Also from Learning Resources®:
LER 0333 Alpha-Bug Soup®Word Game
LER 5082 Pharaoh’s Phonics
LER 7180 Word for Word
Phonics Game
LER 5063
An Early Language Game
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Game Board
104 Alphabet Cards
80 Question Cards
25 Word Cards
4 Animal Pawns
Beginning and Ending Letter Sounds
Letter Recognition
How to Play
1. Roll the die on your turn. Move your pawn ahead.
2. If you land on a colored rock, take a card that matches the rock
color and read it aloud.
3. Guess the answer aloud, then turn the card over to see if you
are right.
4. If you are correct, take one of your letters and start building your
word. It is now the next player’s turn.
5. If you are incorrect, stay where you are, but do not take a letter.
It is now the next player’s turn.
6. If you land on a gray rock, follow the board directions. Then, take
a question card that matches your new space and answer the
question. It is now the next player's turn.
It's wild out there! Run, jump, and skip around the board while
answering phonics questions. Be the first to build your word and win
the game!
Object of the Game
Be the first player to build your word by answering phonics questions.
1. Sort the question cards by color into piles.
2. Place each pile of cards next to the board, question side up.
3. Choose an animal pawn and place it on the starting spot that
matches your animal.
4. Take a bag filled with letter squares that matches the color of your
pawn. Take the squares out and place them in front of you. Use
these to build your word.
5. Choose a level of play. Word cards are color-coded to each level
of play. All players take the same color word card.
Level 1—Red: 3-letter words
Level 2—Green: 4-letter words
Level 3—Blue: 5-letter words
6. Take turns rolling the die. The player with the highest number
goes first.
How to Win
Be the first player to build your word and call it out. If everyone
agrees that you are correct, you win the game!