LER 2392
Fact Family Blast Off
Pocket Chart
• 1 Fact Family Blast Off
Pocket Chart
• 20 Double-sided triangle fact
family cards
• 40 Number cards
• 12 Symbol cards
Blast off into learning fact families! Place a triangle fact family card in
the top pocket of the chart. Then, build addition and subtraction
equations in the pockets below. Store the number and symbol cards in
the labeled storage pockets for easy use. Store the triangle fact family
cards in the storage pocket on the back of the pocket chart when not in
use. Have an out-of-this-world learning adventure!
Building a Family of Facts
Choose one triangle fact family card and place it in the top pocket on the
chart. Explain that each family of facts will have 2 addition equations
and 2 subtraction equations that make a family. Show how to make one
addition equation by placing the appropriate number and symbol cards
in the pockets. Continue to build the other addition equation and then
build the subtraction equations.

What’s Missing?
Place one fact family card in the top pocket of the chart. Build the
addition and subtraction equations and review them. Then, while
students close their eyes, remove some of the number or symbols from
the equations. Have students open their eyes and see if they can place
the removed numbers and symbols back in the correct places.
Show Me
Use individualized whiteboards or chalkboards. Ask students to make an
illustration of an addition or subtraction equation that is part of the fact
family shown on the pocket chart. Ask several students to come up and
show the class their work. For example, a student could show that 3
circles plus 4 circles equals 7 circles.
Practice Makes Perfect
Use the triangle cards for whole-class math fact practice. Hold up a card
and cover one of the numbers on the card with your hand. Ask students
to tell you which number is hidden. Then, ask students to tell you all the
facts that make up that family. Students can build those facts in the
pocket chart.
Look for these other great products from Learning Resources®:
LER 3799 Write-and-Wipe Fact Family Boards
LER 6965 Minute Math Electronic Flash Cards
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Learning Resources Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.)
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