Using an inflatable topographical globe in the classroom is a great way for
students to learn about the geographical characteristics of our world. Use
the globe for demonstration; teaching facts about the world, landforms,
regions; and as a classroom decoration.
Includes a repair kit: Please follow the directions found in the repair kit for
details on how to repair the inflatable globe if damage occurs.
For Demonstration & Explorati on
LER 1811

If you plan to hang the inflatable globe from the ceiling,
you can tie a piece of string to the air-hole closure and
attach it to the ceiling. Do not tie the string too tight as it
may tear the hang tab.
The globe is color-coded to identify different regions:
a. Green – primarily forest and grasslands regions
b. Orange-yellow – desert regions
c. Pale Purple – snow covered mountain regions
d. Dark purple – polar regions
(above North America and Russia)
e. White – Antarctica and Iceland
f. Blue – bodies of water
The following activities will help students learn about
continents, landforms, and other great facts about the
world. However, since there is so much to learn and teach
about our world, the possibilities are endless!
Activity 1: Country Toss
1. Have all the students stand in a group.
2. Explain that you are going to toss the globe into
the air.
3. The student who catches the globe must name a
country that begins with the letter “A.”
4. After that student correctly names a country with the
letter “A,” that student then tosses the globe to
another student.
5. The next student who catches the globe should
name a country that begins with the letter “B.”
6. Play continues until all the letters of alphabet are
used, with the exception of the letter “x.” However, if
you want, you may run through the alphabet again,
using different country names.
Variation: Try this game with major cities, both in the U.S.
and around the world! The student should name the city
and the state and/or the country where the city is located.
Activity 2: Country Regions
1. Hold up the globe and explain the different regions
that are shown in color on the globe. These regions
are listed in the beginning of this guide.
2. Have the students sit in a circle and pass around the
3. After 30 seconds tell the students to stop and then
name a country for the student to find.
4. The student who is holding the globe must find the
country that was named and then name what type of
region the country is in. (forest, grassland, desert,
mountain, polar, etc.)