45 Picture cards
45 Word cards
8 New Link cards
2 Super Link cards
• Shuffle the two decks together to mix word and picture
• Deal out five cards to each player.
• All players place their cards face up in front of them.
• Place the remainder of the deck face down in the middle
within reach of all players.
• Turn one card up and place it next to the middle pile.
Object of the Game
Be the first player to use all your cards.
How to Play the Game
• Play begins with the first player to the dealer’s left.
• On your turn, try to find a card that shares an attribute
with the top card on the discard pile. Place your card
atop the pile.
Place the picture card of Earth atop the word card
rocky planet, or vice versa.
Place the word card larger than the Sun atop the picture
card of The Milky Way, or vice versa.
• You can only match a word card from your pile on top of a
picture card.