Spotlight on
Science Words
Pocket Chart
• 28" x 30" Pocket chart
• 160 Double-sided cards
38 Word cards
75 Definition and
characteristic cards
38 Picture cards
9 Blanks
• Storage pocket
LER 7351
The Spotlight on Science Words Pocket Chart is the perfect blend of key
science vocabulary words and a popular vocabulary graphic organizer,
the Frayer Model. Use this pocket chart as a word-of-the-week activity
to be kept on a board or stand all year long. Spotlight on Science Words
features definitions, characteristics/facts, and real-life pictures for 75
content vocabulary words. It will surely expand your class’s vocabulary
through out the year.
How to Use:
• Choose a word to learn by putting it in the center of the graphic
• During a class lesson, see if students know what the word
means. Use the blanks to write a definition and also include the
one provided.

• Repeat with the facts and characteristics. (Use the numbers at the
bottom to match the facts to the definitions.)
• Choose several images and have the students guess what image
represents an example. Similarly, do the same with a non-example
(most images will apply).
• Give the students an opportunity to draw examples and nonexamples, or find them online or in a magazine.
Note: For multiple uses, write on cards with a wet- or dry-erase marker.
Test your marker on the corner of a card to ensure that it doesn’t leave a
permanent mark. Remove marks with a damp cloth. Cards will warp if
saturated with water.
From Frayer, D. A., Fredrick, W. C., & Klausmeier, H. J. (1969). A schema for testing the
level of concept mastery (Working Paper No. 16). Madison, WI: Wisconsin Research and
Development Center for Cognitive Learning. Used with permission.
Expand your collection of Learning Resources®products:
LER 2011 ScienceDiction
LER 7318 Science Content Picture Dictionary
LER 7322 Encyclopedia of Science Blackline Masters
© Learning Resources, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL (U.S.A.)
Learning Resources Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.)
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