Lecroy 93XXC-OM-E21 User Manual

The WP02 Spectral Analysis package, with FFT (Fast Fourier Transform), reveals signal characteristics not visible in t he time domain and adds the power of frequency domain analysis to your oscilloscope. FFT converts a time domain waveform into frequency domain spectra similar to those of a spectrum analyzer, but with important differences and added benefits.
:K\8VH))7" For a large class of signals, greater insight can be gained by
looking at spectral representation rather than time description. Signals encountered in the frequency response of amplifiers, oscillator phase noise and those in mechanic al vibration analysis
— to mention just som e applications — are easier to observe in the frequency domain.
If sampling is done at a rate f ast enough to f aithfully approxim ate the original waveform (usually five times the highest frequency component in the signal), the resulting discrete data series will uniquely describe the analog signal.
This is of particular value when dealing with transient signals because, unlike FFT, conventional swept spectrum analyzers cannot handle them.
7KHRU\%HKLQG))7 Spectral analysis theory assumes that the signal for
transformation be of infinite duration. Since no physical signal can meet this condition, a useful assumption for reconciling theory and practice is to view the signal as consisting of an infinite series of replica of itself . Thes e replica are m ultiplied by a rectangular window (the display grid) that is zero outside of the observation grid.
For an explanation of FFT terms: see the Glossary
on page C–17
Using FFT Functions: see page C–9
FFT Algorithms: page C–14
Figure C–1 shows spectra of a swept triangular wave. Discontinuities at the edges of the wave produce leakage, an effect clearly visible in Trace A, which was computed with a rectangular window, but less pronounced in the Von Hann window in Trace B (
first harmonic.
). Histogramming in Trace C tracks the spread of the
see below for leakage and window-type
Figure C–1
Slicing the waveform in the fashion described above is tantamount to diluting the spectral energy in an infinite number of side lobes, which correspond to multiples of the frequency resolution ∆f ( T determines the frequency resolution of the FFT (∆f=1/T). Whereas the sampling period and the record length set the maximum frequency span that can be obtained (f
Fig. C–2
). The observation window or capture time
Figure C–2
An FFT operation on an N point time-dom ain signal may thus be compared to passing the signal through a comb f ilter consisting of a bank of N/2 filters. All the filter s have the same shape and width and are centered at N/2 discrete frequencies. Each filter collects the signal energy that falls into the immediate neighborhood of its center frequency. Thus it can be said that there are N/2 frequency bins. The distance in Hz between the center frequencies of two neighboring bins is always the same:
3RZHU'HQVLW\6SHFWUXP Because of the linear scale used to show magnitudes, lower
amplitude components are often hidden by larger com ponents . In addition to the functions offering magnitude and phase representations, the FFT option offers power density and power
spectrum density functions, selec ted from the “FFT result” m enu shown in the figures. These latter functions are even better suited for characterizing spectra. The power spectr um (V
) is the square of the magnitude spectrum (0 dB m corresponds to voltage equivalent to 1 mW into 50 Ω.) This is the representation
of choice for signals containing isolated peaks — periodic signals, for instance.
The power density spectrum (V divided by the equivalent noise bandwidth of the filter in Hz associated with the FFT calculation. This is best employed for characterizing broad-band signals such as noise.
0HPRU\IRU))7 The amount of acquisition memory available will determine the
maximum range (Nyquist frequency) over which signal components can be observed. Consider the problem of determining the length of the observation window and the size of the acquisition buffer if a Nyquist rate of 500 MHz and a resolution of 10 kHz are required. To obtain a resolution of 10 kHz, the acquisition time must be at least:
T = 1/∆f = 1/10 kHz = 100 µs.
For a digital oscilloscope with a memory of 100 k, the highest frequency that can be analyzed is:
∆f ×
N/2 = 10 kHz × 100 k/2 = 500 MHz.
/Hz) is the power spectrum
))73LWIDOOVWR$YRLG Take care to ensure that signals are correctly acquired: im proper
waveform positioning within the observation window produces a distorted spectrum. T he most com mon distortions can be trac ed to insufficient sampling, edge discontinuities, windowing or the “picket fence” effect.
Because the FFT acts like a bank of bandpass filters c entered at multiples of the frequency resolution, components that are not exact multiples of that frequency will fall within two consecutive filters. This results in an attenuation of the true amplitude of these components.
3LFNHW)HQFHDQG6FDOORS The highest point in the spectrum c an be 3.92 dB lower when the
source frequency is halfway between two discrete frequencies. This variation in spectrum magnitude is the picket fence effect. And the corresponding attenuation loss is ref erred to as scallop loss. LeCroy scopes automatically correc t for the scallop effect, ensuring that the magnitude of the spectra lines correspond to their true values in the time domain.
If a signal contains a frequency component above Nyquist, the spectrum will be aliased, meaning that the frequencies will be folded back and spurious. Spotting aliased frequencies is of ten difficult, as the aliases may ride on top of real harmonics. A simple way of checking is to modify the sample rate and verify whether the frequency distribution changes.
/HDNDJH FFT assumes that the signal contained within the time grid is
replicated endlessly outside the observation window. Therefore if the signal contains discontinuities at its edges, pseudo­frequencies will appear in the spectral dom ain, distorting the real spectrum. W hen the start and end phas e of the signal differ, the signal frequency falls within two frequency cells broadening the spectrum.
This effect is illustrated in Figure C–1. Bec ause the display does not contain an integral number of periods, the spectrum displayed in Trace B does not reveal sharp frequency components. Intermediate components exhibit a lower and broader peak. The broadening of the base, stretching out in many neighboring bins, is termed leakage. Cures for this are to ensure that an integral number of periods is contained within the display grid or that no discontinuities appear at the edges. Another is to use a window function to smooth the edges of the signal.
&KRRVLQJD:LQGRZ The choice of a spectral window is dictated by the signal’s
characteristics. Weighting functions control the filter response shape and affect noise bandwidth as well as side-lobe levels. Ideally, the main lobe should be as narrow and flat as possible to effectively discriminate all spectral components, while all side lobes should be infinitely attenuated.
Chosen from the “with window” menu, the window type defines the bandwidth and shape of the equivalent filter to be used in the FFT processing.
In the same way as one would choose a particular camera lens for taking a picture, s ome experimenting is generally necessary to determine which window is most suitable. However, the following general guidelines should help (
window types
see page C–11 for
Rectangular windows provide the highest frequency resolution and are thus useful for estim ating the type of harm onics pres ent in the signal. Because the rectangular window decays as a sinx/x function in the spectral domain, slight attenuation will be induced.
Alternative functions with less attenuation — Flat-top and Blackman-Harr is — provide maximum amplitude at the expense of frequency resolution. Whereas, Hamming and von Hann are good for general purpose use with continuous waveforms.
,PSURYLQJ'\QDPLF5DQJH Enhanced resolution (
technique that can potentially provide for three additional bits (18 dBs) if the signal noise is uniformly distributed (white). Low pass filtering should be considered when high frequency components are irrelevant. A distinct advantage of this technique is that it works for both repetitive and transient signals. The SNR increase is conditioned by the cut-off frequency of the Eres low pass filter and the noise shape (frequency distribution).
LeCroy digital oscilloscopes employ FIR digital filters so that a constant phase shift is maintained. The phase information is therefore not distorted by the filtering action.
6SHFWUDO3RZHU$YHUDJLQJ Even greater dynamic-range im provem ent is obtained on signals
showing periodicity. Moreover, the range can be increased without sacrificing frequency response. T he LeCroy oscilloscope being used is equipped with accumulation buffers 32 bits wide to prevent overflows.
Spectral power averaging is useful when the signal var ies in tim e and the mean power of the signal needs to be estim ated. T ypical applications include noise and pseudo- random noise. Whereas time averaging ignores phase information, spectral averaging tracks magnitude as well as phase information. It is thus a superior estimator. And the improvement is typically proportional to the square root of the number of averages. For instance, averaging white noise at full scale over 10 sweeps yields a typical improvement of nearly 20 dBs.
see Appendix B
) uses a low pass f iltering
Spectral power averaging is the technique of choice when determining the frequency response of passive network s suc h as filters. Figures 3 and 4 show the transfer functions of a low pass filter with a 3 dB cutoff o1 11 MHz obtained by exciting the filter with a white noise source ( (
Fig. C–4
The choice of method is governed by the availability of an adequate generating source.
The spectra of single tim e-domain waveforms can be computed and displayed to obtain power averages obtained over as many as 50 000 spectra.
). Both techniques give substantially the same results.
Fig. C–3
) and a sine swept generator
Figure C–3
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