LER 2094
1. Elapsed Time. To help children gain a sense for the passing time,
elapsed time can be experienced through hands-on activities. For
example: How long is math class? How long do you sleep? Ask
students to set the clock to the beginning time of math class, then turn
the minute hand until the proper end time is reached.
students crank out ten hours (a typical sleep period for children) on
the clock. Which is longer? How much more?
Then have
LER 0505 Digital Learning Clock
LER 0576 Overhead Analog/Digital Clock
LER 2257 Tabletop Time Center
LER 2998 Talking Clever Clock
LER 2094
2. Adding Elapsed Time. Explore elapsed time using the Big Time
Learning Clock™. First, have students set the clock to a time value that
you have written on the board. Give students an elapsed period of
time, such as three hours, and have them add the time onto the clocks.
Start simple, and build to more challenging problems.
3. Subtracting Elapsed Time. Work “backward”with elapsed time.
Have students set the clock to the time value you have shown on the
Tell students that this is an end time, and a certain amount of time
has elapsed. For example, show children the time 4:00. Tell them 2 hours
have elapsed before this time. What was the starting time? Students turn
the clock hands backward to come up with the answers.
4. Setting a Schedule. Have students replicate the daily class schedule
on paper, then follow along with the clock. How long does each subject
last? How long is the school day? Ask students to write out a typical
schedule for their entire day. For each activity, have them calculate the
elapsed time using starting and ending clock times. Have students
compare the times spent on shared activities.
5. The Second Hand. Explore the second hand using a classroom clock.
Ask students, “Each time the second hand goes around once, how far
does the minute hand move? How many seconds are there in a minute?”
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6. AM and PM. The hour hand of a clock rotates twice each day
keep the morning hours separate from the evening hours, people use
the terms AM and PM; AM is used to describe the morning hours and
PM is used to describe the afternoon hours. Ask students how many
hours there are in a day.
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The Big Time™Learning Clock®(LER 2094) is designed to make time telling
easier through modeling and hands-on activities. The clock’s geared hour hand
moves in relation to its second hand, closely replicating a real clock’s inner working.
Note: Move only the minute hand; the hour hand cannot
be moved independently.
The Big Time™Learning Clock®may be used for classroom demonstrations, or by
small groups, or individual students. Show how the hands are positioned to tell
time. Its easy-to-read face and geared assembly allow children to watch both
hands moving at the same time. One revolution of the minute hand causes the hour
hand to advance one hour, just as on working clocks. Both the hours and minutes
have been placed on the clock face.
Explore the Big Time®Learning Clock™with children. Ask them the
following questions:
• What is different about the two hands on the clock? (Line them up to
compare their lengths.)
• Which of the hands is called the
hour hand?
• What do they think the numbers mean around the clock’s face?
• How is the clock like the clock in the classroom? How is it different?
• Have they seen other types of clocks? What do they look like?
minute hand, and which is called the
A Sense of Time. Start by telling the children what the current time
is and demonstrate it by adjusting the hands on the clock to show the
time. It is easiest if you can do this at the beginning of an hour (i.e.,
10 o’clock). Have the children continue their activities and when an
hour has passed, announce it, then change the time on the
demonstration clock. Continue this for a few hours every day, until the
children have a “sense” of one hour.
After a week or so of the above activity, announce the time and indicate
it on the clock. Ask children to let you know when they think an hour
has passed by raising their hands. (You may have to cover your real
classroom clock.) Indicate the actual time on the demonstration clock
each time a child raises his/her hand.
Repeat the second activity and record each child’s name on the board.
Indicate the number of actual minutes elapsed next to the child’s name
at the time he/she raises his/her hand.
Exact Hours. Count around the clock face, pointing to each number.
Give students a specific time, exact hours only, and ask them to indicate
the same time on the demonstration clock. Demonstrate that the
minute hand must point straight up (to the 12) for it to
be an exact hour.
Half- and Quarter-Hours. Show how the clock can be divided into
four equal pieces. Introduce the terms “half past,” “quarter past,” and
“quarter to” using the demonstration clock. Turn the minute hand
to one of these three points on the clock, or an exact hour, and ask
students to tell what time you are indicating.
Five-Minute Increments. Show students the minute numbers on the
demonstration clock face. Count around the clock by fives, moving
the minute hand as you do. Help students reach an understanding that
there are 60 minutes in an hour. For students familiar with multiplication,
ask them to look at the relationship between the hour marks and the
minute marks. (The minute marks are five times the hour marks.)
One-Minute Increments. Ask students what they think the marks
between the minute numbers mean. How many marks are there
between each? Count around the clock by ones, moving the minute
hand as you do. Each time the minute hand reaches one of the minute
numbers (5, 10, 15, etc.) point to that number with your free hand.
Reinforce that there are 60 minutes in an hour.
Testing Students’ Understanding. Give students a specific time,
including minutes, and ask them to indicate the same time on the
demonstration clock.
Working Backward. Once children have mastered the minute hand
moving clockwise, work “backward” from exact hours. What does
“10 minutes to 5” look like? Count backward around the clock by
fives, moving the minute hand as you do, until you get to the 30
minute mark. (Traditionally, no more than 30 minutes are used to
indicate the amount of time until the next hour.)
Testing Students’ Understanding. Give students a specific time
using the “___ minutes to ___” construction, and ask them to indicate
the same time on the demonstration clock.
By the end of the exploration time, children should recognize that
the clock has two hands, one longer than the other, and that a series
of numbers begin at the top and continue around to the right.
the direction the hands rotate on a regular clock.
This is also
Half- and Quarter-Hours and the Hour Hand. Point out the position
of the hour hand at each of the four quarter-hour positions. At an exact
hour, the hour hand points directly at that hour. At “half past” the hour
hand is midway between two numbers. At “quarter past” the hour hand
is closer to the hour just past; at “quarter to” the hand is closer to the
next hour.
Working Backward By Ones. Count backward around the clock
by ones, moving the minute hand as you do, until you get to the 30
minute mark. Give students a specific time using the “___ minutes
to ___” construction, and ask them to indicate the same time on the
demonstration clock.