LER 0935
Shoes recommended—mat may be slippery when used without shoes.
Mat may become slippery when wet.

The 0–30 Jumbo Number Line Floor Mat is a great tool to get
students out of their chairs and into math! Demonstrate key
number concepts with the whole class, in math centers, or in small
group activities. Combine the mat with any math curriculum activity
sheets involving number lines (up to 30) to make paper-and-pencil
assessments come alive!
Suggested Activities
Number Sequence
To practice number recognition and sequencing in both ascending
and descending order, have students count the numbers as they
walk forward and backward along the line.
Greater Than and Less Than
Roll dice or spin a simple number spinner. Then, ask students to
identify a number that is “greater than” or “less than” that
number. Use the number line to reinforce direction (right and left)
as it relates to number quantity (greater than or less than).
For a challenge, ask students to identify numbers related to a
specific criteria, such as “two more than” or “seven less than” a
given number. Use the number line to show how the student can
walk the line and count aloud to find the solution.
Create a simple chart that tracks student performance. Use the
data to complement traditional paper-and-pencil assessment and
show performance over time.
Skip Counting
Have students skip count along the line by 2s, 3s, 5s, and odd or
even numbers. Challenge students to step only on the numbers that
match the established criteria. Use the color-coding of the numbers
on the mat to reinforce odd and even numbers.
Addition & Subtraction
Model simple two- and three-addend problems on the number line.
Mark numbers with bean bags or have multiple students stand on
the line. Practice modeling fact families and invite students to