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and arrangements.
with difficult patterns
to try and trick their friends
the patterns. Children will love
challenge their peers to recreate
specific colors. They can then
up patterns of their own using
Ask the children to make
LER 0141 Bead Pattern Cards
LER 0564 Attribute Lacing Buttons
LER 0565 Jumbo Sorting Beads
LER 6316 Soft Foam Lacing Beads
from Learning Resources®:
Look for these great products
LER 0183
48 Beads • 4 Laces
48 Beads • 4 Laces
4 Shapes • 6 Colors
4 Shapes • 6 Colors
© Le arning R esourc es, Inc., Vernon Hill s, IL (U.S. A.)
Learning Resources Ltd., K ing’s Lynn, N orfolk (U.K.)
Please re tain our a ddress for future r eferenc e.
Made in Taiwan. LPK0183-GU D

Teaching Guide
The development of visual
motor skills is vital to success
in many curriculum areas.
Beads provide practice in:
pre-reading skills, color and
shape identification,
patterning, and eye-hand
coordination. Encourage
students to work from left to
right to strengthen their
orientation for reading.
NOTE: This set contains
laces which may pose a
strangulation hazard to
children under 3 years
of age.
Patterns & Puzzles
Create a pattern and
challenge students to copy it.
Make sure that your patterns
meet the skill levels of your
students. Ask students to
verbalize a description of the
pattern and then to try and
recreate the pattern in a
drawing. You are reinforcing
patterning concepts through
three mediums; sight, sound,
and touch.
Challenge students to
create patterns from verbal
instructions. Then string
beads to show the correct
arrangement. Verify your
students' skills by asking
them to display their strings
of beads.
Use the color beads to
reinforce sorting skills. Ask
students to sort the beads
by shape or color, then to
string them. Instruct students
to place two blue spheres on
a string. You've asked them
to sort by quantity, color,
and shape!
Counting Up
Sort and count the beads
to develop addition and
subtraction skills. Use the
beads as counters to describe
real-life story problems.
Students can string and
display their answers.