LER 2384
Pocket Chart Squares
• 4 Pocket Charts (14" x 17") with magnets, grommets, hook-and-loop
fasteners, and storage pockets
Pocket Chart Squares provide a great use for traditional pocket chart
materials with magnetic and whiteboards!
Use each square individually in centers or connect them to build a regularsize pocket chart with 4 colored segments. This is perfect for sorting or
classification. Hang the connected squares to a pocket chart stand using
the grommets, or use on a magnetic surface with the magnets.
How to use Pocket Chart Squares in your classroom!
• Display pocket chart cards on magnetic or whiteboards
• Add sentence strips to the pockets for any subject
• Arrange the charts horizontally, vertically, or both
• Store extra materials or worksheets in the pockets located on the back
of each chart
© Learning Resources, Inc., Vernon Hills, IL (U.S.A.)
Learning Resources Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.)
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Made in China. LRM2384-GUD
Fabriqué en Chine. Informations à conserver.
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