LeCroy 3377 Operator's Manual

MODEL 3377
Revised January 1997
(ECO 1101)
700 Chestnut Ridge Road Chestnut Ridge, New York 10977-6499 Tel: (914) 578-6013 Fax: (914) 578-5984 E-mail: lrs_support@lecroy.com
Copyright© December 1997. LeCroy™ is a registered trademark of LeCroy Corporation. All rights reserved. Information in this publication supersedes all earlier versions. Specifications are subject to change.
CONDITIONS FOR CE CONFORMITY Since this product is a subassembly, it is the responsibility of the end
user, acting as the system integrator, to ensure that the overall system is CE compliant. This product was demonstrated to meet CE conformity using a CE compliant crate housed in an EMI/RFI shielded enclosure. It is strongly recommended that the system integrator establish these same conditions.
COOLING It is imperative that the Model 3377 TDC be well cooled. Be sure fans
move sufficient air to maintain exhaust air temperature at less than 50° C.
INSTALLATION Crate power should be turned off during insertion or removal of modules
in accordance with the CAMAC specification.
SPECIFICATIONS The information contained in this manual is subject to change without
notice. The reference for product specification is the Technical Data Sheet effective at the time of purchase.
ELECTROSTATIC SENSITIVITY While measures have been taken to protect the MTD133 ASIC from
electrostatic damage, it is still imperative to follow anti-static procedures when handling this CMOS device. Removal of the MTD133 from its socket may void the warranty.
1. General Information Purpose 9 Unpacking and Inspection 9 Warranty 9 Product Assistance 9 Maintenance Agreements 9 Documentation Discrepancies 10 Software Licensing Agreement 10 Service Procedure 10
2. Installation
General Installation 11 Cables 11
3. Product Description
Introduction 13 Product Description 13 Specifications 14 Front Panel 14
Displays 15 Inputs and Outputs 15 Control 15 Signal Inputs 16
ECLbus output 16 Rear Panel 16 Standard CAMAC Function Codes 16
4. Operating Instructions
Programming the Unit for a Different Mode of Operation 19 Operating Modes 20
Mode 0: Common Stop, Single Word Mode 21
Control Registers 21 Maximum Time Range 23 Offset 23 Dead Time 24 Front Panel Clear Input 24
Mode 1: Common Start, Single Word 25
Control Registers 25 Common Start Time Out 27 Dead Time 28 Front Panel Clear 28
Mode 2: Common Stop, double word 29
Control Registers 29 Maximum time range 31 Dead Time 31 Front Panel Clear Input 31
Mode 3: Common Start, Double Word Mode 32
Control Registers 32 Common Start Time out 34 Dead Time 34 Front Panel Clear 34
Trigger Outputs 36
Trigger Outputs in the Common Stop Modes 36
Trigger Outputs in the Common Start Modes 37 Readout Modes and Data Formats 38
Buffered Mode 38 Unbuffered Mode 38
Buffered Mode 38 Unbuffered Mode 38
FERA Compatibility 38
Standard 4300B FERA Behavior 38 Modified Model 3377 FERA Behavior 39 4300 Compatible Mode 39 Fast FERA Mode 40
Data Formats 40
Single Word Format 40
Double Word Format 40 Suppressing the Header 41 Example 3377 Programming Sequence 42
5. Theory of Operation
Time Measurements 43 Control and Readout 43 Event Buffer Memory 44 CAMAC Interface 44 ECL Port 44 Trigger Outputs 44 Support Circuits 44
6. Additional Information
Testing the Model 3377 45 Extending the Time Range 46 LabView™ Support 47
7. Index 49
LabView™ is a registered trademark of National Instruments Corporation.
PURPOSE This manual is intended to provide information regarding the installation
and operation of the LeCroy Model 3377 Time-to-Digital Converter.
UNPACKING AND INSPECTION It is recommended that the shipment be thoroughly inspected immedi-
ately upon delivery. All material in the container should be checked
against the enclosed Packing List and shortages reported promptly.
If the shipment is damaged in any way, please notify the Customer
Service Department or the local field service office. If the damage is
due to mishandling during shipment, you may be requested to assist in
contacting the carrier in filing a damage claim.
WARRANTY LeCroy warrants its instrument products to operate within specifications
under normal use and service for a period of one year from the date of
shipment. Component products, replacement parts, and repairs are
warranted for 90 days. This warranty extends only to the originalpur-
chaser. Software is thoroughly tested, but is supplied “as is” with no
warranty of any kind covering detailed performance. Accessory products
not manufactured by LeCroy are covered by the original equipment
manufacturers’ warranty only.
In exercising this warranty, LeCroy will repair or, at its option, replace
any product returned to the Customer Service Department or an
authorized service facility within the warranty period, provided that the
warrantor’s examination discloses that the product is defective due to
workmanship or materials and has not been caused by misuse, neglect,
accident or abnormal conditions or operations.
The purchaser is responsible for the transportation and insurance
charges arising from the return of products to the servicing facility.
LeCroy will return all in-warranty products with transportation prepaid.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied,
including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability,
fitness, or adequacy for any particular purpose or use. LeCroy shall not
be liable for any special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether
in contract, or otherwise.PRODUCT ASSISTANCE Answers to
questions concerning installation, calibration, and use of LeCroy equip-
ment are available from the Customer Service Department, 700 Chest-
nut Ridge Road, Chestnut Ridge, New York, 10977-6499, (914) 578-
MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS LeCroy offers a selection of customer support services. For example,
Maintenance Agreements provide extended warranty that allows the
customer to budget maintenance costs after the initial warranty has
expired. Other services such as installation, training, on-site repair, and
addition of engineering improvements are available through specific
Supplemental Support Agreements. Please contact the Customer
Service Department.
DISCREPANCIES LeCroy is committed to providing state-of-the-art instrumentation and is
continually refining and improving the performance of its products.
While physical modifications can be implemented quite rapidly, the
corrected documentation frequently requires more time to produce.
Consequently, this manual may not agree in every detail with the accom-
panying product and the schematics in the Service Documentation.
There may be small discrepancies in the values of components for the
purposes of pulse shape, timing, offset, etc., and, occasionally, minor
logic changes. Where any such inconsistencies exist, please be as-
sured that the unit is correct and incorporates the most up-to-date
SOFTWARE LICENSING AGREEMENT Software products are licensed for a single machine. Under this license
you may:
Copy the software for backup or modification purposes in support of
your use of the software on a single machine.
Modify the software and/or merge it into another program for your
use on a single machine.
Transfer the software and the license to another party if the other
party accepts the terms of this agreement and you relinquish all copies, whether in printed or machine readable form, including all modified or merged versions.
SERVICE PROCEDURE Products requiring maintenance should be returned to the Customer
Service Department or authorized service facility. If under warranty,
LeCroy will repair or replace the product at no charge. The purchaser is
only responsible for the transportation charges arising from return of the
goods to the service facility. For all LeCroy products in need of repair
after the warranty period, the customer must provide a Purchase Order
Number before any inoperative equipment can be repaired or replaced.
The customer will be billed for the parts and labor for the repair as well
as for shipping. All products returned for repair should be identified by
the model and serial numbers and include a description of the defect or
failure, name and phone number of the user. In the case of products
returned, a Return Authorization Number is required and may be ob-
tained by contacting the Customer Service Department.
GENERAL INSTALLATION The LeCroy Model 3377 TDC is intended for use within a standard
CAMAC crate, such as the LeCroy Model 8025 CAMAC Crate with
25 slot positions or the Model 8007A with 7 positions. The following
voltage sources must be properly connected to the backplane: +24 V,
+6 V, -6 V, and -24 V. Each crate must be controlled by either a slave or
intelligent controller. The controller must occupy the right-most slot in
the crate. Its purpose is to issue CAMAC commands to the modules
and transfer information between a computer (or other digital device)
and the CAMAC modules. LeCroy offers such crate controllers, includ-
ing the Model 8901A. The 8901A is a GPIB/CAMAC slave interface that
operates as a “Talker/Listener”, allowing the crate to act as one GPIB
With the power off, the 3377 is inserted into one of the slots of the
CAMAC crate. The edge connector on the module should mate with the
bus connector with modest pressure. The thumb screw located on the
lower edge of the card should be engaged and tightened. Note the slot
number of the module, as it will later be used for addressing.
CABLES The 3377 is designed to use twisted pair cables for the input, output and
control signals, single twisted pair cables for the control inputs and 34
wire ribbon cable for the inputs and ECLbus output. Care should be
taken to install high quality cables to minimize the effects of noise and
crosstalk. There are two types of 34 conductor multiwire cables avail-
able, one for short connections using flat ribbon cable and one for longer
connections using twist and flat cable.
Suitable cables are available from LeCroy.
STP-DC /02/L - single twisted pair cable for control signals.
STC-DC /34/L - flat multiwire cable for short interconnections.
LTC-DC /34-L or DC2 /34-L - twisted-pair multiwire cable for long
All signal inputs are differential ECL and have a balanced 120 ohm
INTRODUCTION The LeCroy CAMAC Model 3377 is a 32-channel Multihit Time-to-Digital
Converter (TDC) intended for high rate particle physics experiments.
The 500 picosecond digitizing resolution, 32 microsecond maximum full
scale, and low dead time make the Model 3377 suitable for a wide range
of applications. The Model 3377 can be operated either in Common
Start or Common Stop mode with up to 16 measurements (16 edge
measurements, leading edge only, or leading and trailing edge) recorded
on each channel. The full scale time range is programmable up to
32 microseconds. The eight trigger outputs are programmable, and can
be used in either first or second level triggers. The multi event buffer
allows up to 31 events to be recorded before readout. The readout is
either over the CAMAC dataway, or by a FERA™ compatible high speed
ECL port.
PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The 32 inputs are differential ECL, with a balanced 120 ohm termination.
Either the leading edge or both leading and trailing edge may be
recorded, with a double hit resolution of less than 10 nanoseconds. The
number of edge measurements recorded per channel is programmable
from 1 to 16.
The 3377 can be programmed to operate in either Common Start or
Common Stop mode with either single or double data word output
The single word format packs 10 data bits (leading edge only, 9 bits if
both edges are recorded) into a 16 bit word, for low dead time drift
chamber applications. The programmable offset and resolution (500 ps
to 4 nsec LSB) allow the time range (255 nanoseconds to 4 microsec-
onds) to be placed as a window anywhere within the 32 microsecond full
The double word format preserves the full 16 bit time data for wide
dynamic range applications. The full scale time is programmable in
8 nsec steps up to 32.7 microseconds. The resolution is fixed at
500 picoseconds.
Eight dECL trigger outputs are provided at the rear panel. For trigger
purpose only, the input pulses are OR’ed together in groups of four (for
example: output 1 is the or channels 0, 1, 2, 3). In Common Stop
mode, the trigger outputs are programmable in width and delay, and can
be latched at the Stop time. In Common Start mode, the triggers are
The 3377 may be tested using an internal tester (Common Start mode
only). The number of pulses and the pulse duration are programmable.
At the end of acquisition (Common Stop or Common Start time out) the
data is unloaded from the MTD133s and stored in a multievent FIFO
buffer. The dead time is 1.8 microseconds plus 100 nsec per recorded
hit (200 nsec per hit when in double word mode).
The readout is by standard CAMAC or by the high speed ECL port. This
can occur in background, while the front end is recording data hits. A
header word containing a programmable identification byte precedes the
data. This header can be suppressed (programmable) if the module
contains no data. The readout is by event, to ensure synchronization of
the readout of several modules. The ECL port readout can be as fast as
100 nsec per 16 bit word, and is compatible with existing FERA mod-
The many versatile features of the Model 3377 are provided by a Xilinx
programmable gate array chip, which contains the control logic for the
board. Changing the mode (Common Start/Stop, single/double word)
requires a series of simple CAMAC commands which clear and repro-
gram the Xilinx gate array with the appropriate firmware from an on
board EPROM.
SPECIFICATIONS Please refer to the Module 3377 technical data sheet for a complete
summary of the current specifications.
FRONT PANEL The LeCroy Module 3377 TDC front panel provides the user with
connectors for system integration and LEDs to assist system debugging.
Cables necessary for proper installation can be purchased from LeCroy.
See Section 3 for more information regarding cabling.
3377 TDC
— —
16 __
Displays N LED: The only LED on the front panel is an N indicator, which is
illuminated whenever the module is addressed.
Termination LED: Just behind the front panel, between the lower input connector and the ECL port, is an LED which is only visible when there are no signal cables connected. The control signal terminations and pull down resistors for the control signals and the ECL port are socketed. When several 3377 are bussed together to a 4301 FERA driver, all of the socketed resistors should be removed from each unit, except from the last 3377. The termination LED uses one of the unused resistors in a pull down resistor SIP and is lit when the SIP is installed. When several 3377s are bussed together only the last one should have this LED illuminated.
Inputs and Outputs
Control Below the N LED is a 26 pin header used for ECL port control (WST,
WAK, REN, PASS), time out input (T-O), busy output (BSY), clear input (CLR), common input (COM), and measure pause input (MPI).
T-O - Timeout input: A dECL input used to receive an external
common start timeout. The rising edge of this input ends acquisition in common start mode. It is OR'ed with the internal time out.
WST - Write Strobe: dECL output indicates when a valid data word
is present on the ECLport.
BSY - Busy output: This dECL output indicates the 3377 cannot
accept hits. This occurs during the buffering dead time and when the multievent buffer is full.
CLR - Clear input: A dECL input used to fast clear events and
abort acquisition or MTD133 readout. The control registers and data from previous events is not affected.
COM - Common input: A dECL input for the common hit. The time
measurement is from the rising edge. Note: In Common Start
modes, additional pulses on the COM line arriving before the Common Start timeout will disable acquisition.
WAK - Write Acknowledged: Input from 4301 or 4302 for FERA
interlocked handshake. Indicates that the data has been accepted.
GND - Ground
MPI - Measure Pause Interval: A dECL input for external MPI.
This is OR’ed with the internal MPI. The effect is to hold off unload­ing of the data from the MTD133s until the end of MPI.
REN - Readout Enable: dECL Input that enables the ECLbus
drivers and allows one event to be read out. REN must cycle false and then true again for the next event to be read out.
PASS: A dECL output indicating that the last valid data word in the
current event has been read out.
Signal Inputs Two 34 pin headers are for hit inputs; marked IN. The channels are
arranged sequentially from channel 0 at the top to channel 15 and channel 16 to channel 31. The bottom pins (33,34) on both headers are grounded through 100 ohm resistors. The hit inputs are dECL, polarity is such that a positive going edge on the left hand (odd numbered) pin is interpreted as the leading edge.
ECLbus output The bottom header is the ECLbus output port; marked ECL OUT. This
header is used for the FERA compatible readout.
REAR PANEL Located on the back of the unit is a twenty pin header which is the
trigger output for the unit. This connector is inverted so pin one is at the bottom. The pins are grouped in pairs, with the bottom pair being the first (pins 1 and 2).
Pair Function
1 (1,2) Trigger output 1, ch 0-3 2 (3,4) Trigger output 2, ch 4-7 3 (5,6) Trigger output 3, ch 8-11 4 (7,8) Trigger output 4, ch 12-15 5 (9,10) Trigger output 5, ch 16-19 6 (11,12) Trigger output 6, ch 20-23 7 (13,14) Trigger output 7, ch 24-27 8 (15,16) Trigger output 8, ch 28-31 9 (pins 17,18) Output disable (enabled when open) 10 (pins 19,20) External trigger clock input
STANDARD CAMAC FUNCTION CODES F0, A0 Read FIFO data until end of event, Q=1 for valid data,
Q=0 at end
F0, A1 Read FIFO data always, (common start only) F0, A2 Examine FIFO output, do not advance FIFO (common
start only)
F1, A0 Read Control register 0 F1, A1 Read Control register 1 F1, A2 Read Control register 2 F1, A3 Read Control register 3 F1, A4 Read Control register 4 (common start only) F1, A5 Read Control register 5 (common start only) F1, A6 Read CAMAC Test Register (common start only)
F8, A0 Test LAM F9, A0 Clear all data and LAM. This does NOT affect the
control registers
F10, A0 Clear LAM
F16, A0 Write 16 bit data to FIFO (common start only) F16, A1 Write FIFO tag bit (common start only)
F17, A0 Write Control register 0 F17, A1 Write Control register 1 F17, A2 Write Control register 2
F17, A3 Write Control register 3 F17, A4 Write Control register 4 (common start only) F17, A5 Write Control register 5 (common start only)
F24, A0 Disable LAM F24, A1 Disable Acquisition mode F25, A0 Initiate test cycle (common start only) F26,A0 Enable LAM F26, A1 Enable Acquisition mode F27, A0 Test buffering in progress (BIP), Q=1 while BIP F27, A1 Test busy, Q=1 while busy F27, A2 Test event ready, Q=1 if event ready for readout F27, A3 Test FIFO tag bit, Q=1 if tag bit set for word to be read
F30 Begin the reprogramming sequence
For completeness, we describe the following commands that are available only during the programming mode of the Model 3377’s internal Xilinx logic chip. These enable the mode to be set by selecting a firmware program from the 4 that are installed in the EPROM, or loading a different program from CAMAC. For these commands, the A lines are not decoded, they are simply ignored.
F9 Clear data buffers, enable Xilinx program F12 Test if Xilinx ready for data (Q=1 when ready) F13 Test Xilinx programming done (Q=1 when done) F14 Test Xilinx INIT signal F16 Write 8 bits to Xilinx F21 Select EPROM mode 1 F22 Select EPROM mode 2 F23 Select EPROM mode 3 F25 Begin Xilinx programming sequence F28 Select CAMAC programming mode F30 Enable Xilinx programming mode
(this resets the Xilinx, and selects EPROM mode 0)
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