Game Components:
• Game board
• 4 Game Pawns
• Spinner
• 80 True/False Question Cards
• 20 Dental Check up Cards
This game includes two levels of difficulty. Choose which level best suits
each player’s ability.
Incisor Canine Pre-Molar Molar Wisdom
(Cuspid) (Bicuspid)
Tooth Path – Level 1
Learn the different types of teeth.
Object of the game:
Travel through the mouth, tooth-by-tooth, by naming each tooth on which
the spinner lands. The first player swallowed by the giant mouth wins.
Set -up:
Each player chooses a game pawn (floss, toothpaste, toothbrush, or
mouthwash) and starts on the first incisor on the board. Use the spinner for
level 1.
1. The youngest player star
and naming the tooth on which the arrow lands.
ts the game by twirling the tooth spinner