Game Board
4 Insect Game Pieces—grasshopper, dragonfly, butterfly, bee
20 Predator Cards
80 Question cards
Object of the game
Be the first player to get your insect out of the web and safely
back to your home habitat. Follow the path to your habitat
answering true/false questions while watching out for
predator spiders.
Set Up
• Each player chooses an insect to use as their game piece
for the game.
• Place your insect in the middle of the web to work your
way back to your natural habitat found in the corners of
the game board.
• Place the spider predator cards next to the board.
• Place the question cards on the opposite side of the
Game Play
1. The youngest player goes first and play continues to
the left.
2. Take a question card from the pile and have the player
to your left read it out loud to you.
3. The player who reads the question determines if you
answered it correctly. The answer is given on the bottom
of the card.
4. If you answered it correctly, follow the directions on
the card and follow the path back to your home habitat.
Keep the card. Each correctly answered card is worth
one point.