Lecroy 93XXC-OM-E20 User Manual

The available sampling rate of LeCroy oscilloscopes is often
higher than that required for the analyzed signal’s bandwidth. Oversampling, particularly pronounced in the long-memory models, can be used to increase the displayed trace’s effective resolution: the ability of the instrument to distinguish closely spaced voltage levels. This is done by filtering the digitized signal using Enhanced Resolution, available in the optional WP02 Advanced Math Package.
Although similar to signal smoothing using a simple moving­average filter, enhanced resolution filtering is more efficient both in terms of bandwidth and the super ior passband character istics that result. And on waveforms with single- shot characteristics, it can be used instead of successive trace averaging.
$GYDQWDJHV Enhanced resolution filtering improves two important
characteristics of the oscilloscope. Resolution is improved by a fixed amount for each filter. This true
increase in resolution occurs whether or not the signal is noisy, or whether a single-shot or repetitive signal.
Signal–to–noise ratio (SNR) is improved in suc h a way as to be dependent on the form of the noise in the or iginal signal. This is because the enhanced resolution filtering decreases the bandwidth of the signal, therefore filtering out some of the noise.
,PSOHPHQWDWLRQ The oscilloscope’s set of constant-phase, FIR (Finite Impulse-
Response filters provide fast computation, excellent step response in 0.5 bit steps, and minimum bandwidth reduction for resolution improvements of between 0.5 and 3 bits. Each step corresponds to a bandwidth reduction of a factor of two, allowing easy control of the bandwidth/resolution trade-off. The parameters of the six filters are given in the following table:
Resolution Increase
0.5 0.5 2
1.0 0.241 5
1.5 0.121 10
2.0 0.058 24
2.5 0.029 51
3.0 0.016 117
–3 dB Bandwidth
(× Ny quist)
Filter Length
With low-pass filters, the actual SNR increase obtained in any particular situation depends on the power spectral density of the noise on the signal. The improvem ent in SNR corr esponds to the improvement in resolution if the noise in the signal is white —
that is, if it is evenly distributed across the f requency spectrum. If the noise power is biased towards high frequencies, the SNR improvement will be better than the resolution improvement. Whereas the opposite may be true if the noise is m ostly at lower frequencies.
SNR improvement due to the removal of c oherent noise signals —feed-through of clock signals, f or exam ple — is decided by the fall of the dominant frequency components of the signal in the passband. This is easily ascertained using Spectral Analysis.
The filters have a precisely constant zero phase response. This has two desirable properties. First, the filters do not distort the relative position of differ ent events in the waveform, even if the events’ frequency content is different. And second, because the waveforms are stored, the delay normally associated with filtering (between the input and output waveforms) can be exactly compensated during the computation of the filtered waveform.
All the filters have been given exact unity gain at low frequency. Enhanced resolution should thus not cause overflow if the s ourc e data is not overflowed. If part of the source trace were to overflow, filtering would be allowed, but the results in the vicinity of the overflowed data — the filter impulse response length —
would be incorrect. This is because in some circumstances an overflow may be a spike of only one or two samples, and the energy in this spike may not be enough to significantly affect the results. It would then not be desirable to disallow the whole trace.
:KHQWR8VH,W" In general, enhanced resolution is used to replace the averaging
function in situations where the data record has a single-shot or slowly repetitive nature and averaging cannot be used.
There are two particular situations in which enhanced resolution is especially useful. One is when the signal is noticeably noisy and measurements of the noise are not required. T he signal can
be “cleaned up” by using the enhanced resolution f unction. The other is when — even if the signal is not particularly noisy — high-precision measurements of the waveform are required (when using Expand with high vertical gain, for example). Enhanced resolution will then increase the resolution of the measurements.
The examples on the following pages illustrate how enhanced resolution can be used.
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