the loop, and may induce noise in the probe inputs. Because this signal will appear as a diffe rential mode signal, the probe’s common mode rejection will not remove it. You can greatly reduce this effect by using short interconnection leads, and twisting them together to minimize the loop area.
High common mode rejection requires precise matching of the relative gain or attenuation in the + and – input signal paths. Mismatches in additional parasitic capacitance, inductance, delay, and a source impedance differ ence between the + and – signal paths will lower the common mode rejection ratio. Therefore, it is desirable to us e the sam e length and type of wire and connectors for both input connections . W hen possible, try to connect the inputs to points in the circuit with approxim ately the same source impedance.
If AC coupling is desired, install the AC coupling accessory on the probe tip before connecting it to the test circuit. The low-
frequency cutoff (–3 dB point) of the AC coupler is approxim ately 16 Hz.
If the voltage in the test circuit exceeds the probes capability, add the external ÷10 or ÷20 attenuator* to the probe tip. If both the external attenuator and AC coupler are used, install the attenuator on the probe tip first, then install the AC coupler on the attenuator input.
* Note
The external attenuators are precisely adjusted during manufacturing to match the
² ISSUED: January 2000 AP034-OM-E Rev D
characteristics of the input of the probe with which they were shipped. The input characteristics of the external attenuator itself do not exactly match those of the probe. Therefore, using the ÷10 and ÷20 attenuators at the same time is not recommended. The scale factor encoding system will not operate correctly with both attenuators installed simultaneously.
The input characteristics of the AP034 1 GHz Active Differential Probe are significantly different than those of the AP033 500 MHz Active Differential Probe. The external attenuators are not interchangeable. The external attenuators currently supplied with the probes are labeled with the appropriate model number. The attenuators supplied with model AP033 probes prior to the introduction of the AP034 did not include the model number on the label. When using an external attenuator with the AP034 Active Differential Probe, make sure it is labeled “AP034.”
Interchanging non-compatible attenuators will not damage the probes; however, the transient response of the measured signals will be significantly in error.
In addition to being compatible with the included lead set, the probe input connectors will mate with standard 0.025 in. (0.635 mm) square pins in any rotational orientation. To avoid damaging the input connectors, do not attempt to insert connectors or wire larger than 0.036 in. (0.91 m m) in diameter. Avoid rotating square pins after they are inserted into the input connectors.
The included accessories simplify the task of connecting the probe to the test circuit:
Use the small (0.5 mm) mini clips with the flexible lead set when connecting to fine-pitch surface mount IC leads.
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The larger (0.8 mm) mini clips can be used to connect to through-hole leaded components.
The offset round pins can be used for hand-held probing applications. Reposition the pins by rotating them to obtain the required spacing.
Attaching any probe to a test circuit will add some loading. In most applications, the high impedance of the AP034 Active Differential Probe inputs im parts an insignificant load to the test circuit. However at very high frequencies, the capacitive reactance of the probes input capacitance may load the circuit enough to affect meas urement accuracy. The equivalent model of the probe input circuits is shown below:
0.1 pF
1.5 pF
1 M
Figure 1. AP034 Equivalent Input Model
The single lead along with one of the larger (0.8 mm) m ini clips can be used to ground the probe to the test circuit. Insert the pin end of the lead into the receptacle marked:
Do not use the attenuator encoding receptacle (unmarked socket near the – input) to ground the probe. Connecting to the encoding receptacle will not provide adequate grounding, and may result in in correct scale factor indication.
1.5 pF 1 M
² ISSUED: January 2000 AP034-OM-E Rev D
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