The Ventriloscope
The Ventriloscope is a patient-controlled simulation tool capable of
transmitting the associated sounds (heart, lung, bowel, etc…) a
healthcare provider needs to diagnose a Standardized Patient (SP)
physical exam role-play.
By using this mock stethoscope the student no longer needs to take
time out of the role -play to access the sounds form a computer laptop.
Activating the Units:
1. Make sure that the blue square SD card is inserted into the side slot
with the shiny metal strips of the card facing up.
2. Turn the switch on the transmitter box to the “on” position. A small
green light should appear. The transmitter box MUST be turned
on BEFORE the stethoscope for the system to function properly.
3. Turn on the stethoscope by flipping the gray switch on the side of
the unit. Again, a green light should appear.
4. NOTE: If more then one Ventriloscope is being used at a time, they
must be turned on one set at a time (transmitter box and
stethoscope first set, transmitter box and stethoscope second set
etc…). This allows the transmitter box and stethoscope to
synchronize frequencies and act as a single unit (without
interference from the other units).